Misc Refugee Thread


<Silver Donator>
I don't think so? AFAIK once it knits together they'll just pull the staples out and that's it.

I think some of the hair will pull/slide out, other hair will come off with scabbing. As long as it's mostly "above" the laceration I don't think it matters at all?

But I'm no Nurse/Dr so I could be wrong.
weird, I would think it would cause ingrown hairs/infections but what the fuck do I know
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🌭🍔🇺🇦✌️SLAVA UKRAINI!✌️🇺🇦🍔🌭
<Gold Donor>
I mean, maybe there's an outside chance?

I used to tag Kuriin Kuriin but maybe he's gone now? Shit.

Oh, there's always Dr Izo Izo !! Shoulda been my first choice.
Izo is probably legally required to make the kid trans before any other diagnosis.
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Potato del Grande
You mean like @Ossoi or Chris Chris ?

I don't think they've completely worn out their welcome yet. But by God, they really do have their days, you know?

I don't hate either of them, but they sure are 'characters', if you know what I mean

Also, don't forget, they never troll! That's Rule #1

It's weird to hear someone say that they've never trolled and were being 100% serious and honest, right after being unbelievably disruptive and argumentative. would actually sound better if they just said they were trolling and would knock it off, instead of essentially telling people that this is how they really are, have no self control, don't understand what the issue is, and if that's the case...they're guaranteed to do it again and again and again.

Now, I'm a troll. I troll folks all of the fucking time. But I either try to make it blatantly obvious, or it's the sort of troll that's not going to hurt anyone. I don't go into /pol very often, and I'm sure as shit not going to go in there to stir the pot and start a shitstorm. It'd be too easy, and all I'd get out of it would be a ton of hate and warnings from Mods to knock it the fuck off.
Trolling means saying things you don't mean to get a reaction out of people?

I don't generally do that. The closest I think I got was Araysar posting a few months ago which I appogised for mainly because you criticised it and I respect your opinion, but even that I was trying to make a point even if it came off as weird/annoying/disruptive and wasn't effective.

I usually mean what I post.. but if I decide to use sarcasm or irony it seems like I'm not very good at it and I come off as lying or disingenuous. All I can do is try not to do it, suceed at that and hope people agree I'm being less annoying.

I've also tried to back up my opinions with a bit more substance, for example actually beating the D4 endgame or getting WoW Mythic+ Keystone Master with a controller.

I hope we just define the word differently because I'm not going to say I've not been argumentative... but that's flaming? I'd not argue against occasionally disruptive, but as always with this place that's on the people replying too.

Ossoi on the other hand tried to recruit me to troll some tech forum or football forum or something. He's genuinely unhinged and it's insulting to be mentioned in the same breath as him.

Like... come on... Ossoi’s Diesel Lamentation, Insulin & Domination thread - a sub AMA or ODLIDTASAMA for short
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Trakanon Raider
It's going to hit 99 degrees today. It's October.

It's supposed to cool down!

Someone say something about climate chage so I can neg them.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Trolling generally means saying things you don't mean to get a reaction out of people?

I mean, not necessarily.

Sometimes people say things they DO believe...especially when they want to get a reaction out of people.

As an example, let's say someone wanted to be a douchebag to BunkyChutt BunkyChutt about Pro Wrestling being fake. (this is just a fresh topic that happens to fit; this isn't aimed at anyone)

Now, you could 100% believe that wrestling is fake. But you could also intentionally troll the guy by haranguing him about it, you know? Just to fuck with him, or to get a reaction out of him. And then afterwards, try covering your ass by saying "But I can't be trolling, because it's what I really BELIEVE!!".

You see what I'm saying here?

Trolling people and then defending yourself by arguing you aren't trolling because you believe what you's not a good defense because it comes down to intent, and people are just going to be like "You meant to be a meant to be a dick about it, it wasn't a fucking ACCIDENT"

As another example, I might think that "Gender Affirming Care" for minors is morally corrupt and would allow children to be surgically mangled or chemically scarred with hormone blockers, before they're competent enough to even form an actual opinion for themselves as an adult. But if I logged into Facebook and decided to fuck with a bunch of pro-Trans groups, just to elicit a reaction? That'd definitely be trolling.

Your problem is that after a while, people just started assuming that you were doing it with the purpose of trolling, regardless of what you personally believed. It was almost like people were imagining you making this face while you were asking questions like "I thought Russia was a superpower? Why are they struggling so much with Ukraine? Russia isn't WEAK are they?!?"

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Buzzfeed Editor
Trolling means saying things you don't mean to get a reaction out of people?

I don't generally do that. The closest I think I got was Araysar posting a few months ago which I appogised for mainly because you criticised it and I respect your opinion, but even that I was trying to make a point even if it came off as weird/annoying/disruptive and wasn't effective.

I usually mean what I post.. but if I decide to use sarcasm or irony it seems like I'm not very good at it and I come off as lying or disingenuous. All I can do is try not to do it, suceed at that and hope people agree I'm being less annoying.

I've also tried to back up my opinions with a bit more substance, for example actually beating the D4 endgame or getting WoW Mythic+ Keystone Master with a controller.

I hope we just define the word differently because I'm not going to say I've not been argumentative... but that's flaming? I'd not argue against occasionally disruptive, but as always with this place that's on the people replying too.

Ossoi on the other hand tried to recruit me to troll some tech forum or football forum or something. He's genuinely unhinged and it's insulting to be mentioned in the same breath as him.

Like... come on... Ossoi’s Diesel Lamentation, Insulin & Domination thread - a sub AMA or ODLIDTASAMA for short

What the hell are you all arguing about at this point, anyway?
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Trakanon Raider
I mean, not necessarily.

Sometimes people say things they DO believe...especially when they want to get a reaction out of people.

As an example, let's say someone wanted to be a douchebag to BunkyChutt BunkyChutt about Pro Wrestling being fake. (this is just a fresh topic that happens to fit; this isn't aimed at anyone)

Now, you could 100% believe that wrestling is fake. But you could also intentionally troll the guy by haranguing him about it, you know? Just to fuck with him, or to get a reaction out of him. And then afterwards, try covering your ass by saying "But I can't be trolling, because it's what I really BELIEVE!!".

You see what I'm saying here?

Trolling people and then defending yourself by arguing you aren't trolling because you believe what you's not a good defense because it comes down to intent, and people are just going to be like "You meant to be a meant to be a dick about it, it wasn't a fucking ACCIDENT"

As another example, I might think that "Gender Affirming Care" for minors is morally corrupt and would allow children to be surgically mangled or chemically scarred with hormone blockers, before they're competent enough to even form an actual opinion for themselves as an adult. But if I logged into Facebook and decided to fuck with a bunch of pro-Trans groups, just to elicit a reaction? That'd definitely be trolling.

Your problem is that after a while, people just started assuming that you were doing it with the purpose of trolling, regardless of what you personally believed. It was almost like people were imagining you making this face while you were asking questions like "I thought Russia was a superpower? Why are they struggling so much with Ukraine? Russia isn't WEAK are they?!?"

There is a special place in Hell for trolls.

When they go they will spend an eternity moderating newmisc and retard rickshaw inside some smelly Indian tech support compound.

Imagine spending 1000 years trying to convince T taskmob that no one from FoH spammed them with scat and gore only to be met with more conspiratorial fever dreams.

If you've found yourself on a downward spiral of harassing facebook knitting groups you need to get right with the Lord.

Melissa Barrera Church GIF by Vida
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I don’t think Taskmob was trolling. I think he may actually be that much of a stubborn retard.
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Bald Brah

Molten Core Raider
I'd say 90 percent conservative but man those 10 percent were prolific in their posting. So probably 75 percent of the political forum was unhinged liberals. Unfortunately one of the mods was a fat liberal J.A.P. so a lot of the conservatives caught undeserved banhammers.

Granted there were some stormfront types that did deserve it.
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Buzzfeed Editor
So anyways...where did the misc come down, politically? Mostly conservative, mostly liberal, or a mix?

Misc was something like 70% conservative / 30% liberal towards the end. The liberals spent the last 5 years or so making the politics sub basically unusable with the extremely loud screeching and trolling. Several libs of the politics section were legitimate groomers who should have been been perm'd back around 2016 but never were because the misc mods were always useless shits. Some openly proud libturd named KyleAaron was a mod in the politics sub in the 2010's who would drop mod negs and bans when his feelings were hurt. Not really sure who was modding it after that, but they were giving bodhy a weekly rep to keep him out of the red.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
See the thing is, when you take away all censorship, all accounting for 'hurty fee fees', liberals flee.

Because they're full of shit; you know it, they know it. They know you know. Hence the screeching.

But when the Light of Truth is full blast, they wither.

Like the commie faggots they are.
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