Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Of course not. I just think that people should treat college more like a privilege and less like a taxpayer subsidized party.


Ssraeszha Raider
Could not possibly disagree more. Colleges are for-profit enterprises that are interested in making money above all else. They nickel and dime students at every possible opportunity, then they turn around and expect us to treat it like a privilege? I paid tens of thousands for my education. I'll drink when I want, I'll show up to classes when I want, I'll leave classes when I want, and the college can take its opinion of the matter and shove it right up its greedy fuckin' ass. I pay them for a service. They work for me. They are not doing me any favors.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Colleges are for-profit enterprises that are interested in making money above all else.
What? Other than a tiny handful of technical colleges and secretarial schools and shit like that, 99% of colleges are registered non-profits, and a significant percentage of them are run directly as departments of the state.


Of course not. I just think that people should treat college more like a privilege and less like a taxpayer subsidized party.
So me paying a ton of money for my wife's bachelors and her masters means she should have thought that was a privilege?

How is buying something a privilege?

If you want to debate scholarship students that is one thing.


Mist and Tanoomba say the dumbest things.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with going through a rack or so of Keystone light on the weekend as a college freshman?


Shit Lord Supreme
This thread just highlights how disconnected from reality two people are, I feel like I'm listening to a younger sibling tell me how the world is, as if they're some authority, and at this point I cannot help but smugly grin and say "oh really?". This is what it felt like being an older brother 5 years ago when he was younger, and occasionally how I still feel when I talk to him. This thread is dead to me.


This thread just highlights how disconnected from reality two people are, I feel like I'm listening to a younger sibling tell me how the world is, as if their some authority, and at this point I cannot help but smugly grin and say "oh really?". This thread is dead to me.
The shocking thing is she supposedly works at a university. On top of that she is totally women's lib but then paints women into this corner of stupidity and helplessness ... I just can't come to grips with it.

It is sad when the religious guy is more for these girls and boys to have a good time AND do school than a liberal hippy atheist.


Except, I'm not simply saying "wouldn't it be awesome IF!". I am saying we can do this right now by uncoupling the obvious absurdity of disallowing drinking at 18 but allowing people to join the military then. Having a drinking age of 21 is obviously absurd in that context, 18 year olds aren't living with their parents, some are married, many are serving in the military. The current approach of making it illegal at 18 isn't working and pretty much directly encourages binge drinking. If the drug war has taught us anything, it is that by making it illegal, we simply glamorize it and make it more likely that people will abuse it or use it in unsafe settings.

So no, I disagree that lowering the drinking age would be bad for society or that it would lead to even more binge drinking, rape and problems.
I misunderstood. I thought you were for abolishing the legal drinking age as opposed to just lowering it. Heck, the legal drinking age here is 18, so if you're only gripe is that 21 is too high, well then fine. Just be aware that 18 is just as arbitrary as 21 in the end, and probably won't make much of a difference in terms of those under age still wanting to get drunk.


Ssraeszha Raider
My triggers:

  • People saying "college is a privilege"
  • People saying "both sides are equally bad"
  • Libertarians in general

Please use proper trigger warnings.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
So me paying a ton of money for my wife's bachelors and her masters means she should have thought that was a privilege?

How is buying something a privilege?

If you want to debate scholarship students that is one thing.
Pretty much all schools are heavily subsidized one way or another, pay no taxes, and all sorts of other perks from the government.

Seventy-one percent of all undergraduate students received some type of financial aid in the 2011-12 academic year.

These places need to start acting like schools. Actually educating the kids would be a good start. Most college professors fucking suck at teaching, have never passed a single class that teaches them how to actually teach students, and most classes are basically just students vomiting information onto a test and not learning anything in the process.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I agree, we need to do away with most colleges and degrees. Mist, you will need to get a real job, sorry.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Of course not. I just think that people should treat college more like a privilege and less like a taxpayer subsidized party.
I just think that people should treat high school more like a privilege and less like a taxpayer subsidized make-out and finger-bang party.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I agree, we need to do away with most colleges and degrees. Mist, you will need to get a real job, sorry.
I'd get a real job but URI is the only large employer in southern RI. I don't want to drive 40 fucking minutes both ways with the worst drivers in the country outside of DC.


what Suineg set it to
Mist, as a lesbian do you take birth control because of the high probability you will be raped as all women are?


Tranny Chaser
Yeah, well, high schools are another problem.