Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Bitcoin is and has always been a cure to Central bank abuse of the monetary system. Centralized control. Nation level adoption has been game-theorized since very early on. Its actually happening now. Bitcoin solves a problem they have with remittances. That is fully the reason they've adopted it. User adoption is the most important metric you're right. Keep gloating about your ETH fueled shell games while the third world adopts real money to solve their real problems while you keep trading shitcoins with other dildos for taxable gains.

You're fuckin delusional is what you are, and Cardano and Bitcoin are sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
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Jive Turkey

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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Any of you galaxy brains taken the time to consider why a country like El Salvador would take the kind of risk they've taken? They've painted a target on themselves to be attacked by the IMF, ECB, US etc. You know they killed Gadhafi because he threatened USD hegemony. Saddam too (see Euro-oil deal he made, the real reason we invaded). Why would a 'dictator' of a 'shit-hole' country do something like that?

This is a strange paragraph. You seem to be indicating that the level of “crazy” or risk somehow implies the decision is more valid or correct. Like “why else would they do that, man??!!? It is too much of a risk for it to not be a big deal and real!” That’s me putting words in your mouth, but you get the idea. Y’all have hashed this out that it’s interesting enough.


Vyemm Raider
This is a strange paragraph. You seem to be indicating that the level of “crazy” or risk somehow implies the decision is more valid or correct. Like “why else would they do that, man??!!? It is too much of a risk for it to not be a big deal and real!” That’s me putting words in your mouth, but you get the idea. Y’all have hashed this out that it’s interesting enough.
The idea is why would a nation state make such a seemingly irrational decision unless they had a strong incentive to do so? Maybe you could argue that they're just stupid, but then again, maybe they know something you dont. There is an answer but I get tired of beating the same drum here

Story of how Bitcoin started in El Salvador - Lightning network works
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The idea is why would a nation state make such a seemingly irrational decision unless they had a strong incentive to do so? Maybe you could argue that they're just stupid, but then again, maybe they know something you dont. There is an answer but I get tired of beating the same drum here

It's not that they're stupid, it's that they're corrupt. You can tell this because they're fuckin rich, and their country is a total shithole. Yeah, they have a strong incentive to not tax themselves and their buddies on Bitcoin->fiat swaps, it's not good for the nation.


Vyemm Raider
El Salvador making bitcoin legal tender allows the cartels and gangs to spend their money with fewer steps. El Salvador will become a clearing house for illegal activity even more than it already is.

All that crap about doing it for the little guy is narcissistic bullshit with a hint of truth. The powerful and rich in those countries want to legitimize their activity.


<Gold Donor>
You're thinking of Costa Rica.
Costa rica is about 100% humidity 99% of the year and full of hippies who have been sweating way more than normal. And bot flies are common. It's literally a nightmare land to me. I'd rather live in el salvador, and about the nicest thing I can say about el salvador is its not costa rica.


Vyemm Raider
First major update to Bitcoin since 2017. Speedy trial seems to have been an effective compromise between miners and node users. Hopefully this will translate into faster upgrades in the future as the sting of the blocksize wars fades a bit.

Taproot really consists of two big upgrades rolled into one. The first is the introduction of Schnorr signatures... The most notable benefit in the context of Bitcoin, however, is that Schnorr’s “linear math” enables a new class of smart contracts, where tweaks to a signature can be used to embed various spending conditions...

Leveraging cryptographic tricks like Merkle trees, Taproot lets users cryptographically combine several spending conditions in a single output (simplified, in a single “address”)... Taproot lets these different people cooperate to make the transaction that spends the funds indistinguishable from regular (single user) transactions. This is more efficient because not all potential spending conditions need to be revealed when the funds are spent (translating into lower fees), and it is more private because such transactions better blend in with other transactions. (As a notable example, Lightning channel closing transactions can be made to look like regular payments.)

Note: Taproot increases the efficiency and effectiveness of coinjoins, increasing Bitcoin fungibility and privacy.

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
So i find investing in BTC to be pretty relaxing so far. I set my limit order to buy at the bottom of the trough and check once a day to see if it filled. Easy Peasy Japanesey.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I haven’t bought or sold anything in weeks. I have money in Ethereum, MATIC, and TrueBit. That’s it. Just holding. I was spending too much time perpetually fiddling with things (and mind you I was doing great at it) but it was taking up too much time of my life to do so.

Ergo I’ve entered set it and forget it mode. I haven’t even been reading that much lately or keeping up with crypto news like I was.

View attachment 357818

I've got the same 3, plus VET (which I think is gonna do very well and the buy-in is low now). I was asking about TrueBit going up or down, not because I'm worried about anything short-term, but because the next thing to grab more of is that and I'm hoping it goes down a bit more.

Completely in set it and forget it mode here. Trading was stressful and the profit I made was greatly diminished by the Great Reuters Crash. Could have made huge gains by selling right before that, but it was the one week I chose to just leave everything alone. So now I just leave everything alone all the time except to buy.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Are there legitimately people wanting to move to el salvador to live tax free. That's like moving to manhattan for the open spaces and light traffic, lmao.

Dunno, I'm considering a move to Florida to avoid income tax and capital gains taxes. ...and also to have sane leadership.

My current representative in Congress is one of those ladies who actively encouraged riots, which is nice


Tranny Chaser
Dunno, I'm considering a move to Florida to avoid income tax and capital gains taxes. ...and also to have sane leadership.

My current representative in Congress is one of those ladies who actively encouraged riots, which is nice
Florida man found dead after crypto coin adventure :D
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Jack Dorsey is very smart.

He invests a lot of his time and money into developing Square into a better platform, because he knows it is very valuable.
He invests basically nothing into improving Twitter, because he knows it is inherently worthless.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Costa rica is about 100% humidity 99% of the year and full of hippies who have been sweating way more than normal. And bot flies are common. It's literally a nightmare land to me. I'd rather live in el salvador, and about the nicest thing I can say about el salvador is its not costa rica.

I need to make a trip to Costa Rica sooner or later for dental work. I'm doing the invisalign thing (it sucks) for another year or so and then I need to get down to CR to get a couple dental implants done (less than half the price of U.S. implants and the same quality, I've been told). Like even with flight and hotel costs you're spending half as much as if you get it done here.

I'll be there for about a week and while I'm there I'm gonna troll Costa Rican Tinder for honeys. 10% chance I get drugged and robbed Cardi B style, but I'll roll the dice.