Misc Refugee Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
I'd say 90 percent conservative but man those 10 percent were prolific in their posting. So probably 75 percent of the political forum was unhinged liberals. Unfortunately one of the mods was a fat liberal J.A.P. so a lot of the conservatives caught undeserved banhammers.

Granted there were some stormfront types that did deserve it.

Are you done defending the groomers like monsterpeed0ultra yet? Seemed like all of the groomers were libs there. Him, Rapey Pat, MOL, etc.
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Trakanon Raider
See the thing is, when you take away all censorship, all accounting for 'hurty fee fees', liberals flee.

Because they're full of shit; you know it, they know it. They know you know. Hence the screeching.

But when the Light of Truth is full blast, they wither.

Like the commie faggots they are.
There are two things I have found enrage them more than most other things:

1. Reminding them that they belong to the same legally recognized political entity responsible for slavery and the civil war (among other things). They become really irate when you refuse to accept their "the parties switched" magic trick.

2. Saying "I disagree" without further explanation. For a group that believes that everything is relative and debatable this is simply unacceptable. The longer you refuse to explain yourself the more upset they become.
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Bald Brah

Molten Core Raider
Are you done defending the groomers like monsterpeed0ultra yet? Seemed like all of the groomers were libs there. Him, Rapey Pat, MOL, etc.

No but the guys like Pwally and LooksMaxius are 100 percent okay by me and did not deserve to get banned for some very mild stuff. I mean if looks maximus wants to pay some young girls money to mail him her dirty panties so he can sniff them on youtube for everyone to laugh at I'm definitely watching and laughing.

And you can stop being a faggot Karen any time you like
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Lord Nagafen Raider
We've had that too. @Tanoomba was one, also @hodj I guess (EDIT: oh that's right, hodj just shows up once a year now, he basically banned himself). Always wanted to be 'right' and would never STFU. Derailed entire threads. Then we had the 'rage' trolls like @column and @qwerty. But we really haven't had as many rage trolls in recent years like we used to? But that's just my gut feeling, the current Mods and LRR would know better.

One of the worst things was having to argue with people who would stir up a thread and derail entire discussions, and in the end it would be dozens of people all yelling at and arguing with that one person. Then if you put that troll into timeout, they'd flip out, say they'd done nothing wrong, claim the right to free speech (LOL) and demand that everyone else get punished instead. Just fucking bizarre. Kind of a "Why are you punishing me? I'm not wrong, and I broke no rules. It's everyone else that's the problem." Trying to talk people through that is fucking exhausting, and for what? So that maybe you don't have to finally ban them? That rarely ever worked. So you just get annoyed and frustrated for no fucking reason, only for that person to end up banned anyways, because they have no fucking self control.

The older I get, the less patient I am with retards. I'm still not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I'm glad that Taskmob got banned, though. For a while there I was thinking that he wasn't going to be, because @Lightning Lord Rule wasn't finished 'playing with his food' quite yet.
Oh we had plenty of that (especially in our politics section - some of the absolute biggest faggots), of course there wasn't any sort of timeout - beyond incredibly rare (temporary and very brief) they were just free to continue being insufferable faggots ad infinitum and constantly ruin/derail discussions.
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Potato del Grande
I mean, not necessarily.

Sometimes people say things they DO believe...especially when they want to get a reaction out of people.

As an example, let's say someone wanted to be a douchebag to @BunkyChutt about Pro Wrestling being fake. (this is just a fresh topic that happens to fit; this isn't aimed at anyone)

Now, you could 100% believe that wrestling is fake. But you could also intentionally troll the guy by haranguing him about it, you know? Just to fuck with him, or to get a reaction out of him. And then afterwards, try covering your ass by saying "But I can't be trolling, because it's what I really BELIEVE!!".

You see what I'm saying here?

Trolling people and then defending yourself by arguing you aren't trolling because you believe what you's not a good defense because it comes down to intent, and people are just going to be like "You meant to be a meant to be a dick about it, it wasn't a fucking ACCIDENT"

As another example, I might think that "Gender Affirming Care" for minors is morally corrupt and would allow children to be surgically mangled or chemically scarred with hormone blockers, before they're competent enough to even form an actual opinion for themselves as an adult. But if I logged into Facebook and decided to fuck with a bunch of pro-Trans groups, just to elicit a reaction? That'd definitely be trolling.

Your problem is that after a while, people just started assuming that you were doing it with the purpose of trolling, regardless of what you personally believed. It was almost like people were imagining you making this face while you were asking questions like "I thought Russia was a superpower? Why are they struggling so much with Ukraine? Russia isn't WEAK are they?!?"

Totally agree with all that. I will amend my definition of the word.

I totally stand by the meaning of the quote you posted at the end, but I see how it wasn't a constructive way to convey my point and I came across as a psychotic douchebag.
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🌭🍔🇺🇦✌️SLAVA UKRAINI!✌️🇺🇦🍔🌭
<Gold Donor>
1. Reminding them that they belong to the same legally recognized political entity responsible for slavery and the civil war (among other things). They become really irate when you refuse to accept their "the parties switched" magic trick.

I really don't understand people get upset by this. It really should be something to be proud of. I'm speaking as an avid socialist myself, tho my type of socialism is a bit more nationalistic than some.
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Trakanon Raider
I really don't understand people get upset by this. It really should be something to be proud of. I'm speaking as an avid socialist myself, tho my type of socialism is a bit more nationalistic than some.
They like to think that had they lived in those days that they would have been Republicans.

Meanwhile we're watching a slave trade cross our southern border live on television and, true to their political predecessors, contemporary Democrats are advocating it, and have even attempted to assassinate the Republican president promising to put an end to it.

That's enough from me though I want to respect the mod's request to keep this stuff in the pol section.

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Misc was something like 70% conservative / 30% liberal towards the end. The liberals spent the last 5 years or so making the politics sub basically unusable with the extremely loud screeching and trolling. Several libs of the politics section were legitimate groomers who should have been been perm'd back around 2016 but never were because the misc mods were always useless shits. Some openly proud libturd named KyleAaron was a mod in the politics sub in the 2010's who would drop mod negs and bans when his feelings were hurt. Not really sure who was modding it after that, but they were giving bodhy a weekly rep to keep him out of the red.
I think there was a lot of quite love for the left on the misc, they wouldn't openly post about it too much because they couldn't defend their position. I see it a lot more now on new misc, I've seen people get comfortable with it since a lot of the guys who might call out that stuff either left, or they're on here.

I'm not going to name anyone, but a few I've known about, and a few surprised me recently.

I think there are a lot of people that just gravitate toward what the few stronger voices in the group say, and don't really think for themselves. We saw a lot of that during covid in the real world.
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Buzzfeed Editor
They like to think that had they lived in those days that they would have been Republicans.

Meanwhile we're watching a slave trade cross our southern border live on television and, true to their political predecessors, contemporary Democrats are advocating it, and have even attempted to assassinate the Republican president promising to put an end to it.

That's enough from me though I want to respect the mod's request to keep this stuff in the pol section.

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Walking In Vince Mcmahon GIF by WWE
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Tranny Chaser
I mean, maybe there's an outside chance?

I used to tag @Kuriin but maybe he's gone now? Shit.

Oh, there's always Dr Izo Izo !! Shoulda been my first choice.
It's 50-50 when it comes to scalp, trunc, arms and legs. Last meta I read was for hib surgery complications, surgical staples vs sutures. Staples are faster, similar cosmemetics. Cheap is good.

There are, expensive auto suture tools for closing as well, but I've not read meta on them yet.
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Molten Core Raider
See the thing is, when you take away all censorship, all accounting for 'hurty fee fees', liberals flee.

Because they're full of shit; you know it, they know it. They know you know. Hence the screeching.

But when the Light of Truth is full blast, they wither.

Like the commie faggots they are.
that's because they're really just accelerationists.

The silent hand of lib moderation was absolutely corrupt on the misc. It was ridiculous and anytime you pointed it out all the libs would call you a conspiracy theorist in concert with each other.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
They like to think that had they lived in those days that they would have been Republicans.

Meanwhile we're watching a slave trade cross our southern border live on television and, true to their political predecessors, contemporary Democrats are advocating it, and have even attempted to assassinate the Republican president promising to put an end to it.

That's enough from me though I want to respect the mod's request to keep this stuff in the pol section.
I've heard people call them limousine liberals, and they're some of the worst people out there, and they're some of the biggest racists. They mostly come from wealthy WASP or Jewish families and their entire worldview depends on seeing themselves as superior to every other race or social class. Their "help" for the world is really just self satisfaction.

It's why communists leaders often came from these social classes. It's a mixture of arrogance, naivety, and having grown up isolated in wealth and comfort that you can actually believe ridiculous political theories that fail basic smell tests. Today it manifests itself as support of gay rights, abortion, and now the trans movement.

There's more to it, especially with communism, and I think there's a genuine evil component to it where certain proponents aren't just naive disconnected spoiled brats, but they push this stuff because they know it destroys society, but I'm already getting way too tangential for this thread.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I think there was a lot of quite love for the left on the misc, they wouldn't openly post about it too much because they couldn't defend their position. I see it a lot more now on new misc, I've seen people get comfortable with it since a lot of the guys who might call out that stuff either left, or they're on here.

I'm not going to name anyone, but a few I've known about, and a few surprised me recently.

I think there are a lot of people that just gravitate toward what the few stronger voices in the group say, and don't really think for themselves. We saw a lot of that during covid in the real world.
When have lefties ever let that stop them before?
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Lord Nagafen Raider
When have lefties ever let that stop them before?
I think there's some of that on both sides, if you don't fully know how to articulate a topic you can do more of disservice to it by arguing it than to do nothing at all. A lot of people on R&P never let that slow them down though, you're right.

It was hard for me to even take certain people on there seriously because they were so ridiculous.
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The Mongler

Blackwing Lair Raider
So anyways...where did the misc come down, politically? Mostly conservative, mostly liberal, or a mix?

The R&P section seemed mostly liberal in 2008, but only slightly so. The whole atheism vs christianity thing, plus bush being a doofus, plus mccain / romney being They held on through Obamas term but Trump had all but the most outrageous of commie groomers peacing out. In the end the left was comprised nearly entirely of people like bodhy

This seemed to cause a lot of the right wingers to leave too because if you're interested in a spirited discussion from the other side an all you get is lunatic ravings about nazis, it gets tiresome
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Buzzfeed Editor
The R&P section seemed mostly liberal in 2008, but only slightly so. The whole atheism vs christianity thing, plus bush being a doofus, plus mccain / romney being They held on through Obamas term but Trump had all but the most outrageous of commie groomers peacing out. In the end the left was comprised nearly entirely of people like bodhy

This seemed to cause a lot of the right wingers to leave too because if you're interested in a spirited discussion from the other side an all you get is lunatic ravings about nazis, it gets tiresome

The libs of the misc religion/politics forum were outragiously annoying since Trump became a serious contder for the GOP nom in 2015, with their brother KyleAaron modding with a liberal fist of justice during much of that time.

I always thought it was funny when conservative miscers would talk about silliebazillie as if he were ever anything other than a total liberal shitbag on that forum. "But sillie acts more civil than the other liberals here!!!", they would shriek. Meanwhile, Sillie was a proud OG member of the libturd shitbag crew that consisted of such freak shows as NYPat, MOL, and Phil9IQ. He supported their degeneracy and considered them personal friends of his until the very end, yet some conservative miscers made excuses for it just because he managed to act nicely towards them a few times.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
They like to think that had they lived in those days that they would have been Republicans.

Meanwhile we're watching a slave trade cross our southern border live on television and, true to their political predecessors, contemporary Democrats are advocating it, and have even attempted to assassinate the Republican president promising to put an end to it.

That's enough from me though I want to respect the mod's request to keep this stuff in the pol section.

Shocked GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
That and the mods tend to have a bit of Red Right Hand...

drunk ian mcshane GIF by Hellboy Movie
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Buzzfeed Editor
No but the guys like Pwally and LooksMaxius are 100 percent okay by me and did not deserve to get banned for some very mild stuff. I mean if looks maximus wants to pay some young girls money to mail him her dirty panties so he can sniff them on youtube for everyone to laugh at I'm definitely watching and laughing.

And you can stop being a faggot Karen any time you like

You're really fucking weird, dude
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Buzzfeed Editor
I implore all miscers itt to stop and think for just a moment, what is going on here right now.

What we have happening right now is ongoing arguement regarding drama about a forum any of us would have been embarrassed af about to have been associated with in any capacity IRL - a forum that hasn't been even remotely revelant since about 2009, and has been officially dead for about a month. Now stop and ponder what the good folks of your real life would think of it if they found out it was still the topic of the day even after said forum was officially scrapped by their ownership lol
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