Fuck, at this point I'd give her away. Getting her so easily actually contributed to my burnout because I simply don't have a way to put her in lead with no viable status null (unless I wanted to replace Deimos with Kanon, which is a good deal more depressing than shelving Bestie) and no viable mitigator. It was pretty much a cosmic fuck-you: "Alright", the game proclaimed, "so you got that shit everybody wants. What are you gonna donow?" So I flipped off Edea and Reis and went on hiatus.
My summons just cured me of any desire to summon for a while. Wasn't even tempted by any groups out of this Popular unit rate-up. If the Krantz group releases after with no rate up, no telling when I'd be tempted next.
I have a Breaker Aurelia (Hey, I'll take it) who just needs her evolution unit/mat, and a Guardian Hadaron.....were they supposed to be this month?
I was looking at my units earlier, and I don't know who the hell I want to Imp next. I literally have Imps in my inventory right now just sitting there that I don't know who to fuse to. Not a lack of choices or anything, it just feels like everybody (who isn't Imp'd already) is either outdated or going to be very soon....or I just plain ol' don't like them. If worse comes to worst, I may list a few candidates here for some feedback.
I still have a hate-hate relationship with Oracles, but never was it so bad as with my Oracle Edea. If I had her in any other type, I'd be imp'ing her out...with the +15% secondary sphere from the Karl EX Trial, I feel like she is usable at least now, but still....I just know as soon as I put Imps on here I'll pull a much better typing. I have an Oracle Will I'm half-considering giving attention to. He isn't quite leveled up completely yet, and I am gonna want to take him for a spin before I decide if he has the juice to justify imp's as an Oracle.
I could probably toss some imps on Lord Michele.....doing it would be earlier than I'm used to, but provided I don't get her in better typing before her 7-star rolls out, I know I'll be using her as my Arena Lead, replacing Lord Quaid.