Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's legitimately one of the theories about how El Salvador is going to "turn it around" with Bitcoin as their national currency -- attract crypto investors via an extremely friendly tax regime + fast track citizenship + immediate residency.


<Bronze Donator>
The problem with El Salvador is it is full of El Salvadorians.
  • 2Mother of God
  • 1Blown
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Isn't El Salvador one of the nicer countries down there?
  • 1Seriously?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
It's in the Northern Triangle of Death- one of the poorest and most dangerous places in the world. No one is buying a beach house and moving there.

Edit: You might be thinking of Costa Rica, which is great.
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  • 1Worf
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's just such a joke. Bitcoin, with zero use cases and a limited supply, is the economic model supposedly turning it around for them. The $50 million on Lightning is going to bootstrap El Salvador's economy. They don't even see that Bitcoin is now competing with Cardano on shithole crypto adoption, watching them fight over smart contract development is going to be like watching cripples fight (aka Sunday family dinner for Flobee Flobee ).
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
El Salvador's murder rate is something like 10x higher than the US'.
I'm just saying, maybe murder rate is a bad metric. If it's mostly criminals killing other criminals, that's a good way to keep the criminal population low.


Vyemm Raider
Gee, I wonder how a decentralized world reserve currency would look like as it bootstrapped? Maybe it would start in poor countries with little/nothing to lose by jumping off the inflating current reserve currency and adopting the hardest money known to man? I dunno how its going to turn out, but I'm pretty bullish. We'll see.

Nation state level adoption is purely positive. You sound salty


Tranny Chaser
Well, America has 4x the murder rate as France, but where would you rather live?

I’d move to el salvador for this frenchie, 18 years ago at least.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gee, I wonder how a decentralized world reserve currency would look like as it bootstrapped? Maybe it would start in poor countries with little/nothing to lose by jumping off the inflating current reserve currency and adopting the hardest money known to man?

It would look nothing like that, that's only a joke that Bitcoiners and Cardano fans believe, further reinforcing the point that Bitcoin is a meme coin (just like Cardano). In reality, it will look like a whole new internet powered by Ethereum -- grab your ENS now while it's cheap! ENS App

Nation state level adoption is purely positive. You sound salty

No, no it's not. I have no idea when BItcoiners started giving a shit about government adoption, but what the fuck? They're using Bitcoin because it's an investment vehicle that allows them to maintain their regime, not a technical development capable of bootstrapping and sustaining a nation state economy. User adoption has always been the most important metric, which Ethereum is winning in just about every conceivable way you can measure it.


Vyemm Raider
It would look nothing like that, that's only a joke that Bitcoiners and Cardano fans believe, further reinforcing the point that Bitcoin is a meme coin (just like Cardano). In reality, it will look like a whole new internet powered by Ethereum -- grab your ENS now while it's cheap! ENS App
I already own relevant ENS for me. You trying to attach Cardano to Bitcoin is pathetic. You're embarrassing yourself.

Any of you galaxy brains taken the time to consider why a country like El Salvador would take the kind of risk they've taken? They've painted a target on themselves to be attacked by the IMF, ECB, US etc. You know they killed Gadhafi because he threatened USD hegemony. Saddam too (see Euro-oil deal he made, the real reason we invaded). Why would a 'dictator' of a 'shit-hole' country do something like that?

No, no it's not. I have no idea when BItcoiners started giving a shit about government adoption, but what the fuck? They're using Bitcoin because it's an investment vehicle that allows them to maintain their regime, not a technical development capable of bootstrapping and sustaining a nation state economy. User adoption has always been the most important metric, which Ethereum is winning in just about every conceivable way you can measure it.

Bitcoin is and has always been a cure to Central bank abuse of the monetary system. Centralized control. Nation level adoption has been game-theorized since very early on. Its actually happening now. Bitcoin solves a problem they have with remittances. That is fully the reason they've adopted it. User adoption is the most important metric you're right. Keep gloating about your ETH fueled shell games while the third world adopts real money to solve their real problems while you keep trading shitcoins with other dildos for taxable gains.

You'll all buy Bitcoin at the price you deserve.