So you're one of those people that believe that you can get most public resources without a SSN? How cute.As long as they are not taking away from citizens resourcesp and aying taxes, bills and underwear out of their own money like a normal person i wouldnt care.
So you don't read articles I take it? Because that's the more severe (not that chickenpox is too bad) of the two options they label it as potentially.I agree the BI link was a bad one. Another thing I am seeing in these pictures is that it is certainly not all children as most media is portraying it to be.
Also I didn't see a caption on the picture with the guy with all the bumps. Hopefully that is chickenpox.
Sort of, but a lot of illegals have SSNs. Some of them even have taxes withheld by their employers. It may not be their SSN, but they have it.And can't get a SSN without citizenship.
That's technically two different things. Some employers require you to fill in a SSN for employment because they won't pay you under the table, so in those cases, they (the worker or the employer) generally just fake a SSN. Unless things have changed since I retired in 2007, SSN wasn't a required piece of ID for the I-9 paperwork even though it asks you for your SSN on the forms. So you could theoretically show two/three pieces of ID and then just jot down random numbers off your head spontaneously. [Although I will say as an HR professional, I can count the number of people that were citizens that didn't use a SSN as one of them on a hand in over a decade of hiring - three for three on the immigrant workers I dealt with though did not however]Sort of, but a lot of illegals have SSNs. Some of them even have taxes withheld by their employers. It may not be their SSN, but they have it.
They are a big issue in Europe. You know something else to consider is that it really is only the currently/former white majority countries that are getting these large influxes. Asia needs to step up if the world is going to devolve into one big humanitarian situation because there is no way in hell America and Europe can handle the financial burdens that are going to come from this if it continues on the current trend.The real shit, the shit nobody talks about, are the people coming from Middle East/Northern Africa.
As it stands I wouldn't be surprised by anything. There has been so much misinformation, political maneuvering, and no transparency of the statistics from Washington that who the hell actually knows what to believe. At this point I don't believe a single word any politician says and I feel justified in my stance in thinking that way.Do you seriously think we use standard municipal buildings that are built like the shoddiest YMCA you've seen versus actual jail cells while we're holding them? "Just stay in that unlocked, unguarded room with windows while we get to you - don't run" seems like a great system there for someone that already evaded a border patrol.
No what this shows is you already made a judgment, based on non-facts so you use whatever information you see that you think even remotely supports you argument as fact.As it stands I wouldn't be surprised by anything. There has been so much misinformation, political maneuvering, and no transparency of the statistics from Washington that who the hell actually knows what to believe. At this point I don't believe a single word any politician says and I feel justified in my stance in thinking that way.
Serious question but what is your ancestry? I ask because I have a feeling the "process" differed quite dramatically at Ellis depending on that factor. To my understand they broke those disqualified into two categories with one even being an epileptic. This actually raises a good question and I am going to research this because I actually would like to get some primary source material as I don't know the exacts.Implying it's an easy process and that we would accept even a fraction of the number is a fallacy.
Not to mention over 75% of immigrants from the South come here with some sort of legal means in the first place, only 25% are doing "border rushing" type nonsense. However of that 75% about 40% overstay work visas and the like however.
Do you know what the process was back in the days of Ellis Island? I'll give you a hint, it was a lot damn less - I've got (all deceased now, although the last just recently) grandparents on both sides in my family and the wive's family that all came through Ellis Island, you know how long the process was for legal immigration back then? "Give a name, wait around 2 hrs" is about the summation they gave of the process back in the 20-40's when each respective family came over.
Now the hoops are getting higher and higher - which makes sense, but laughing it off as if Ellis Island was strict is incredibly naive and completely ignorant of the facts of how Ellis Island was handled in it's heyday (post WWI).
Hell, pre-WWI we really didn't even have ANY immigration law at all.
European Mutt (German/Italian/Nordic I know for sure are amongst the parts), Polish/Czech, German Jew and Russian Jew for all four grandparents. European Mutt came over with a sister with obvious genetic physical deformities which includes neurological dysfunction/seizures.Serious question but what is your ancestry? I ask because I have a feeling the "process" differed quite dramatically at Ellis depending on that factor. To my understand they broke those disqualified into two categories with one even being an epileptic. This actually raises a good question and I am going to research this because I actually would like to get some primary source material as I don't know the exacts.
Wouldn't be racist phrased that way by anyone - it's classist or nationalist. There's lots of bad -isms and while it's not racism she's using, it's definitely another bad one.Houston black woman goes on EPIC rant about unaccompanied illegals The Right Scoop -
It's only racist if a person of European descent says it.
No it doesn't show that. It shows that I don't trust any currently elected officials based on constant bickering and politics with not much getting accomplished and I don't think I am alone on that. If I had made a judgment I would say that I did but I am more than willing to see what will happen as I am not out there protesting or making an asshat of myself. I simply want results with little to know bologna as the country has had too much of that in recent years. If something was offered that put the issue to rest than I wouldn't have an issue but as it stands I have seen too many issues taking place and not enough getting done for the betterment of the nation and that would cause anyone to lose trust with the current politicians in my view.No what this shows is you already made a judgment, based on non-facts so you use whatever information you see that you think even remotely supports you argument as fact.
It's an Echo Chamber effect. The information is pretty clearly available and "transparent" if you care to actually look at it.
So you are calling me a conspiracy theorist, believe I am an Alex Jones viewer, call me an idiot for not agreeing with your non supported stance while forming my own opinion based on my own reasoning, experience, and deduction, and yet, you also claim that the media isfalselymaking claims that we are giving amnesty thus insinuating a large conspiracy by the media?And if you're not making a judgment and are willing to let things resolve - then why are you bitching here right now, barely weeks into the situation when it's a multifaceted problem that's happening because of a crisis situation is South America with people flooding herebecause of their media falsely making claims that we are giving amnesty to anyone running from those areas.
As far as we know if we start getting the word out down there that their media has been misleading them this entire problem dries up in a few weeks. (Not saying for sure it would or would not - but it might since misinformation is helping fuel the issue)
You think the media in South America is the same as the media here? You're a fucking bright one, aren't you?So you are calling me a conspiracy theorist, believe I am an Alex Jones viewer, call me an idiot for not agreeing with your non supported stance while forming my own opinion based on my own reasoning, experience, and deduction, and yet, you also claim that the media isfalselymaking claims that we are giving amnesty thus insinuating a large conspiracy by the media?
Uh huh....You literally are thestupidestposter I've seen in quite a while.