Black Myth Wukong


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
This game selling like it did puts a pretty big crack in that facade they (woke grifters) have been banking on. The takeaway here is that telling the woke mob to fuck off and making a good game will result in success. I mean, in a lot of cases even a shit game gets fuck you sales just for telling those blue hair faggots to go pound sand. This is especially the case if every single major franchise that includes these dipshits in their production tanks even half as hard as Suicide Squad and whatever that Magical Negro last SQuenix game was.


<Bronze Donator>
This game selling like it did puts a pretty big crack in that facade they (woke grifters) have been banking on. The takeaway here is that telling the woke mob to fuck off and making a good game will result in success. I mean, in a lot of cases even a shit game gets fuck you sales just for telling those blue hair faggots to go pound sand. This is especially the case if every single major franchise that includes these dipshits in their production tanks even half as hard as Suicide Squad and whatever that Magical Negro last SQuenix game was.
Stellar blade
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
This game selling like it did puts a pretty big crack in that facade they (woke grifters) have been banking on. The takeaway here is that telling the woke mob to fuck off and making a good game will result in success.
While this is probably still true, I think the dominant factor here is that the devs are Chinese and are simply not socially exposed to or give a shit about the culture of the western gaming industry. It's like giving me credit for not bowing to CCP pro-communist editorial requirements. I technically didn't, but it also isn't present on my spectrum of consideration.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Fair enough, but... it always stars small....
Egg shen.gif


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
While this is probably still true, I think the dominant factor here is that the devs are Chinese and are simply not socially exposed to or give a shit about the culture of the western gaming industry. It's like giving me credit for not bowing to CCP pro-communist editorial requirements. I technically didn't, but it also isn't present on my spectrum of consideration.

Stellar Blade was Korean. Korea has a major culture war ongoing similar to America, even worse and a bit more extreme according to polling data. A lot of the stats are surprisingly worse than the divide in the Western world with UK and US as examples. They still were able to make the game and put it out. Proof that going against the culture isn't going to suddenly end your dev studio or get you dropped from publishing like it's made out to be.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Stellar Blade was Korean. Korea has a major culture war ongoing similar to America, even worse and a bit more extreme according to polling data. A lot of the stats are surprisingly worse than the divide in the Western world with UK and US as examples. They still were able to make the game and put it out. Proof that going against the culture isn't going to suddenly end your dev studio or get you dropped from publishing like it's made out to be.
Stellar Blade devs also promised they wouldn't back off of their vision for the game and then went ahead and censored both costumes and gore immediately after preorders were locked in and refunds no longer possible. Obviously it was due to Sony being the publisher, but it's still not quite what I would call a 'win'.
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Trump's Staff
I thought it came out already that it didn't release on Xbox due to a memory leak and not passing MS's certification process?
seems really weird to me that Sony would have an exclusivity deal and be ok with not advertising it as such. So much so that I call bullshit on that dude.
Hopefully by the time the Xbox version does come out they'll have figured out how to press digital copies of their game.
No way that's true, definitely tech issues. It's Microsoft after All.



Trakanon Raider
Found this for anyone who wants to 100% it:



Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

So yet again, the woke game propped up by all the gaming websites ends up selling like shit and the game that got attacked by all the gaming websites for having anti-woke devs or whatever ends up selling like gangbusters...

Found this for anyone who wants to 100% it:

How tough/time consuming is this to platinum? I might give it a whirl over the winter if I've got time. This, LAD Infinite Wealth, and Clair Obscura are sorta my "big 3" right now in terms of things I'm interested in.


Trakanon Raider
So yet again, the woke game propped up by all the gaming websites ends up selling like shit and the game that got attacked by all the gaming websites for having anti-woke devs or whatever ends up selling like gangbusters...

How tough/time consuming is this to platinum? I might give it a whirl over the winter if I've got time. This, LAD Infinite Wealth, and Clair Obscura are sorta my "big 3" right now in terms of things I'm interested in.
I think you have to do at least part of NG+ to platinum. If you try to do it without a guide it would take a lot of time. I'm on NG++ right now, and only used a guide for some of the bigger secrets ("real" ending, some optional bosses, etc) and still haven't hit platinum. So I'll probably use it to pick up the remaining stuff I missed. They really hide some of the achievements/locations well, I'll give them that.


<Gold Donor>
Was having a pretty great time in this game until chapter 3. It's egregiously shit. It's huge, everything is covered in snow and I got lost a few times and bailed. The only time up to that point in the game where I felt like this needed a mini map desperately. I'm sure I'll jump back in at some point but it annoyed me enough to shelve the game. I've heard it's the worst chapter and it gets great again soon after, which just annoys me even more.


<Gold Donor>
Its the type of game I like but suck at. I'll get it but not at full price.
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