Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Tranny Chaser
......are you talking about Chimpanzees???
Mist has gone and confused the primates of today that we can observe with the ancestors we share with those primates from hundreds of millions of years ago.

We have no way of knowing what instincts were present in early humans and how those instincts changed over time. We have no way of knowing what instincts were present in their ancestors and how those instincts evolved over time. You can't compare two different species that evolved along entirely different paths and claim humans have lost almost all of our instincts because a species that evolved along an entirely different path is different than us.

And other primates. So we can extrapolate what biological instincts that early humans would have had.
The fucking fuck you can. You can't fucking say a monkey today is the same as a monkey from forever ago.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ladies and gentlemen, the amazing results of the famed neuropsychology program of the University of Rhode Island.

Take a bow Mist, you fucking ape.


Tranny Chaser
No, obviously chimps diverged from a shared common ancestor. But we can make certain extrapolations.
Chimps have millions of years of evolution along a different path. Their closest ancestors have millions of years along a different evolutionary path. You can't come to those conclusions. At all.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
We have no way of knowing what instincts were present in early humans and how those instincts changed over time. We have no way of knowing what instincts were present in their ancestors and how those instincts evolved over time. You can't compare two different species that evolved along entirely different paths and claim humans have lost almost all of our instincts because a species that evolved along an entirely different path is different than us.
You know this then hurts your biological/evolutionary argument by saying you can't find a baseline for comparison? If you can't make some assumptions about primate biological behaviors without the influence of complex human society, then your biological/evolutionary argument has absolutely standing. So please, continue arguing this point.

Jive Turkey

Mist, it is COMPLETELY different to observe a behaviour to two species with a common ancestor and assume the ancestor also displayed that behavior than it is to look at a behaviour of one species not present in another and assume the common ancestor displayed it. The fact I have to explain that to you is nothing short of incredible. What is your specialization in psychology again?


what Suineg set it to
Maybe stick to the psych and stats because your bio is garbage. You're assuming an instinct displayed by an evolutionary cousin must've been present in our direct ancestors? Jesus christ
I mean, not so sure... she's talking about excluding the results of a simple experiment that populated a contingency table with a single nominal variable because of 'P-hacking by removing outliers' despite it having appeared in peer reviewed scientific journals. How the fuck do you even have an outlier without a continuous variable? "SHITS OFF THE SCALE, THAT BABY JUST CHOSE OPTION 9 OF 8!!!!" Lulz on many levels.


Tranny Chaser
You know this then hurts your biological/evolutionary argument by saying you can't find a baseline for comparison? If you can't make some assumptions about primate biological behaviors without the influence of complex human society, then your biological/evolutionary argument has absolutely standing. So please, continue arguing this point.
You are saying flatly wrong things again. One-hundred percent completely fucking wrong things.

The very idea that you can look at chimps today and say they are like our monkey-lemur ancestors from a few hundred million years ago is absurd.


what Suineg set it to
You are saying flatly wrong things again. One-hundred percent completely fucking wrong things.

The very idea that you can look at chimps today and say they are like our monkey-lemur ancestors from a few hundred million years ago is absurd.
Duh Arbitrary, you can see that in chimps and know past instincts BUT NOT HUMANS you dumb fuck!

Jive Turkey

I mean, not so sure... she's talking about excluding the results of a simple experiment that populated a contingency table with a single nominal variable because of 'P-hacking by removing outliers' despite it having appeared in peer reviewed scientific journals. How the fuck do you even have an outlier without a continuous variable? "SHITS OFF THE SCALE, THAT BABY JUST CHOSE OPTION 9 OF 8!!!!" Lulz on many levels.
I'm smart enough to stay away from the stats discussion
I'll leave that to you guys


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You are saying flatly wrong things again. One-hundred percent completely fucking wrong things.

The very idea that you can look at chimps today and say they are like our monkey-lemur ancestors from a few hundred million years ago is absurd.
It is not as absurd as saying you can distinguish and separate human biologically-driven behaviors from socially-driven behaviors without looking to other primates.

Jive Turkey

Is this seriously Mist's field of expertise? Why are they letting someone who knows sweet fuck all about biology and evolution near this sort of thing?

Jive Turkey

It is not as absurd as saying you can distinguish and separate human biologically-driven behaviors from socially-driven behaviors without looking to other primates.
Actually, what you said was literally one of the dumbest things I've read in this thread. No lie.