Let me start off by saying I'm a f'n moron.
That out of the way, I'll admit up front that I decided to do a few pulls this morning in spite of having already read the news updates about the Rare Summons Plus gate bonus schedule for the next week.
I did a single Yolo summons a few days back from the RS+ gate.....my plan (if they didn't do anything too weird with summons) was to summon the next 4 AFTER Krantz was added, so I'd have 4 chances and the +1. Well, their upcoming "bonus resets EVERY day" part of the fine print because of unusual bonus pool changes every single day kinda forced my hand a little: So I had the choice of just letting that yolo go as it was and summon for a specific day, or summoning 4 times today before the reset and taking my chances with the full bonus pool of units.
Well, there are so many units I still want (let's face it, most of the last 3+ batches I haven't even touched - my game has been moving along based almost entirely on SBS Global Exclusives the last couple months)....so I figured, F it and did 4 summons to complete the 5 for the +1.
Dupe. Dupe. Dupe. Dupe. Oh, and the +1? Dupe.
On the up side, 2 of the dupes were Breaker Edea and Breaker Will, (which even though in 90% of cases I still don't much care for Breakers, the other 10% being full-on Nuker types like Hadaron / Nemethgear / Rize or something where Breaker is a great boon), but anyway, Breaker Edea and Breaker Will still beat the hell out of Oracle Edea and Oracle Will. The Downside is that they'll cost me 2 more Legend Stones to make them.
I ranked up my Oracle Will and I've never even used him in a party. Not once. Not even in a Mock group that never went into battle. Feels like dropping Legend Stone after Legend Stone for units that don't ever get used, not even for niche content.
Here is where I could use some feedback:
The weird bonus schedule Pros: Smaller Pool of units that let you increase your odds (a bit) for a unit you are focusing on. Cons: The Limited bonus pool eliminates any chance at other highly desired non-pool units.
For instance: The day I'm missing MOST units off the bonus pool list is Day 1 (FIRE), where I still need like 6 units off the list or something Including the powerhouses Bestie and Griff. However, I think it is fair to say the unit I want most right now is Krantz, but of the *9* Light units in the bonus pool that day, I only need 4. (Kira, Raaga, Rinon and Krantz) So if I pulled on the day where my odds were best for Bestie/Griff I'd eliminate bonus chance at Krantz, or if I summoned for Krantz, I'd eliminate chances of getting Bestie/Griff as a bonus etc.
The "God Gate" if Gumi ever f'n decides to put it in instead of running a half-dozen different gates concurrently might still be 2+ Months away. (November during their anniversary event sometime is the most common guess - but it is only a guess, nobody f'n knows). Being potentially a couple months away, and the Griff batch being the power batch of the season anyway, not entirely sure it is worth waiting on at this point.
So do I play my odds at Fire where I have the best chances of getting a bonus unit not already on my roster? Or Light to increase my odds at the single unit I want the most? Or should I walk down the street, across the sand and throw this thing into the goddamn ocean?
Gotta be honest with you. Option 3 is looking like the smartest one of the bunch lately.
I could just Hoard what gems I have for all time and only drop a yolo 2-3 times a month or something, but ugh. The Griff/Krantz batch really is the power batch on the horizon. IF there is a time to use gems, it seems units from this batch are the units to drop them on. The question becomes which promotion to summon for them on.
Honestly, I don't know. I have a small stash of gems left that I still want to use (really want a Krantz, still would love a Bestie too - dreams die hard)
Summoning used to be more fun. Nowadays it just makes me angry/depressed.
TL;DR- When would you guys advise I should summon my next round of dupes?