Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Does a wife have a right to continously deny her husband sex? I do not believe she does, that's part of the implied agreement of marriage.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Question.. you keep mentioning how instincts have slowly disappeared with the advancement of language. Can u give a concrete example, about an instinct that was present in early human populations, but no longer exist in modern times?
Do humans still fling their shit at people like primates? No, they just swear instead.

Jive Turkey

Professional computer programming is not solitary, and does not involve violence or hand-eye coordination. Regardless, where's your evidence that the 'male propensity' for solitary activities is a biological one?
Your first sentence makes me think you didn't even read what I wrote.

And women are more social creatures than men. It's not even up for debate.

You need only go back to the loads of posts of mine you've ignored to know my point. But thats cool


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Your first sentence makes me think you didn't even read what I wrote.
I did read what you wrote, you said video games, trying to make the link that exposure to video games increases ones propensity towards computer programming. But not all video games are violent, women play far more casual video games than men, they just play fucking Bejeweled or Candy Crush or whatever. And those are actually arguably better gateways to computer programming because one can learn how to program those types of games in just a few weeks.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
But in the other 99.99% (repeating of course) of the population, that biological urge has been converted to the urge to fling 'shit words' at people, aka swearing. And social structure is so powerful that it suppresses the urge to fling shit words at people in most normal social settings, again demonstrating that social structures are more powerful than biological urges for the vast majority of the population.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
The California thing is on this thread back when we were talking about consent.
Mist I asked about what human instinct, and you mentioned an ape behavior. I'm sure you know the difference between the two of them. So again what HUMAN INSTINCT have we lost due to evolving in society.

I didn't ask about ape instincts nor behavior.

You made the claim, you must provide the evidence. Give me a human society that instinctively threw shit at others. Btw you do know the difference between an instinct an a behavior right?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
human shoulder is structured much differently and allows accurate hurling of heavier objects overhand, monkeys are usually more limited to an underhand toss of light weight things like poo however people still throw things at each other in anger so the instinct still seems intact to me.

Jive Turkey

I did read what you wrote, you said video games, trying to make the link that exposure to video games increases ones propensity towards computer programming. But not all video games are violent, women play far more casual video games than men, they just play fucking Bejeweled or Candy Crush or whatever. And those are actually arguably better gateways to computer programming because one can learn how to program those types of games in just a few weeks.
Are you using a 5 or 6 year old development to support your stance? 10 years ago, how many girls were playing fucking bejeweled or candy crush or whatever? Besides, this is all very fluffy. You got really talkative when things got fluffy


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
How about a woman's instinct to push during childbirth, is that brought about by modeling?


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I have had to skim the last 10 pages, since to attempt to force that much cognitive dissonance into my brain is to stare into the mouth of madness. Mist is either actually being physically coerced or is intentionally or unintentionally trolling. The documentary was great, btw.