That madone has a unibody carbon frame. Your car, by comparison, is made of cheaper materials that fit together.I get that the components are priced at what they are. This is my point. A car has an order of magnitude more components than a bicycle, plus electronics, computers, safety systems, etc. How does something with as few parts as a bicycle cost $18,000 USD in the example above? There is no way on this earth the cost is anywhere close to that to produce.
?? You're conflating the question "is it worth it to spend that much on a bike?" with the question he actually asked which was "How can a bike be as expensive as a car?"Given that money can be exchanged for many goods and services it is not unfair to make such comparisons.
You can do quite a bit with 17k.
Go get tested for it. I've got some severe asthma and so keeping my weight down with a regime of twice daily Advair and pre-dosing with whatever-is-replacing-Albuterol is the "easy" way to make sure I can ride. Steroids/etc will "help" in the short term (zyrtec, clairitin), but not actually help you control it. There's a bunch of shit I had to do too (complete allergy test) to find out exactly what causes it, but fuck it was so nice to fix some of the small things (hypoallergenic pillows and bed sheets, avoid smoke, losing weight) and then to be able to actually inhale fully.Its like asking why legos cost $100-200 bucks for a set. just some cheap machine crafted plastic right?
You are paying for precision crafting, high quality parts, high quality control, and NO mass production.
I need to find the time/money to get to the doctor. Think I have asthma or something. zyrtec has helped with cough and sinuses a bit, but not totally. And beyond that, cardio is getting harder and harder. Almost blacked out on a fairly short ride on Saturday.
fuckin trak bike bullshit, doesn't even have spoke holes in the back, lol!Guys, look at this bike for 12grand, it doesn't even have brakes!!1! What a ripoff, I could totally get a KIA for that with brakes.
Ok, an apples to apples comparison from the same manufacturer: The full blown mountain bike is ~$10k and the full blown street bike is $17k. The mountain bike is also full carbon frame and utilizes more complex systems like front and rear suspension and disk brakes. There's also more raw carbon fiber due to the rugged design of the frame.That madone has a unibody carbon frame. Your car, by comparison, is made of cheaper materials that fit together.