Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Nordic Countries defund Gender Ideology

In his documentary, Mr. Eia just went, in the company of a camera team, and asked some innocent questions to the leading researchers and scientists of the NIKK. Then he took the replies and brought them to leading scientists in other parts of the world, notably in the UK and the US, asking them to comment on the findings of their Norwegian peers. As was to be expected, the results of the Norwegian bogus science provoked amusement and incredulity among the international scientific community - especially because it was based on mere theory, never supported by any empirical research. Mr. Eia filmed those reactions, went back to Oslo, and showed them to the NIKK researchers. It turned out that, when confronted with empiric science, the "Gender Researchers" were speechless, and completely unable to defend their theories against the reality check.

What is more, the bogus was exposed to ridicule in front of the entire TV audience, and people began to ask why it was necessary to fund with 56 million Euro of taxpayers' money some ideology-driven "research" that had no scientific credentials at all.

As it turned out, a few innocent questions, asked by a comedian, were sufficient to bring down the pompous edifice of "Gender Theory". It is hoped that the lesson will be heard in other countries, or in the EU and the UN, where this ideology still holds sway in the corridors of power.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's a great show, I saw it on Youtube a while back. What's shocking is how absolutely certain most of those people are in their belief but they mangle even simple statistics or plain do not know them, when supporting their beliefs.


what Suineg set it to
Just finished part 1 of the documentary. It's pretty interesting so far. Definitely seeing some similarities between the Norwegians and many of the Gender Studies people I know.
It's hilarious that all the basic instincts most people have about these questions that the furious soft-science types try and disprove in a fit of rage end up being supported by science in the long run. It's almost like blind dumb observation by people in more primitive times were correct...


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's hilarious that all the basic instincts most people have about these questions that the furious soft-science types try and disprove in a fit of rage end up being supported by science in the long run. It's almost like blind dumb observation by people in more primitive times were correct...
The problem is that once you start going down the rabbit hole towards that type of primitivism, you put everything in modern society up for grabs. Soon you're questioning why did we get rid of slavery, I mean, it worked so well for so long...

We *know*, on an intellectual level, that not everyone is actually equal. We also know on an intellectual level that societies that treat everyone as basically equal, even though we know they're not, work a whole lot better and progress a whole lot faster than the ones that don't, and certainly better than all the ones that didn't, historically.

Specifically on the point of the first part of the documentary, professions have stayed relatively gender specific largely because of mentorship. Men frequently don't stay in fields where they don't see a lot of male mentors early on in college, and females don't stay in fields where they don't find female mentors.


Specifically on the point of the first part of the documentary, professions have stayed relatively gender specific largely because of mentorship. Men frequently don't stay in fields where they don't see a lot of male mentors early on in college, and females don't stay in fields where they don't find female mentors.
You've got to be shitting me with this comment. So we'd see a surge in women doing manual labor jobs if they just had more mentors in that field? It's like you watched the first part and the entire premise flew over your head. Men are more pre-disposed to mechanical and technical jobs, and women are more pre-disposed to jobs dealing with compassion and empathy. From birth. Not from college on.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You've got to be shitting me with this comment. So we'd see a surge in women doing manual labor jobs if they just had more mentors in that field?
I mean professional level professions, not like blue collar shit obviously, though it still applies there. I would have loved to be a carpenter instead of this awful, useless job I have that pays garbage, I'm just not really sure how realistic it was to get a carpentry apprenticeship as a woman.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Men are more pre-disposed to mechanical and technical jobs, and women are more pre-disposed to jobs dealing with compassion and empathy.
Can you back this up with anything other than trends which can be explained by my hypothesis or any other number of hypothesis? Do you have any science that fundamentally predisposes one gender or the other towards specific tasks by more than a few percentage points? Putting aside heavy lifting jobs, of which there are pretty few.

I mean, this is exactly the same as people saying for hundreds of years that black people were predisposed to being slaves.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Physicists, Chemists, Engineers, are not blue collar professions.
Do you have any scientific evidence that men are fundamentally better at being physicists, chemists and engineers than women on a biological level, as opposed to it just happens to turn out that way because of how we're socialized?

I know the other side of the coin is definitely not true. It's scientifically verifiable that males and females start off with the exact same biological capacity for empathy.


Were you reading a book or something while the first part of the doc was playing? Serious question. Because this was all in it when they were interviewing the American and British scientists.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Were you reading a book or something while the first part of the doc was playing? Serious question. Because this was all in it when they were interviewing the American and British scientists.
It's a documentary put together by a comedian. It's not science. He set out with a point to prove, then chose only evidence that supported his point. That's the exact opposite of the scientific method.

*Actual* science involves making a hypothesis then ruling out all other possible explanations.


Unelected Mod
Do you have any scientific evidence that men are fundamentally better at being physicists, chemists and engineers than women on a biological level, as opposed to it just happens to turn out that way because of how we're socialized?
You didn't watch it or you would know he didn't say anything about who is "fundamentally better".

It was about what people WANT to do on average, not what they are GOOD at.


Unelected Mod
I would have loved to be a carpenter instead of this awful, useless job I have that pays garbage, I'm just not really sure how realistic it was to get a carpentry apprenticeship as a woman.
This is your problem in a nutshell. Rather than actually go out and try to be a carpenter, if that was your life's ambition, you would apparently just assume it was impossible. Then you come here and complain about how hard it is for a woman to be a carpenter, something you didn't even try to do.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You didn't watch it or you would know he didn't say anything about who is "fundamentally better".

It was about what people WANT to do on average, not what they are GOOD at.
Yes, boys WANT to do what they see men doing, and girls WANT to do what they see women doing.

It's called modelling and it's the most absolutely fundamental way by which all animals pass learned behaviors onto other animals. And that, being the simplest possible explanation, is almost certainly what's happening.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This is your problem in a nutshell. Rather than actually go out and try to be a carpenter, if that was your life's ambition, you would apparently just assume it was impossible. Then you come here and complain about how hard it is for a woman to be a carpenter, something you didn't even try to do.
I'm not complaining that it's hard, I'm saying why *I* didn't do it. Not externalizing blame. Everyone succumbs to the same social forces, but they are just that,socialforces, not biological ones.

I mean, a simple 'path of least resistance' theory would apply to everything the video said. In advanced societies, where all options are open, people still choose that career paths that have the least resistance.


Unelected Mod
The fucking irony of you stating the guy wasn't a scientist and simply cherrypicked data hurts my brain.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The fucking irony of you stating the guy wasn't a scientist and simply cherrypicked data hurts my brain.
You don't understand what science or cherrypicking is. People accused *me* of cherrypicking but that's actually what they were doing to MY data. I brought more than my fair share of data to my arguments, considering how many people were attacking them by cherrypicking tiny bits of them and how little data they brought of their own.


God damn. This was all clearly explained. By scientists who ran the tests and observations. They were actually speaking in english too, so you didn't even have to read subtitles.