One thing that has struck me as odd about this entire situation is the "route" as I have been calling it. Consider this for a moment. Mexico has some of the most black and white immigration policies in the world. We saw this with the Marine issue recently and have seen it many times before that too. Simply stated, they don't allow anyone in, especially from their Southern border. That being said, these kids are supposedly all from the Central American countries. Are we to believe that unaccompanied children are traveling over one thousand miles through Cartel country, through the Mexican desert, through Mexico's immigration policy and through one of the most brutal landscapes in the world without any help to reach the American border?
As a moderate I don't subscribe to this party vs that party (which has become typical with everything) as all I care about is the betterment and security of the country. That said, I can logically look at this issue, consider what I saw, see the state of affairs at the border and the massive security risk it has become (not from Mexican/CA children obviously) and conclude these "kids" are either being brought up by the US or the Cartels are using them while something more nefarious is going on at a different location. I am not, nor have I ever been a conspiracy theorist but one would be a fool to think that, out of the blue, fifty thousand plus kids just decided to bum rush the American border without either substantial assistance or something else going on (ie: diversion).
I don't know how many (if any of you) served but when I was in the service we had contingencies in order for (this was several months before 9/11) the potential of an attack by Terrorist cells springing from entry through the Southern border. It's been over ten years so I can talk about these TS things now but I recall sitting at Hill AFB (July 2001) when we were called in and put into imminent threat category 1 (the terminology likely changed with HLS in the front these days) due to an intercepted message at Hickam AFB that terror cells were bringing "parts to be assembled" through the southern border. I will never forget it. I could tell you so many things on the lead up to 9/11 and the intelligence collected if anyone was ever interested but back on point, I personally have concerns about the security issues and I don't think I am being too suspicious in feeling this way as there is just no way possible that fifty thousand plus kids traveled through all I mentioned before hand, without help, to reach the border (they are going through Zeta territory, a massive desert, and a whole lot of danger). Further, there are many reports coming out of serious disease and quarantine issues (I still have friends at Lackland, Randolph, Nellis, Hill & Vandenburg that haven't been able to tell me much but have said they literally have "zones" setup - three of them said that at least) from these kids that needs to be addressed. I am not pleased that our government is treating this situation better than they did our own disabled and damaged veterans but that is an entirely different issue.
To you, Vvoid, she also told me that the reports coming out were a place called "Golf Club Centerfolds" and it had a lot to do with that. Some strip club between you and Chico I guess that employed a ton of "teen Russian" and "others". I can't verify it but took the time to look on a website I had never heard of until this issue sprang up called "Backpage" and it does seem to coincide with a lot she told me. Bad scene all together.