Breaking Bad


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Five seasons of questionable plot developments and you select the gunfight in one of the last episodes of the series as unbelievable?

Suspend your disbelief and just go with it, bros.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Since Hank didn't die at the end of this episode then I doubt he'll die in the next (or at all).
They foreshadowed him dying pretty heavily in this episode, but it could be a red herring, I suppose.


<Prior Amod>
Like I said before, it would be been awesome (I was 100% positive it was going to happen) when Hank was on the phone having the drawn out conversation with his wife you see Gomie walk off with his gun and kinda pace back and forth by the car. Camera then zooms in on Hank as he is telling her he finally got Walt, he loves her and he will see her later and be home late tonight...Would been sweet to see him hang up and turn and get that wtf Hank facial expression as Gomie has the gun on him. "Just couldn't let the case go eh partner? I tried to warn you off it, I tried to tell you none of this was a good idea."

Gomie actually cares about Hank just as he always has appeared to but his main loyalities lay with the cartels and now he has to take care of business. Hank after dealing with the betrayal of Walt and now seeing his best friend/partner, you see him break just before the moment Gomie shoots him.

Walt is then forced to go cook for the Cartel upon threats his family will be killed. He somehow escapes and runs back home only to find his house in the shape it's in that we saw in the first episode of the season. That's why he has hair as well, he hasn't been going through his treatments like he's supposed to and is close to death.

Walt finds out Walt Jr made it out alive and finds him only to see Gomie finishing the job he already started. Walt manges to kill him but is wounded. He tells Walt Jr. everything and how he's sorry and loves him and that he did everything for him, sacrificed everything including his humanity to became a monster to ensure his family would always be taken care of and tells him where to find the money just before he dies. The show ends with Walt Jr. going out and digging up the money.

Credits roll.

At the end of the credits we see Walt Jr. back in his family home which is all repaired and looking nice once again. He walks out the door, locks it and then walks away from the camera down the sidewalk with solid gold crutches.



Millie's Staff Member
i thought for sure by the end of that episode hank will be dying because of the heavy handed foreshadowing. then later i realized that if they kill hank, the only antagonists left are nazis and all they want from hank is to cook more meth, which really isnt as bad as going to jail and a family in ruins. so yeah im going with gilligan faking us out, for at least a few more episodes.


Lord Nagafen Raider
First time in a while that an episode has just felt outright sloppy. Walt knowing him and Jesse are in a battle of cat & mouse and to just react so all of a sudden felt out of character to an extent. Him confessing to that shit on the phone felt sloppy, that gunfight felt incredibly sloppy.
Walt has always had a tendency to react immediately and run off half-cocked. It is only when he has a chance to sit down and plan things out (usually when his back is against the wall) that we see his Heisenberg-level craftiness come out. The money is the most important thing to Walt at this point. If that's gone, then everything he did was for nothing (didn't Walt make that very point to Jesse?). Jesse knew exactly which button to push. Couple that with the fact that Walt has always underestimated Jesse (a frequent point of contention between them), and I thought the scene made perfect sense for Walt.

Just watched it and I was more upset with the Huell manipulation scene than the gunfight. It was ridiculous that they opened fire and nobody was hurt (yet), but I thought it was more ridiculous that a whole bunch of made up stories about fake cellphone conversations and fake pictures of dead Jesse and fake cellphone tracking leads to a full confession. The fake money barrel wasn't as bad since you could imagine that Walt enters panic mode and stops thinking things through, but the series of events was definitely more contrived than usual.
I never got the impression that Huell was hired for his intellect. We already know he was scared of Walt (as shown in the scene where he can Kuby are gathering Walt's money and discussing the prison assassinations), and I suppose he could convince himself that he didn't really give Hank any useful information since all he told him was about Walt's money (something Hank already knew about) and the untrackable van, but yeah, that scene had me feeling like maybe the end of the season could've benefited from more than 8 episodes. That scene was clearly just set up as a way of advancing the plot in the quickest way possible, and it felt lazy.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The only way I would be impressed with the "Gomie is cartel" twist, would be if we could go back to older episodes and find hints and foreshadowing about it. If they just pull it out of their ass with 4 episodes left, then it just seems like some Lost lameness territory.


<Prior Amod>
The only way I would be impressed with the "Gomie is cartel" twist, would be if we could go back to older episodes and find hints and foreshadowing about it. If they just pull it out of their ass with 4 episodes left, then it just seems like some Lost lameness territory.
They could do it with him getting Hanks promotion when Hank all flipped out when he was down at the boarder. They could put things here and there easily.

Either way it would have been better then the gun fight. :/


Lord Nagafen Raider
The only way I would be impressed with the "Gomie is cartel" twist, would be if we could go back to older episodes and find hints and foreshadowing about it. If they just pull it out of their ass with 4 episodes left, then it just seems like some Lost lameness territory.
Agreed. Having Gomie suddenly working for the cartel when we've had no prior indications would've just amounted to being some deus ex machina bullshit designed to get Walt out of a tough position.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Yeah this is Saul's go to bodyguard and it took him all of 2 minutes to crack, then later the Walt phone call, followed by that gun fight. It was just too much for me
Yeah I was a little disappointed in the erudite. You would think a guy who handles the dirty laundry for a crooked lawyer would know a thing a two about police scare tactics and shutting the hell up.


Unelected Mod
The only thing worse than the ending of this episode would be if Hank and Gomez get away. Everyone missing like that over an extended period is just completely silly.


Buzzfeed Editor
Five seasons of questionable plot developments and you select the gunfight in one of the last episodes of the series as unbelievable?

Suspend your disbelief and just go with it, bros.
No shit. I've seen some people getting really overdramatic with it, too. Saying shit like this whole season has been a letdown, etc.


<Bronze Donator>
How do you guys know the recordings wasn't "legally obtained"? Is New mexico a 2 party consent state?
They can record it, but is it submissible? Especially given the definitely illegal methods they used before and after the phone call?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Ya know, people throwing the entire episode or even the show under the bus because one gunfight ran 10 seconds longer than it should have is what i find amazing. The A-Team ran 5 seasons and each episode had about 2 gunfights per show. So probably say 200 gunfights during its run and how many deaths resulted in all that? Yeah. No kills ever from this crack team of ex military. So does that mean its a terrible show?
Comparing Breaking Bad to The A Team is like comparing the movie Titanic to Gilligan's Island.


Buzzfeed Editor
If it wasn't illegally obtained, why wouldn't it be admissible? The dude admitted to multiple murders and poisoning a child and cooking meth.
As far as tracking him by gps on his phone, I would think they would need a warrant for that. Warrants are really easy to get, there's no guarantee they didn't get one. Really, I'm not going to get that in-depth technical into a show about the dad from Malcolm in the Middle cooking meth and murdering people. Especially since I have no idea about the real world legality of this stuff.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
No shit. I've seen some people getting really overdramatic with it, too. Saying shit like this whole season has been a letdown, etc.
It doesn't ruin the show or even the episode, but that was some A-1 Hollywood cheese and not up to the standard of this show. I do think people are getting carried away, but they are right to complain.


Vyemm Raider
The only thing more ridiculous than this gunfight is if either Hank or Gomez actually live. Neither of them is going to just stop shooting, and neither are the nazi's, so for the gunfight to end, either hank and gomez actually kill off Meth Damon and his uncle with their ENTIRE crew, which is stupid as fuck, or hank and gomez die.

Just don't see hank and gomez bagging the entire group.


Golden Knight of the Realm
It looked to me like Jesse was about ready to bolt. I can see Gomie / Hank getting wounded and being inconspicuous on the ground. Jesse runs or drives away some how. Nazi's give chase leaving Walt locked up with a wounded Hank / Gomie. Hank has to watch as Walt takes his keys, unlocks himself, and rides off...somewhere.