Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
If we were the same we probably would have died out at the start. There isn't anything negative about being different.

Unless you have some ridiculous agenda that you are trying to advance but that would be silly.
Feminist concept of equality


practicable concept of equality, which isn't really equality since that's an impossible dream, it's really equitability that is reasonable



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Where's the society in which the traditional occupational proclivities for men and women are significantly different than they are now?
Things are developing a bit differently in Africa than they did in the west.

We don't have a lot of examples, because *all* human societies have assigned women by necessity to the care of children (and the household after the development of civilization) for tens of thousands of years. It's been self-reinforcing for all of that time.

Now, I'm going to say, I don't think that these traditional gender roles with regards to occupation are abadthing across the board. I just don't think they're biologically based, and I think society loses out a little bit every time an exceptionally intelligent woman is discouraged from going into certain fields, or an exceptionally intelligent man is discouraged from certain other fields. But, lets face it, most people fall in that average range on the bell curve and are basically interchangeable, and whether they go into one field or another based on their gender doesn't really matter for society. So yeah, I think the whole Norwegian gender theory thing is bullshit just for different reasons.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Who teaches the freshly hatched turtle to seek the shore? How does the salmon know to return to its spawning ground? Who instructs the spider how to balloon?
And absolutely none of those things have anything to do with sexual dimorphism in brains.


Tranny Chaser
You sound positively Catholic when you take the position that biological differences between genders are a thing found only in the lesser animals.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You sound positively Catholic when you take the position that biological differences between genders are a thing found only in the lesser animals.
Your examples of inherited behaviors that you just listed weren't even sexually dimorphic. Freshly hatched turtles seek the shore regardless of their fucking gender.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Males tend to be driven to pick those kind of jobs because our ancestors were more successful like that, so those traits got passed on.
What you're describing is actually exactly what I'm saying,modelling, generation after generation.

Do you seriously think those traits only get passed on to the male babies? Do you really think that's how genetics works? That somewhere tucked up on your runty Y chromosomes there's some genetic information that only gets passed on to the male babies? It's actually only the X chromosomes that get to pass gender-specific information on from the mother to child. Men do not.

But if we're talking about your runty Y chromosomes, I'll hand you a point none of you were informed enough to make. Because of your runty Ys, men display greater degrees of genetic variations at the very very extreme ends of the intelligence scales, about 4x more likely to be in the >145 IQ range and also 4x more likely to be in the <55 IQ range, most likely because you're missing a few flecks of genetic information that make women slightly more normative compared to each other. But we're talking about an extremely tiny percentage of the population here and strictly IQ, not anything that would actually affect occupational choices. There's no occupation I can think of where only >145 IQ people can apply, but if there was, there would certainly be more men in those. So yeah, there's probably always going to be more male chess grandmasters than women. But for the rest of the IQ scale, it overlaps with only the tiniest of variations for both genders.


Tranny Chaser
You keep taking the position that all of our behavior is learned in society. I'm pointing out behavior that objectively is not learned behavior. Behavior that is not learned exists in the animal kingdom and the human race is not separate from it.

And you yourself said that the more primitive parts of the brain do have differences and that hormones change the structure of the rest. Do you think our lizard brain and the monkey brain that sit on it are purely vestigial? There's things in there.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Your examples of inherited behaviors that you just listed weren't even sexually dimorphic. Freshly hatched turtles seek the shore regardless of their fucking gender.
you don't have to use "insert Multi-Syllable word here" to show examples of simple principles.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You keep taking the position that all of our behavior is learned in society.
That's not my position. I certainly did not say thatallbehavior is learned. My position is that the vast majority ofsexually divergent behaviorsare learned and reinforced through societal forces and not the result of structural dimorphism in the brain. And what structural dimorphism that DOES exist in the adult brain is the result of hormones, which are themselves influenced at least 50% by societal forces, and that those hormones vary in levels so greatly between individuals even of the same gender that they cannot possibly explain the vast differences in occupational patterns along gender lines.


Tranny Chaser
My position is that the vast majority ofsexually divergent behaviorsare learned and reinforced through societal forces and not the result of structural dimorphism in the brain.
Can I have a list of the sexually divergent behaviors that are not learned through societal forces?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
what's "runty" is that code for man hating?
"By one estimate, the human Y chromosome has lost 1,393 of its 1,438 original genes over the course of its existence"

Runty. Degenerate would be another valid word.

You better hope that none of the important brain infos are on there.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
ITT: People who don't know anything about psychology or genetics arguing about psychology and genetics.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
ITT: People who don't know anything about psychology or genetics arguing about psychology and genetics.
the Y chromosome stopped "degenerating" like 7 million years ago, how old is the human species again?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Mist, are you seriously arguing that men and women have identical psychological tendencies until trained by parenting and society? You are seriously going to take this position as a militant lesbian? Do you understand the implications of that assertion if it were true?

I am starting to agree that Tanoomba is using Mist's account to post.....


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I did not say identical. I said the differences were very small and not nearly large enough to account for the massive differences in outcomes with regard to occupational choices, and that they had to be multiplied by large, external factors in order to account for those massive differences.