Exactly, which is what I stated above and also why I stated the "whaaa we can't find talent" is a load of bullshit. There is PLENTY of talent available, they simply want something very very specialized and are willing to throw away someone who is very talented and meets 90% of their asks. And you know what else sucks? The indian who wants the H1B sponsorship, generally has no problem lying on their resume. I can't tell you how many resumes are designed specifically to pass the automated HR keyword filter only to actually interview these people and they are absolute idiots. The best is the "C++ Experience". "Oh really, you have C++ Coding Experience, that's great, what have you coded"... "well, I was on a team that did X Y Z in C++", "Oh neat, so what part did you code", "Well I.. I.. I teamed up with someone who coded the ABC function which did XYZ", "Oh cool, okay, so you co-wrote that function with him?"... "Well no, Well.. see, I actually don't code C++ but I can understand it", "well okkkay... *show piece of code* so what does this do?"... "Hmm, I havent actually seen C++ like this before........".
Yeah get the fuck out of my interview chair.