Medal Rush is back up as well as a 6 gem 7* only medal rush summon gate.
I have summoned my last summon for quite a while. I haven't made peace with not getting a Krantz, but I am done trying. I used all my gems yesterday, but when I saw the pool-of-17 rate up, I did some summons guys can infer what that means. (I am ashamed and disgusted by myself for it.)
....but I came up empty. Again.
I am done summoning, period....for Krantz or anyone else, for quite a while.
I enjoy this game a would fair to call it an addiction, and I am not ready to go cold-turkey to break it. now my only recourse is to make the best possible use of what I have and focus on building up my existing characters and my spheres collection etc in any ways that do not include a rare summons gate. In my mind, I am going to convince myself that gate does not even exist. I am just going to hoard any gems I get for the foreseeable future until some future batch some months down the road breaks me down again.
...but I have no plans or intention to drop even one single gem specifically for Krantz anymore. Not too long ago, I really wanted a Vesti I never got, but I managed to make peace with not getting her (more or less, still want one) - but this one hurts....this one is going to sting for a long while.
Michele and Ark have fucked up my friends list. Before Michele and Ark, I had a Dozen Griffs on my friends list and a few Kiras. Now 1/4th of my Friends list (at *least*) is Michele and Ark and I have only 3 Griffs left on my friends list and ZERO Kiras. (seriously? Morning of the Medal Rush and the last Kira on my friends list vanishes? how the hell is the even possible? You'd think this would be the day people would bring Kiras *out*)
I can understand people using Michele as their go-to leader for the Arena, but for the "Helper" squad ? Why?? And Ark? He can go fuck himself. Yea, he is solid....and free - so I get why people would be using him.....but goddamn man, putting away Griff leads for him? I have so many Arks on my friends list right now I don't even want to count them all. My friends list has deteriorated over the past week.
The group I've been using to grind Frontier Gate points depends on having a Kira friend, so I am particularly peeved about losing the last Kira off my friends list this morning. I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board to put together a whole new group that doesn't depend on Kira for Frontier Gate grinding.
This should have been one of the fun, uplifting mornings, but I'm just extremely frustrated and depressed.
I am too addicted to this game to just quit, but I can't reconcile my desire to play this game with just how bad it is for me.