Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Unelected Mod
So you admit now you were wrong when you said that traits can't be expressed differently in males and females because males pass on all their genes to both?

You should apologize to Arbitrary when you said he didn't understand genes and also spend a week living at a geneticists house.


Ssraeszha Raider
I see your hypothesis as essentially untestable, and so there's no good reason to prefer your explanation for the occupation gap over the alternatives. The people in the documentary at least attempted to test children at early ages before societal pressures had time to make a significant impact. When the results didn't support your position, you attacked the researchers and asserted that they were just conducting studies that supported their preconceived notions (who knows what you based this on).


<Gold Donor>
Mist, are you seriously arguing that men and women have identical psychological tendencies until trained by parenting and society? You are seriously going to take this position as a militant lesbian? Do you understand the implications of that assertion if it were true?

I am starting to agree that Tanoomba is using Mist's account to post.....
Most fucking men would be nurses? Since most of the childhood years of males are dominated by females? In fact 30% of males in Us now have no male figures in their lives. But it must be the TV, yeah it must be the TV thats training all those boys to be engineers instead of nurses.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You keep throwing out engineers as if that's a statistically relevant percentage of the population. The vast majority of men are not engineers, drawing conclusions about engineers is not very useful.

Scientific observations of children modelling behaviors after same-sex role models are among the very first observations made in the field of modern psychology. It's not some random conjecture I'm throwing out there, it's one of the baseline theories in all of psychology. Nature vs nurture arguments for gender roles is the longest running argument in all of psychology, and there's LOTS of evidence on both sides but the nurture side has always come out on top.

But there's lots of other recent data from sociologists and economists that shows that a lot of the behaviors we thought were biological, are actually more a function of social structures than biology. For instance, we always thought that risk-taking was an inherently male behavior, but in the few matriarchal societies on the planet that have been studied, the women demonstrate more economic risk-taking and therefore risk-taking behavior is an expression of social power, not biology.

And you're right, fatherless boys end up lost and aimless in young adulthood, SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY DONT 'DEFAULT' TO MODELLING FEMALE BEHAVIOR.

So yes it's biological in that there's a strong biological drive to model same-sex behavior, but those behaviors are not inherently gendered, they're societally defined. If you put boys in an environment where all the men were dancing in pink tutus, that's what the boys would start doing too.


Tranny Chaser
And you're right, fatherless boys end up lost and aimless in young adulthood, SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE THEY DONT 'DEFAULT' TO MODELLING FEMALE BEHAVIOR.
Wait, what? If they did default to modeling female behavior than they would not end up lost and aimless in young adulthood? That's absolute gibberish. We learn different things from each parent and when one is absent and there are no substitutes the child suffers. Taking up the gender traits of the remaining parent isn't going to fill the holes.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Wait, what? If they did default to modeling female behavior than they would not end up lost and aimless in young adulthood? That's absolute gibberish. We learn different things from each parent and when one is absent and there are no substitutes the child suffers. Taking up the gender traits of the remaining parent isn't going to fill the holes.
Right, that's what I'm saying. I'm countering the argument that they'd just mimic whatever they see in the absence of a male role model. They specifically seek to mimic behavior from same-sex role models. That's your biological component. Not the roles themselves.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
So what are we arguing? Mist agrees that there are differences at a genetic level, she doesn't think they affect that much the behavior of the adult. It is an opinion, without facts but is an opinion nonetheless. In order to show counter example we will have to have a child been raised by wolves?
Remember it is a soft science where everyone is right. ...


Tranny Chaser
It's a soft science that people like Mist have latched on to as a means with which to upend society. It's all fine and dandy to have a conversation on a message board but she would put base legislation on her opinions. She's dangerous and she doesn't care who would be hurt provided others changed their behavior to be more in line with what she wants.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
It's a soft science that people like Mist have latched on to as a means with which to upend society. It's all fine and dandy to have a conversation on a message board but she would put base legislation on her opinions. She's dangerous and she doesn't care who would be hurt provided others changed their behavior to be more in line with what she wants.
I didn't say that at all. You're just making shit up. I personally think that socialized gender roles are largely a positive for the bulk of society, societies need defined structures to work and gender is certainly a good one, I just don't see compelling evidence that they're biologically based, certainly not as biological as many people think they are, and there's vast amounts of evidence across many different fields and many different kinds of studies that go against the biological arguments.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What's really ironic is the number of people in this thread that were lamenting the lack of male teachers for pages and pages, when that's a prime example of society putting too much stock in it's assumptions of biologically based gender roles.

The lack of male teachers bothers me only slightly, and the lack of female engineers doesn't bother me at all. I just don't think it's because of biological forces.

As long a society has enough degrees of freedom that exceptional individuals are free to break out of socially enforced gender roles, then that's enough.


Musty Nester
I had this thought years ago and it has stuck with me and entertained me ever since.

Since males are the mutation that, by definition, means that we are more evolved.



Jive Turkey

WRONG. You're fucking scientifically illiterate and now I'm going to school the fucking shit out of you.

You're confusing DNA with genes (and to some extend genomes) We share ~99% of chimp DNA, but the vast majority of that DNA is junk DNA, inactive noncoding DNA. Over 98% of the human genome is noncoding DNA. The active DNA makes up the coded genes, of which some are expressed and some are recessed. Of the genes that actually get expressed in an individual person or chimp or peacock, which is a tiny fraction of the total amount of DNA we carry, we vary by A LOT.

So yes, we share ~99% of chimp DNA, but less than 2% of the DNA we carry actually does anything, so the fact that we're 99% similar is completely fucking meaningless.
Might want to read some actual current information on "junk DNA" before claiming to "school the fucking shit" out of anybody

Jive Turkey

Your examples of inherited behaviors that you just listed weren't even sexually dimorphic. Freshly hatched turtles seek the shore regardless of their fucking gender.
And I guess the female turtles return to their spawning ground to lay their eggs because they learned it from their mothers?

Jive Turkey

Can't you all see every sexually reproducing creature on earth is just mirroring the very first sexually reproducing creature in existence and what they deemed to be acceptable gender roles? It's a never ending cycle. Don't pay attention to the older parts of the brain. They're old, primitive, and stupid. They can't possibly tell us anything about innate biological behavioral differences


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Modelling is just way more powerful of a force, and gets more and more powerful the more cognitively evolved the animal is.

I like how you guys show up 100 years late to the argument and think you're going over new territory. Many psychologists believed that when we finally developed the ability to peer into the human brain we'd see these vast differences between the genders, and now that we've peeled back the curtain those differences have shown to be so insignificant compared to the differences between any two given individuals regardless of gender.

Jive Turkey

So a mechanism already exists for expressing different traits in the sexes, but you'd like to assign something different just because our brains are more complexly evolved? Ok

Jive Turkey

What about even simply looking at brain disorders and psychopathy differences between men and woman. Are these caused by social constructs? Are men more prone to violent brain disorders because it's learned?