Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider
I implore all miscers itt to stop and think for just a moment, what is going on here right now.

What we have happening right now is ongoing arguement regarding drama about a forum any of us would have been embarrassed af about to have been associated with in any capacity IRL - a forum that hasn't been even remotely revelant since about 2009, and has been officially dead for about a month. Now stop and ponder what the good folks of your real life would think of it if they found out it was still the topic of the day even after said forum was officially scrapped by their ownership lol
I'll shitpost about anything tbh
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I implore all miscers itt to stop and think for just a moment, what is going on here right now.

What we have happening right now is ongoing arguement regarding drama about a forum any of us would have been embarrassed af about to have been associated with in any capacity IRL - a forum that hasn't been even remotely revelant since about 2009, and has been officially dead for about a month. Now stop and ponder what the good folks of your real life would think of it if they found out it was still the topic of the day even after said forum was officially scrapped by their ownership lol
Would you change your mind about something because someone irl would think some way about you? What exactly are you posting that makes you feel ashamed?

Also, some drama is fun.

For me it stops being fun when people go out of their way to make personal attacks, and go down the road of telling each other to kill themselves, but a little drama is ok.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Would you change your mind about something because someone irl would think some way about you? What exactly are you posting that makes you feel ashamed?

Also, some drama is fun.

For me it stops being fun when people go out of their way to make personal attacks, and go down the road of telling each other to kill themselves, but a little drama is ok.

I just don't understand how drama from a forum that died a month ago now is so entertaining for some of you. The time to give a shit about it was when it still existed. Now it feels like bitching about a void.
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🌭🍔🇺🇦✌️SLAVA UKRAINI!✌️🇺🇦🍔🌭
<Gold Donor>
I just don't understand how drama from a forum that died a momth ago now is so entertaining for some of you.
Best get used to it. People on this forum bring up forum drama from 20+ year old dead forums.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Seems like a lot of miscers who stopped by during the few weeks but haven't posted much don't plan on being regulars here
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Trakanon Raider
DIY measuring is not allowed. All tools and instruments are validated and regulated.

Glands palpation is performed by Lanx Lanx until erectile quality is sufficient for grading.
Of course leaving it to some min maxing gamer nerds to have perfected this.

I'm out of my depth.
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The Mongler

Blackwing Lair Raider
The libs of the misc religion/politics forum were outragiously annoying since Trump became a serious contder for the GOP nom in 2015, with their brother KyleAaron modding with a liberal fist of justice during much of that time.

I always thought it was funny when conservative miscers would talk about silliebazillie as if he were ever anything other than a total liberal shitbag on that forum. "But sillie acts more civil than the other liberals here!!!", they would shriek. Meanwhile, Sillie was a proud OG member of the libturd shitbag crew that consisted of such freak shows as NYPat, MOL, and Phil9IQ. He supported their degeneracy and considered them personal friends of his until the very end, yet some conservative miscers made excuses for it just because he managed to act nicely towards them a few times.

I chatted often with sillie on the discord. He could be very friendly and very civil but every once in a while he'd snap and have a TDS chimpout. The sad fact is we have a huge mental illness epidemic that is going untreated
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Blackwing Lair Raider
DIY measuring is not allowed. All tools and instruments are validated and regulated.

Glands palpation is performed by Lanx Lanx until erectile quality is sufficient for grading.

Don't worry, we're using a Starrett tape measure that is certified calibrated traceable to NIST.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I was talking to some people I know, and apparently I'm the only person who remembers "Penis Inspection Day" in Elementary School. The gym teacher took us into the washroom one at a time while everyone else kept playing, and tugged our foreskin back and inspected our penis to make sure we were developing properly and keeping clean. Surely I can't be the only one who remembers this, other people must have had Penis Inspection Day at their school too.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I was talking to some people I know, and apparently I'm the only person who remembers "Penis Inspection Day" in Elementary School. The gym teacher took us into the washroom one at a time while everyone else kept playing, and tugged our foreskin back and inspected our penis to make sure we were developing properly and keeping clean. Surely I can't be the only one who remembers this, other people must have had Penis Inspection Day at their school too.

I had it, too. But we went to the nurse's office, and it was some doctor they brought in to do it. OR maybe it was a nurse, she was some really old lady.

So are you saying your gym teacher actually performed the inspection? Or was there a nurse in the bathroom?
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Trakanon Raider

Man Slaps A Baby In The Face In A Fit Of Rage & The Parents Just Walk Away​

That's legit triggering.

The kind of situation that you wish you had been there to upend that twink and drop him on that empty fucken melon of his.

Episode 9 Sigh GIF by One Chicago
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