Is it rude to actually ask a question when someone elicits that they haven't by opening the theory to something worse than data presents?
Not at all but... let's also add the differences between a statement, sarcasm, and a question to your to do list as you said "So you don't read articles I take it?" which is different than what you are now claiming to have said with "Didn't read the article?" Is it that you don't realize it or are you truly trying this hard to be sneaky and have gotten away with it in the past? Regardless, the bottom line is you.... once again misrepresented yourself with the words you used to attempt to make yourself look better while deciding to overlook exactly what you said.
b) So you want a problem to be dealt with and solved, but the "Why is this happening?" part of things doesn't matter? Solving a problem involves first identifying the cause to counter it at it's source rather than just playing Whack-a-Mole with the results from the source problem.
When did I say I didn't want to know why it was happening? Again... misrepresentation and attempting to create a scenario to justify yourself. You must really have some low self esteem there buddy. These misrepresentations and outright conjured bologna coming out of you are mind boggling at best.
c) It's not a safe assumption that you own something capable of doing an internet search? How are you posting to these forums without an internet connected device that has a search engine? Yes, it is an assumption on my part - but it's a very safe one.
YES! You did it! Atta boy! You're on the right track now as, clearly, stating "[which I'm sure you do, obviously]" is an assumption. I'm so proud of you!
d) So you're trying to claim that your deflection of "the media is being conspiratorial in your concept as well" wasn't an attempt to critique my argument to undermine it? Criticize - "indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way."
Damnit! Faith lost.... You were so close too. When you randomly throw a temper tantrum, accuse someone of being a conspiracy theorist only to follow it immediately after with "because of their media falsely making claims that we are giving amnesty to anyone running from those areas" that puts you in a bit of a pickle as the pot meets the kettle.
e) On contradictions - Ellis Island "facts" of yours amongst other things. Implying immigration is a trivial process (13 years currently is what's coming up as the expected immigration timeframe I'm seeing on searches). Etc.
What Ellis Island "fact" did I state? My actual statement (and it has been unedited so feel free to verify) was "To my understand they broke those disqualified into two categories with one even being an epileptic. This actually raises a good question and I am going to research this because I actually would like to get some primary source material as I don't know the exacts." It appears we need to add "facts" to your to do list now too. What would you do without me! Also, when did I say immigration is a trivial process? Here we go again with you making up facts.
f) "Ignorant" - You have been blind to you contradicting yourself. "Lacking awareness of..." is a definition of ignorant.
Atta boy! Now be sure to remember that the next time you use it.
g) Are you honestly saying a random reporter asking him a question means that he should take what that reporter said as absolute fact and temper his entire world view to that one question? (Of the probably dozens of major policy questions tugging multiple ways he gets almost every day)
Heeeereee we go again with you conjuring a narrative. Did I once say that? Did I once even insinuate that? This is going to be a very difficult thing for you to do but go back and read the context which clearly is a compare and contrast scenario of two statements, by the same White House Press Secretary, that gives two vastly differing responses which was used as an example (another word for you to look up) to coincide with my statements about why I don't trust the current politicians.
h) Yes, "my fish tank" means it's my domicile, clearly not my possession.
i) Retired Human Resources professional with a MSHRM, retired early due to neurological issues. (turning 40 at the end of the year, saved well for my working years and my grandfather left a large trust) Planning to open a storefront after our move in the Spring however to supplement my income and replace my current disability income since to be frank. (And it should show with how involved in the forums and such I am - I'm bored out of my mind at home half the time - I could make less running the store and be a ton happier because I'm constantly bored - first two years or so was nice on the days I could manage my falls and such, but now its just boring...)
Apparently I am not the first person to call you out on your bullshit. I was kind of hoping I was but apparently you truly the person you seem to be. Let me remind you in the case you had forgotten:
Here you are defending yourself from another "moron"
"Fuck you moron, I've always been a HR Professional specializing in openings for Wegman's (a privately held grocery chain) since I left executive hiring for Verizon Wireless decades ago. I hired everything from "Helping Hands" (our equivalent to baggers) up through Assistant Store Management between me and my secondary (the HR person I'd leave behind once I moved to the next opening), we always promoted from within for Top Store Management and the owners liked to make the final call on those so besides negotiating salary with a memo from the owner sitting in front of me I really wasn't truly involved."
Here you are with another "stupid" person:
"Oh my god... we released someone into the general population with something that is already relatively common in the US and incredibly easy to treat? THE HORROR.
The "cure" for scabies is generally azithromycin isn't it? You know like $5 without insurance type cheapass treatment? Not to mention the "disease" of it is itchy skin....
I think you've reached a new low for stupid articles. (Oh and of course generally a 4-6 week wait before symptoms show - so...)"
Here you are claiming to be a "HR Professional" while also claiming to be "retired" (hmmm...). Fear the grocery store "professional", they are top end.
No, I've got subscriptions to a bunch of things that do salary information. You know, being a HR professional and everything. I make sure to cite when I'm getting something from a person.
(And I'll note that the non-subscription ones like and such are actually worse than what I'm seeing on the professional one I use - they quote top end of Bachelor's degree paying $28/hr AKA $56k/yr assuming fulltime with the quick and dirty double and add a k method to salarying hourly)"
Here you are pretending like you know the law and how to apply it:
""Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national"
It's for changing citizenship, technically has nothing to do DIRECTLY with the topic of determining who's allowed to come here and live if they don't want to become a citizen. It's more about the hoops they have to do to be allowed to vote and get a SSN.
It's tangentially related in literal terms - but due to SC decision it is attached - but only because of SC decision - not because of the letter of the Constitution."
Look, the bottom line is you are an unemployed, social service connected, so very obviously poorly educated, non professional, defensive and malicious goober who thinks very highly of himself when, in truth, he is simply a product living off the tax payer while pretending like he once mattered. You want to go round and round? Have at it, you have proven yourself to attempt to get your way through deception, fabrication, and an unfathomably high level of assumption which, in every case I read, is spurned on by someone having a differing stance than you do. So I'm simply going to throw you away for now with a potential to bend you over again in a scenario by which you may have learned (by then) something and posed even a slight challenge as I didn't even touch on politics, the law, or anything viable but simply used your own words against you. You are... quite literally a useless resource to society and while you may convince yourself that I'm another one of your "morons" to feel better, we both know it's true as a 40 year old man who worked at a grocery store and takes offense to people bringing it up would be similar to me taking on a retarded gerbil. If you feel that living off the back of your Grandfather or living off the taxpayers when you haven't achieved anything substantial in life is the way to go for you, have fun with that. I fully expect you to furiously attempt to rep bang me (it won't bother me), I fully expect you to try to conjure up some bologna again and I fully expect you to continue your hate life campaign on other people but, just remember, most of our lives actually matter or mattered and we don't have to pretend we did something to feel better about ourselves... The sad truth is that if you weren't such an asshat and presented your side as a logical human being and didn't try to make shit up like it actually existed than you would likely both get your point across and also people may actually pity the sad story of a 40 year old man who was associated with a grocery store but now has a neurological issue. As it stands though, all you do is attempt to make yourself look superior, try to cut down others for their opinions and throw the negative kitchen sink and everything therein to get your way. I have never used this phrase before but I simply cannot resist saying that you are a TRUE born loser. From your behavior to your logic to your inflated delusions to your attempts at deceptions/manipulations to your pathetic life story. Perhaps you would feel better if you got involved with the Special Olympics and competed for something? There has to be some type of competition that would accept 40 year old unemployed men with a low grade background and a trust from his Grandfather. Look into it bud.... you'll feel better.