Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Musty Nester
Oh, we understand science.

Psychology is not actually a science. Psychiatry can be and most often is but a lot of times its just a secular alternative for the priesthood.

That's a dig at psychology, not psychologists. I don't have a problem with Art. I prefer a good artist to bad scientist, personally.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm starting to wonder if Mist even knows how evolution works at this point.
I do, do you?

And seriously, the people bring evolutionary psychology into this are fucking jokes. Evolutionary psychology is ALL theory, because it's making conjecture about the psychology of research subjects who are all long dead. You're just throwing the term evolutionary psychology around to support your biased argument.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Oh, we understand science.

Psychology is not actually a science. Psychiatry can be and most often is but a lot of times its just a secular alternative for the priesthood.

That's a dig at psychology, not psychologists. I don't have a problem with Art. I prefer a good artist to bad scientist, personally.
Both sides of the argument in this case are psychologists and sociologists. They're just putting weight on the ones that agree with the hypothesis that they want to be true.


Unelected Mod
I do, do you?
No, no you don't. You can with a straight face say you understand evolution, after essentially saying that traits cannot be expressed differently in males and females because males pass on the same genes to both? Seriously?

Also, its fucking awesome that you, who spent pages talking about how useless your college education is and how useless college is in general, would have the gall to come here and call other people less educated than you.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I forget, how do you account for transgendered?
They self-identify as some gender other than their biological sex and start mirroring the behaviors of that gender instead of their biological sex. There are many causes for why their self-identification could change from their biologically assigned sex, some are biological and some are sociological, and it varies drastically by the individual you're talking about.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Did you just underline theory in the same way "evolution is just a theory" or "gravity is just a theory" do?

That is not helping your argument at all.
I don't think you get it, it's more like a hard science vs soft science thing, you just used two of the harder sciences as examples. did you actually watch the video?


Tranny Chaser
We know so little about the brain yet Mist has the whole thing figured out.
No shit.

She admits there are plain physiological differences in the brain between men and women but chooses to simply behavior down to "boys do what men do and girls do what women do."

How genetically similar are humans from bonobo chimpanzees? Super super similar? Like we share 99% of our DNA with them similar? It's almost as if small differences are actually big differences!


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
No, no you don't. You can with a straight face say you understand evolution, after essentially saying that traits cannot be expressed differently in males and females because males pass on the same genes to both?
But we know, as scientific fact, that those higher level brain functions are NOT expressed significantly different. You're trying to draw an analog between peacock feathers and brains with absolutely no evidence to support it.

Again, you're pitting evolutionary psychology, which is the least scientifically testable discipline of psychology, versus modelling, a fundamental component of behavioral psychology, THE MOST easily testable/reproducible discipline of psychology.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
No shit.

She admits there are plain physiological differences in the brain between men and women but chooses to simply behavior down to "boys do what men do and girls do what women do."

How genetically similar are humans from bonobo chimpanzees? Super super similar? Like we share 99% of our DNA with them similar? It's almost as if small differences are actually big differences!
There are noplain physiological differencesin the higher-level cognitive regions of the brain at birth. They do develop along slightly different lines due to hormones, but hormones are highly influenced by external forces, and hormones levels vary so dramatically between individuals that it dwarfs the generalizations that you make between the genders and cannot possibly explain such dramatic gender differences in occupational choices.


Unelected Mod
you're pitting evolutionary psychology ... versus modelling
The only one pitting them against each other is you. No one is saying modeling doesn't happen.

On the other hand, YOU are saying EVOLUTION doesn't happen. You implied that males and females couldn't have different traits because the males passed on the same genes to both. That is a fundamentally stupid and unscientific statement. You would be served best by apologizing for it or saying you spoke in error. Stop doubling down on your stupidity here.


Tranny Chaser
You think that the higher-level cognitive regions of the brain are the only regions that have a say in occupational choices.

We're walking around with the person part of our brain stuck onto our ancestor's monkey brain stuck onto their ancestors lizard brain. Those higher-level cognitive regions don't get to call all the shots.

You implied that males and females couldn't have different traits because the males passed on the same genes to both.
She did not imply that. She stated that. Directly.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
why can't small differences lead to large discrepancies? in general principle it can be true of complex systems that small differences can lead to largely different outcomes, it's harder to find a more complex system than the human brain.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How genetically similar are humans from bonobo chimpanzees? Super super similar? Like we share 99% of our DNA with them similar? It's almost as if small differences are actually big differences!
WRONG. You're fucking scientifically illiterate and now I'm going to school the fucking shit out of you.

You're confusing DNA with genes (and to some extend genomes) We share ~99% of chimp DNA, but the vast majority of that DNA is junk DNA, inactive noncoding DNA. Over 98% of the human genome is noncoding DNA. The active DNA makes up the coded genes, of which some are expressed and some are recessed. Of the genes that actually get expressed in an individual person or chimp or peacock, which is a tiny fraction of the total amount of DNA we carry, we vary by A LOT.

So yes, we share ~99% of chimp DNA, but less than 2% of the DNA we carry actually does anything, so the fact that we're 99% similar is completely fucking meaningless.


Tranny Chaser
That would be great if I was confusing genes with DNA and wasn't instead pointing out a situation where a whole gigantic ton of similarity leads to incredibly different outcomes.

What if the difference between the male and female mind is 2%?

AW SHIT Wakandan


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That would be great if I was confusing genes with DNA and wasn't instead pointing out a situation where a whole gigantic ton of similarity leads to incredibly different outcomes.

What if the difference between the male and female mind is 2%?

AW SHIT Wakandan
But it's not a whole gigantic ton of similarity, because the coded genes that are actually active are the ones that have all the differences. 99% of the similar parts, much like the goggles, do nothing.

But, even if we accept your massive and unfounded 'what if,' if the difference between the average male and average female brain were only 2% on average, the delta between individuals within the population would totally dwarf that, making conclusions that you draw about the biological, neurological differences between the average female versus the average male almost completely meaningless once you start talking about any specific male or female. And it could not possibly explain such dramatic differences in outcomes unless it was multiplied by much more powerful external forces.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
But, even if we accept your massive and unfounded 'what if,' if the difference between the average male and average female brain were only 2% on average, the delta between individuals within the population would totally dwarf that
why can't small differences lead to large discrepancies in complex systems?