Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
bro I used to frequent an old board that went away from an ancient look to "robust" (as they called it), which was closer to this than the ghetto days. Then it got shut down in 2013 and I moved the misc. That forum looked and functioned far better in 2008 than the misc did in 2024. Misc was worse than ghetto, it was from deep within your worst local trailer trash park
Part of me thinks they wanted misc to wither on the vine. That's a pretty miscentric view, though. There were other communities on that board.

However, practically speaking, there is no way they can attempt to modernize and grab new market share and have the misc database just sitting there waiting to haunt them.

Just deleting the misc wouldn't be enough. It would encourage questions and leave a forum behind for bad actors to infest.

A scrub and new start is the best way forward for the company.

The meme dumps toward the end, regardless of how anyone personally felt about them, were objectively too visible.
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Trakanon Raider
I mean the forum's functions are kinda difficult...

eric cartman GIF by South Park
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Trakanon Raider
Part of me thinks they wanted misc to wither on the vine. That's a pretty miscentric view, though. There were other communities on that board.

However, practically speaking, there is no way they can attempt to modernize and grab new market share and have the misc database just sitting there waiting to haunt them.

Just deleting the misc wouldn't be enough. It would encourage questions and leave a forum behind for bad actors to infest.

A scrub and new start is the best way forward for the company.

The meme dumps toward the end, regardless of how anyone personally felt about them, were objectively too visible.

The misc getting the Hillary Clinton BleachBit treatment was doing it a favor.
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Trakanon Raider
This is why I think this was the better place for me to come.

I am a grown ass man, there is no reason any grown man should be frequenting message boards where users are sharing underage girls tik tok videos.

Also I haven't entered it for obvious reasons but I'm pretty sure there's a thread where they were sharing pics of their dicks as well.

Then they all wonder why the first thing bb.coms new ownership did was close down the forum lmao

Yeah, it's real nice that this place doesn't have the pdf files storming it, mods stamp out the freak shows fast and hard. Far more sane environment than the misc, and now that more quality miscers are joining, I can't even imagine being in a new forum that was getting flooded by those assclowns. Good riddance, let them stay at that other dump that got made. Notice how MinisterOfChildLust quickly wore out his welcome.
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Trakanon Raider
Part of me thinks they wanted misc to wither on the vine. That's a pretty miscentric view, though. There were other communities on that board.

However, practically speaking, there is no way they can attempt to modernize and grab new market share and have the misc database just sitting there waiting to haunt them.

Just deleting the misc wouldn't be enough. It would encourage questions and leave a forum behind for bad actors to infest.

A scrub and new start is the best way forward for the company.

The meme dumps toward the end, regardless of how anyone personally felt about them, were objectively too visible.

When I really stop and think about it, part of me is surprised that the site, being as hardcore mainsteam as it was outside of the misc, never got called out on the news for running a legit business while tolerating a forum that acted and (dis)functioned like the misc did all those years. Goes to show you that not nearly enough people really give enough of a shit about bodybuilding as a subject in general with the misc casually floating along like a shitty 4chan lite (except far less relevant than 4chan, I meant lite in terms of the behaviors that went on there) attached to a site that spent the last 20 years longing to be mainsteam, and being as close to it as a bodybuilding site can be
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Trakanon Raider
When I really stop and think about it, part of me is surprised that the site, being as hardcore mainsteam as it was outside of the misc, never got called out on the news for running a legit business while tolerating a forum that acted and (dis)functioned like the misc did all those years. Goes to show you that not nearly enough people really give enough of a shit about bodybuilding as a subject in general with the misc casually floating along like a shitty 4chan lite (except far less relevant than 4chan, I meant lite in terms of the behaviors that went on there) attached to a site that spent the last 20 years longing to be mainsteam, and being as close to it as a bodybuilding site can be
Spot on.

I guess they did not have anyone at the helm that knew what to do with the brand as the fitness industry started blowing up thanks to FB and IG and etc.

They sat back and allowed other companies to divvy up the market. Even podcasters loosely associated with fitness, not even bodybuilding, has a supplement or energy drink or some other shit they plug.

They could be interviewing Brett Weinstein and will drop a supp ad in the middle of talking about gender theory. dropped the ball. Let's see if they can recover.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
i was called close minded because i didn't care to see threads about jews and black people constantly.
I'll tell you a little secret, but pinky promise not to tell anyone okay? I'm not actually racist or anti-semite or a woman-hater, I just think it's fun to play with stereotypes.

pajeets can gtfo though
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Here we go. I'll just sit back and let the boys figure this one out on their own.
What's really great about free speech and expression (and why it's so fucking dangerous to our overlords) is that it is the ultimate retard filter.
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I'll tell you a little secret, but pinky promise not to tell anyone okay? I'm not actually racist or anti-semite or a woman-hater, I just think it's fun to play with stereotypes.

pajeets can gtfo though
yeah i mean i get it, i make my comments and stuff too, jokes are funny

but when every other thread is jew this and astronaut that its just tiring and corny

its not funny or clever when its spammed
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i think that's where the degens ended up. i let it be publicly known that it would be better if there wasn't a jailbait picture thread and constant threads about racism, and was in the minority. i don't really vibe with that idk. i was called close minded because i didn't care to see threads about jews and black people constantly. apparently those guys are looking for a new 4chan, something about free speech idk. most of them probably weren't miscers back when the misc was actually moderated and not full of surprise porn in every thread.
miscreformed? if so, you are full of shit srs

constant threads about racism? what the hell are you talking about? and there was one jailbait thread (tiktokers definitely not minors- although i do find that kind of thread dull and played out)). so stop bitching and making up shit.
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miscreformed? if so, you are full of shit srs

constant threads about racism? what the hell are you talking about? and there was one jailbait thread (tiktokers definitely not minors- although i do find that kind of thread dull and played out)). so stop bitching and making up shit.
There was a guy with the user name that was just straight up the word n*gger
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