Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Avatar of War Slayer
Teaching boys that they are destined to be rapists and can't help it.
yeah. thats going to turn out well for everyone.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
And the accused was also a minor. The law still applies to minors, dude. They aren't punished the same way, but they still have to obey laws. I'm surprised this is news for you.
The standards are vastly different. On this thread. Tanotard applies the same standard for adults to kids... mind bottling retardness.


The Big Mod
pretty much all women have rape fantasies, that's a fact. the feminists who pretend to be so vehemently against it undoubtedly crave it the most.


Buzzfeed Editor
Just linking some privilege here (For those who don't believe the court system is INCREDIBLY biased.)--and because we were talking about Judges possibly overturning Jury decisions (Which no, did not happen here).

Vermont woman acquitted in police station knife case | WPTZ Home - WPTZ Home

In the video, woman sneaks up behind a cop, and puts a knife to his throat and cuts near his jugular (She actually did slice him, keep that in mind). She attempts to say she was just going to "threaten him" with the knife (Take him hostage). Jury acquits her not ONLY of the second degree attempted murder charge, but ALSO of assault. (Forget the fact, that no matter what, even if you believe she did NOT intend to kill him--it's still assault. The Jury STILL let her off.) The defense attorney attempts to explain it as she had the knife for several seconds by his throat and didn't do MORE damage, so that's evidence she wasn't "serious". (Again though, she still MEANT to hold a knife to him, and then cut him with it--so even given that defense it's still assault.)

Can anyone explain this? Did I miss something when reading about this case? I was going to do a rant about the staggering gender bias in the justice system, but I'm actually dumb struck, I almost HAVE to believe there is some kind of magic exculpatory evidence that just wasn't reported.


Got something right about marriage
She fucked half the jury (the men) and enamored the other half with her feminine "fierceness" (the women). She probably blew the judge too.


From what I understand, the jury decided she had no intention of killing or seriously injuring him. That intent is required for either an attempted murder or anaggravatedassault charge. While what she did definitely counts as assault, that wasn't what she was being charged with so they couldn't find her guilty of that.

"She certainly assaulted the officer, there was no question about that, but that wasn't the charge," said Soucy.

"At no point did she actually try to stab him or to cut him. She certainly put the knife in front of his face," said Soucy.

No argument here that the legal system is fucked, though.


Musty Nester
Just linking some privilege here (For those who don't believe the court system is INCREDIBLY biased.)--and because we were talking about Judges possibly overturning Jury decisions (Which no, did not happen here).

Vermont woman acquitted in police station knife case | WPTZ Home - WPTZ Home

In the video, woman sneaks up behind a cop, and puts a knife to his throat and cuts near his jugular (She actually did slice him, keep that in mind). She attempts to say she was just going to "threaten him" with the knife (Take him hostage). Jury acquits her not ONLY of the second degree attempted murder charge, but ALSO of assault. (Forget the fact, that no matter what, even if you believe she did NOT intend to kill him--it's still assault. The Jury STILL let her off.) The defense attorney attempts to explain it as she had the knife for several seconds by his throat and didn't do MORE damage, so that's evidence she wasn't "serious". (Again though, she still MEANT to hold a knife to him, and then cut him with it--so even given that defense it's still assault.)

Can anyone explain this? Did I miss something when reading about this case? I was going to do a rant about the staggering gender bias in the justice system, but I'm actually dumb struck, I almost HAVE to believe there is some kind of magic exculpatory evidence that just wasn't reported.
My guess is that the cops in that town are corrupt as shit, and a jury of peers have decided that it's open fucking season.

Seriously though, I wonder if there's a local not-very-old scandal with the poh-poh. Either that, or the prosecutor was literally shitting his pants in the courtroom and the jury judged the lawyer instead of the case.


Buzzfeed Editor
I missed this?

It's a funny watch, but if you don't have the time. Tumblr decides they will "invade" 4chan (Brilliant, right?). They go there for about an hour and post their social justice warrior messages. 4 chan responds by flooding their "feminism" and "Trigger warning" tags with pictures of rape, child porn and gore. They also hack people's accounts, and steal their personal images and then post said images, through the hacked accounts, with the people (In the stolen images) Photoshopped onto porno images. Tumblr social justice warriors proceed to abandon Tumblr out of fear and shock, and also claim to commit suicide; all the while threatening to call the FBI over "cyber terrorism" and "back trace" 4chan.

In other words, they kicked a hornets nest, and got the shit stung out of them.


Ssraeszha Raider
The moral of the story is that learning how to not be a perpetually "triggered" pussy-ass unique snowflake is empowering and far more effective than attempting to stamp out every potential source of offense in existence. I almost think 4chan 101 should be a required class for all youth at this point.

I think I was actually rooting for Seal Team 6 during the Osama raid less than I'm rooting for 4chan in this "conflict."

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The moral of the story is that learning how to not be a perpetually "triggered" pussy-ass unique snowflake is empowering and far more effective than attempting to stamp out every potential source of offense in existence. I almost think 4chan 101 should be a required class for all youth at this point.

I think I was actually rooting for Seal Team 6 during the Osama raid less than I'm rooting for 4chan in this "conflict."
Agree 100%