I did. I read all the fine print and decided it was a good deal. The cost after the initial penny was still less than I would have had to pay in the record store. I had asked my parents what they thought and they were impressed that I'd read all the fine print so they approved.
Now, where I fucked up is that I underestimated how little I liked music. Halfway through the commitment I'd slap run out of albums that interested me. But I knew exactly what I was getting into and I kept my word. I remember I got something from a band called Raven because the album was named Life's a Bitch. That one song was decent but the rest was garbage. "Life's a bitch ... when it's got you by the balls. Life's a bitch ... when you feel the squeeze" It never even occurred to me to just stop because even as a pre-teen I had integrity.
It was a penny taped to the reply card when I was a kid. But maybe lenardo is old as fuck and had to buy LPs or 8 tracks.