Managed to get both Breaker and Anima of the singer, so I'm done there....
I evoed my Michele and she is lights out in Arena. I'm talking total redonk. It sucked to blow the 8k for a legend stone, but that was my dumb choice.
I don't have a crabby, but my melchio is pert near evo status (fucking metal mimics).
I'm trying to convert my medullas to legwands (and convert them to malice and malice to buffer), but fucking hell how do you hold all of the parts!
edit: ugh, how do you need sphere frogs? Are you really rocking that many awesome units? I've got 29 units double sphered, and I'm sitting on 8 sphere frogs in inventory and 2 more waiting to be claimed from the daily work reward.
Time to focus on the X trials (after finishing Cardes), though I might clear through the rest of RC5 first.
Grats on the Michele. Mine is still sitting at 6-stars, but I'm not going to evolve her until the next SHS....really looking forward to her though.
I had to go and count, but it looks like I have 37 units sphered (that includes a 6-star Grah, 6-star Xie'Jing, a 6-star Tridon (the one I had before I got my Anima Tridon @ 7-stars) a 6-star Lario, and a 6-star Rowgen amongst others)....I ended up sphere'ing 2 Selenas and 2 Elimos (In selena's case, the 2nd was an Anima I wanted to keep permanent, and in Elimos case the 2nd was a Lord Elimo I fully Imp'd) numerous 6-stars amongst the bunch and some others that were just plain wasted. 37 sphere frogs used for units on my current roster and maybe 2? ish, that I used but sold/fused away, like the old Selena after I got her Anima replacement. My problem is that I've got numerous units either already at, or ready to be at 7-stars that are NOT sphere'd.
(Between 2 Selenas, 2 Elimos and 2 Tridons.....what is it about water units that makes me waste sphere frogs?)
I'm not exaggerating when I say I could use a dozen sphere frogs *this morning* and STILL be out. My Michele, Anima Aurelia, Libera, Kira, are the units I'd most want to sphere atm, but can't.....others that don't have spheres include Toutetsu, Sagavehl, Kanon, Will, Lava, Magnazorda, Vernil, Alice...Breaker Edea (to replace my shitstain Oracle),....and I'm not even counting a handful of non-Selena starters I haven't even been thinking about burning sphere frogs/legend stones on.
In addition to those, there are another dozen older legacy units on my roster than have announced 7-star versions that will be needing both Legend Stones and sphere frogs.
Me looking at my Brave Frontier account is like looking through a catalog of my bad decisions.
As far as buying Legend Stones - that is only ever a bad decision if you are wasting them (which I've clearly done before).....but even if I didn't waste any, I'd be far behind on them. Spending 8k points on a Legend Stone for a Michele are points very well spent imo.
Honestly, at one point I felt like I was rich with sphere frogs....for a while I had 10+ sphere frogs unused and on-hand...It was to the point where I felt they were just accumulating and wasting space, so eventually I decided to start sphere'ing up any of my units to hit 7-stars (whether I was actively using them or not - that was a *HUGE* mistake), and the most used/useful 6-stars I had - at the time it seemed like the right decision, but in retrospect, I really wish I had been more conservative with how I spent my sphere frogs. Now, between the units I have that already need sphere frogs and the units I have that are *going* to need sphere frogs, I am so far behind on them that I'm going to be behind on sphere frogs for the foreseeable future and beyond.
I've switched to full-on Honor farming since my last post to try to help my situation. Right now I have enough Honor points for 350 Summons, but my 2nd week of "Double" Honor will be more productive than my barring something keeping me from the game entirely this week, I should be looking at a crap-ton of summons available. I just have to hope for some good luck on sphere frogs once the next Super Honor Summons rolls around.
Regarding the Medullas - I literally *just* did that myself over the last 2 days lol....I was only missing Queen/Dark jewels and one other thing to craft 2 Legwands. It felt a shame to just let them sit at Medullas....those 2 will be the last Legwands I ever the future the only Legwands I'll ever use will be from Frontier Hunter rewards.
That said, the only gems I've never ever regretted spending were the ones I used to expand Item/Unit space. You know exactly what you are getting and it lasts forever. Huge Quality-of-Life improvement to be able to carry all the crafting materials/Evo units you need and not be struggling for space.
Before tackling the X-Trials, I *would* recommend finishing RC5 first, as the sphere you get for doing so will be of enormous value when doing the Trials. Once you get both of those under your belt, you'll really be rockin' the Big Leagues.
Grats again on the Michele (and the Anima Miku!) I'm really anxious to see my own in action.