Ok, time for me to finally think about this a bit.
Prediction: The series ends.
Walt: Walt is going to end up living. We've spent every season thus far leading up to his death, so I think the big monkey wrench will be that he lives just to see how much destruction he's brought on his family.
Jesse: Jesse will end up dead. I'm thinking that Walt will do it himself, but not 100% sure on that one. Everyone thinks the Ricin is for Walt to commit suicide with, but maybe he somehow uses it on Jesse.
Skylar: As much as we hope she'll die, she's going to stay alive. If nothing else, just to raise the kids. She "might" get linked to Laundering Walt's money in some way, and maybe end up in jail herself. Another thing we wouldn't expect.
Walt Jr: He's a moody teen and I honestly don't care what happens to him. He won't forgive his father, because ultimately he is a bad guy.
Marie: She's going to end up with nothing. Maybe with Hank being dead, she'll get his pension, and get hooked on the blue meth just to cope with his death.
Todd: I think that Todd will end up being killed by Jesse in some way, but I hope he survives. He's a creep, but I like him for it.
Lydia: Lydia is going to go after Skylar again. Todd is going to refuse, so she'll reach out to someone else. Somehow Walt will hear about this and take her out.
Jack: He'll die. I think that he's going to force Todd to do something (maybe Jack will be involved with Lydia trying to kill Skylar), and he'll end up getting killed for it. Hopefully by Todd himself.
Gretchen: I think the episode is going to end at Elliot & Gretchen's house. Walt goes there to confront them and get some form of redemption in the process. Maybe he tells them the only reason he turned to this route is because he left the company and feels he had wasted his life in the process.
Elliot: See above.