Big Trouble In Little China Remake


For years, there have been talks and deals and even some scripts for an american-made live-action version of Akira. At some point it was supposed to take place in Neo New York or something...


Millie's Staff Member
i think quite a few of those movies have been in the works for many years. perhaps that wishful thinking, i cant imagine a remake of those classics like gremlins or commando and i really have trouble wrapping my head around others which have been remade, but with different names not too long ago.

Death Wish =Death Sentence(with kevin bacon)
Battle Royale=Hunger Games
Dirty Dancing=Step Up?
Short Circuit=Chappie

westworld is essentially jurassic park but with robots that go crazy at an amusement park
romancing the stone is essentially a raiders of the lost ark clone
videodrome will not work in this day and age, unless its about evil internet stuff, which has been done many times and gets worse and worse each time they try it.

escape from new york had a sequel which was horrible
an american werewolf in london had a sequel which was horrible
pet semetary had a sequel which was horrible
highlander had sequels which were horrible
mortal kombat had a sequel which was horrible, or at least i have almost no memory of it

some of those other films are simply never going to be remade because they are out of place in this pussy pc world we live in.

overboard? about a man who out of revenge deceives a woman suffering from amnesia into thinking she is his wife so she can cook and clean and raise his foul mouthed kids? never gonna happen.

ben hur? too religious and the iconic chariot race due to animal rights groups will be impossible to duplicate unless its done in all cgi.

toxic avenger? only troma can remake a troma movie and i think even lloyd kaufman is too old to recreate that magic, the TA sequels sucked too.

the birds? uh never gonna happen if they use real birds, so CGI it is, hello birdemic 3!


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The Crow (I read something a week ago about them casting a woman to play Michael Wincott's part in this...) ahah this movie can be faithful to the comics but will not stand like brandon lee's movie did. a woman? lol
Dirty Dancing...there are like 3494723894273198 movies about dancing,one more?
Starship Troopers...Verhoeven's movie can be campy but still is awesome
Seven Samurai....trashing asian movies for the 3847312984731294827349365th time
Neverending Story.....huh?why?
Akira....see Seven Samurai (plus there is already greenlight for Ghost in the Shell with Scarlett Johansson...fuck!)
American version will be sweet lol
Commando....terminator, totall recall; then maybe it's Predator, Last Action Hero,etc...
Escape from New York....The thing (prequel), 42837462378 sequels of Halloween, so everything is going according to plan Queen soundtrack? good luck with that.
Short Circuit = Chappie
Gremlins...WHY?!?!? i know 2 is not that good but ffs
A Prophet...F.U.C.K Y.O.U!!!!
Bloodsport (
Mortal Kombat....they tried but ended with a mini youtube series which i think it's already cancelled.
Police Academy....i think it's already dead after the 3rd movie. plus, no mahoney and other memorable characters? and Bubba Smith is dead you fucks.
Tomb Raider...another video game movie, oh wow so excited to see how they are going to trash this shit...again.
Cliffhanger...with Sly?
Voltron....*childhood slowly being killed*
The Invisible Man...well, this deserve a remake
Battle Royale....this is already cancelled after the HG movies were made. but who knows,right? this is Hollywood we're talking about.
Day of the Dead....oh, more zombie movies. seen it!
Untitled I am Legend Reboot....THIS is the only one i am truly wanting.
Ben Hur...they wouldn't dare!oh right...Hollywood.
another fucking Friday the 13th reboot....meh, why not? already was in Space, in Hell....underwater maybe?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Next thing you know they will be remaking "The Matrix".

Like every remake, I will wait on the reviews. Mad Max was pretty good after all.


Avatar of War Slayer
Mad Max - Fury Road wasnt a remake though. Same Director ect
Yup, the only thing that sort of messes with "is it a reboot?" is the fact the interceptor was there... but really that was just put in to make the fans smile and be a funny running gag of Max taking back (or attempting to) his random stuff throughout the movie.


Golden Squire
A lot of the movies being remade are very much of the time they were made and for that reason just cannot be duplicated in modern day.
Most of them due to their campy nature are really only what they are because they were completely unique at the time so in remaking them you lose what made them special in the first place.

Do these abominations even make any money?

Also please don't remake Time Bandits.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Fright Night and True Grit are only recent remakes I cant think of that were better than the original. I would say Evil dead was good but is that isnt a remake right?


Golden Squire
Fright Night was not better than the original, it's a different movie with the same name.

The Evil Dead 2 is better than The Evil Dead but it was made by the same director and star just with a larger budget.

The Evil Dead is Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, that is all.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't usually care too much about remakes, but a Big Trouble remake really annoys me.


Trakanon Raider
cause the new Poltergiest was sooo good, hollywood has to do all these others. They never learn, they figure, these are classics and should be re-introduced to a new generation.
I agree, they should be introduced, not re-introduced. My 9 year old Loves BTILC, i can't imagine him watching a new one.....
It'll be all messed up with CGI and no real talent behind the special effects, no CGI is just better!
ugh, not happy about this one at all.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Fright Night was not better than the original, it's a different movie with the same name.

The Evil Dead 2 is better than The Evil Dead but it was made by the same director and star just with a larger budget.

The Evil Dead is Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, that is all.
New fright night had tons of scene for scene and I did enjoy it more than the original but its probably because farrell nailed the part. As for evil dead I was refering to the evil dead from 2 years ago but isnt it just a sequel to evil dead 2 or continuation?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I thought the Fright Night remake was actually a good one, both a homage to the original and some modernized twists. Plus Collin Farrell nailed it like Homsar said. Very few remakes/reboots get the right balance between paying homage (and avoiding unintentional parody) and doing a new take on the material (as opposed to taking an unrelated story and shoe horning it into an old IP). It rarely works out, but people keep doing it so some idiot is buying the tickets to see these trainwrecks.

Of actual reboots or remakes I can only think of a handful franchises where it worked out and even in those cases there were people who disliked it for various reasons (Nolan Batman, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes) or they were not financially successful enough to continue despite being decent movies (A-Team, Tron 2.0, Dark Shadows). Fury Road, as stated, was not really a reboot but a continuation (as is the current Bond film series), so I don't really count those.

I just don't see anyone remaking any Carpenter movie without it ending up a total DBZ/Super Mario Bros. level of shitfest.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
cause the new Poltergiest was sooo good, hollywood has to do all these others. They never learn, they figure, these are classics and should be re-introduced to a new generation.
There isn't enough actual creative talent in Hollywood for the number of studios that there are to continuously crank out original material that people are willing to pay to see.

I was trying to think of a movie from the past that would be absolutely beyond the ability of the vultures to pick anything from it's bones. Blazing Saddles immediately came to mind. There is simply no way in today's culture to put a movie like that out again ... I thought ...


Animated, kid-friendly, all of the characters are dogs and cats ... there are no depths these people will not sink to.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That list seems to be lacking, I could have sworn there was remakes in the works for Gone with the Wind and other classics like A Wonderful Life, Casablanca


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
And while not strictly a remake, Million Ways to Die was clearly a huge riff on Blazing Saddles.


How so? It's been a while since I saw Blazing Saddles, but other than being a comedy in a wild west context, I don't see any similarity. Were some of the jokes reused? Because the plot is pretty different as far as I can remember.


Got something right about marriage
A Time Bandits remake? If it stars Peter Dinklage I'm on board.