Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
if i can be cordial to "pantys in a bunch" M miscmath , so can you
Think Tim Robinson GIF by NETFLIX
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  • 1Thoughts & Prayers
  • 1Worf
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i think that's where the degens ended up. i let it be publicly known that it would be better if there wasn't a jailbait picture thread and constant threads about racism, and was in the minority. i don't really vibe with that idk. i was called close minded because i didn't care to see threads about jews and black people constantly. apparently those guys are looking for a new 4chan, something about free speech idk. most of them probably weren't miscers back when the misc was actually moderated and not full of surprise porn in every thread.
Best part of fall is all the college girls coming back into town

Dangerous af

yes yes and yes

i live near rutgers campus and sept. is the month you can catch me riding my electric skateboard around campus almost daily to check out all the fat booties

everyone is moving back to campus, the weather is perfect so everyone is usually out and about enjoying it.
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah it was amazing, one of the GOATs.

This one was great too. Tell me this shit didn't get ya ready for a match


Him, Sting, and NWO probably represent the best brand management WCW accomplished before WWE really started to bury them.

You can throw DDP in there too. I remember him being the last hope at the end of Goldberg's run through the roster. This was when they had DDP wrapped in an ace bandage fucken lol.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I'll tell you right now, if any one of you cockbitten sons of flearidden bitches posts anything even hinting at thinking about CP, you'll be banned instantly.
We don't play that shit here.

IRL, hanging is too good for such types. Personally I think the gibbet should be brought back as a punishment specifically for people with such proclivities.
  • 10Solidarity
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