What's the ? material for Hardon and Aurelia? The light and dark version of Tridon's mat? From the vortex gate that isn't up despite Gumi selling rateups on the units?
Yea, Hadaron was the "Netherhound" or somesuch and another unit like that for Aurelia I think. A Gumi rep on facebook said their SBS dungeons were going to be added to the vortex "in a few minutes" but that was like 3 hours ago, and besides they never know what the hell they are talking about anyway.
I'm excited about both these characters, Breaker Aurelia (only got her a couple months ago and never got her Evo mat yet) and Guardian Hadaron (not exactly optimal typing for either one, but no Oracles to piss me off)....both seem almost perfect to me.
I'm thinking I'm taking them both into Frontier Gate Mission 1 later on sometime....Aurelia for Healing + Defense and Hadaron for (believe it or not) his Brave Burst. 50% Chance to poison target and 25% odds Poison buff to the entire group? Fuck right off Grand Jelly.
Honestly, it is hard to say how Hadaron is going to play out just by looking at his numbers on paper, but gods damn, his damage could get really spooky. ...like it is possible once people start working him to his potential, they might actually need to nerf Hadaron (again) spooky. Getting Zenia and Hadaron in the same muthafuckin' group at the
SAMEmuthafuckin' time? Enemies will surrender rather than take that kind of asswhoopin'.
I've really been appreciating characters that have strikingly different (yet useful) toolsets on their BB and SBB's. Hadaron is a nice example (and Zenia is too)....He gives very nice status infliction (poison most particularly) on his BB when you need it....but when you don't you can just plain ol' ignore it because his SBB is so powerful you won't feel like you are missing anything.
Aurelia's is a bit different in that there is some (quasi) overlap, but it seems almost a very specific design choice to make her Brave Burst a "Fire once every 3rd turn" skill for maximum potential. You'd get the benefits of a completely different set of skills on Brave Burst that stack with all the benefits of the Super Brave Bursts multi-turn buffs, all the while keeping up the rotation. (with Aurelia it would mean taking one turn off her sweet burst heal to apply a Heal-over-Time, which might not always be easy in the toughest content...which is exactly the sort of content she is best suited for anyway....but it isn't a game if there is nothing to think about)
Here is what has been itching at my brain since earlier today when I first saw their profiles:
Hadaron seems like the sort who would be very comfortable working from a Sub slot......It seems like it almost gets lost in the long list of things his Super Brave Burst does, but he gives +60% Crit chance to the group on his SBB. ....While he doesn't give the typical +150% Crit Damage on the Leadership skill so common with most crit buffers, (Griff/Reis/Colt will still keep the "Crit Leader" role for that reason alone, if looking specifically to buff crits).....but as a SUB? In MOST cases, I think I take Hadaron...even over Griff/Reis. His SBB is Single Target, but devastating damage....and while I won't attempt to do "Brave Frontier Math" which is some extra-dimensional quantum mathematics most of the time, but if you have his +400% ATK buff up from Stealth from the previous turn, even his 320% Brave Burst will be pumping out some respectable AoE damage.
I think Hadaron has to be mentioned amongst the games most notable Crit Buffers, even though he isn't the traditional Crit Leader type. ....or to put it another way: If you have Hadaron in a group, why would you want Griff or Reis also? I don't think you'd want them. In content where Hadaron is useful, he might just be king.
I think one thing I like about both of these characters is that they are both very much suited toward brutally tough content. I don't think either one of these characters could be called particularly great for questing/farming and such where you just want to turn on Auto and blow shit up. But when shit gets real? Bring the Angel and the Demon: Those are two that don't even get out of bed for the light work.