Tried to start watching this the other day but gave up. I'm finding so many big budget modern TV shows to have the same built in flaw: all the characters seem to be assholes I have no emotional connection to. And without emotional connection to a character, there is no reason to watch. Axelrod, the AG, their wives, the others, all of them in this show seem to be assholes. Now, these are very good actors, and play their roles very well, but that just means they're supreme assholes. 
I have watched a good deal of older shows (from the 70s to the 90s and early 2000s) and I can always find characters to emote to, either the heroes to win or baddies to lose. The new shows seem to be "post modern" in that they try to have no good or bad characters, but in stead of having good guys with flaws and bad guys with good sides, it's just all a slight variation on shit.
So, am I just a bitter old guy remembering the good old days, or have others noticed this trend?
I have watched a good deal of older shows (from the 70s to the 90s and early 2000s) and I can always find characters to emote to, either the heroes to win or baddies to lose. The new shows seem to be "post modern" in that they try to have no good or bad characters, but in stead of having good guys with flaws and bad guys with good sides, it's just all a slight variation on shit.
So, am I just a bitter old guy remembering the good old days, or have others noticed this trend?