Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Musty Nester
This has become an exercise in how to admit an idea is intellectually bankrupt without having to take the hit to your pride and actually admit it. Or do the work and refine the idea into something which is not.

Lazy lazy lazy. So much effort used in an attempt to avoid any sort of deeper understanding.

It probably started that way, but it has doubled down so often that it is exponentially more pure now.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
The funny part is that the mystical release of hormones will be easy to detect, all you have to do is an analysis of the blood of an child right after giving him positive reinforcement. But I dont think that has been ever detected.


Does tanoomba have anything of value to add to this thread besides generalizations and declarations of fact? Honestly, read every single one of his posts. There is no information there
"Generalizations" and "declarations of fact" would put me two steps above anything you've contributed.

Again, where in the brain is the modelling taking place? What interaction between brain regions allows this to happen? How is the brain physically shaped by environment? You're going to hold your hypothesis to the same standards, right?
Why are you acting like these are great mysteries? We actually know a lot about this. The short answer is "neuroscience", and the long answer fills many textbooks and case studies. Are you fishing for an explanation as to how different parts of the brain are responsible for different tasks? Do you need to be told how neural pathways are formed and reinforced between different parts of the brain as associations are made? Would you like information about how parts of the brain that fall into disuse become smaller and less relevant while other parts of the brain that become more active take up more space? How about how the brain sends chemical rewards when exposed to positive stimuli? This is A LOT of information dude (no one said neuroscience was simple), but it answers all of your questions without resorting to mentioning Deeprak Chopra.

I'd be happy to go into more detail about any of these points to help illustrate how they address your questions. Just understand that complicated questions often have complicated answers, and being unable to understand them doesn't make it "mystical".


Trump's Staff
Neuroscience as a field is in its infancy from what I understand. It really shouldn't be surprising to anyone that we don't know much about the brain and its processes yet.


Neuroscience as a field is in its infancy from what I understand. It really shouldn't be surprising to anyone that we don't know much about the brain and its processes yet.
It's even less surprising when we actively ignore what we DO know.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Reign it in a little Tanoomba-bro, you're too stupid to even reply to now. If you want to successfully troll us, you need to be stupid enough that we get upset, but not so dumb that we're like "what the fuck, that guy is stupid. <hits back>" You've over the line into hit back territory now. Dial it back a few degrees and you'll probably get some replies.


Christie Blatchford: The Twitter trial of Gregory Elliott is becoming much like Twitter itself ??" shrill and uber-sensitive | National Post


There was Chris Murphy, the lawyer for accused stalker Gregory Elliott, asking Stephanie Guthrie, the alleged victim of Mr. Elliott's alleged harassment, reading aloud a Tweet of his client's.

"Blaming the majority of normal men for rape.is wrong," Mr. Elliott, a 53-year-old Toronto man, wrote back in September of 2012. "Rapists are not normal men; they're crazy. Why not blame the mentally ill?"

It hardly rang in my ears as the ravings of a perverse woman-hater, nor apparently in Mr. Murphy's, because after reading it for Ontario Court Justice Brent Knazan, Mr. Murphy asked, in his reasonable way, "That's a pretty good point?"

In the witness stand, Ms. Guthrie snorted, yelled, "Are you kidding me?", pounded her fist and then announced, "I know lots of normal men who have raped; I have been raped by normal men."

When he asked her to point to one (tweet) - just one - that had instilled fear in her, she snapped, "That's not how feelings work, Mr. Murphy. They develop over time." When the lawyer suggested she wasn't fearful, that she'd made fun of Mr. Elliott and taunted him, she sighed theatrically and said, "There's no perfect victim, Mr. Murphy, and no perfect way to respond to being stalked. Sometimes you have to fight back a little bit.. I'm sorry if I wasn't a perfect victim."

Mr. Murphy then suggested that what Mr. Elliott had been doing was defending himself, and his views, when he was being attacked on Twitter by her and the other complainants. Wasn't he entitled to do that?

"He's entitled to defend himself to the world, Mr. Murphy; he's not entitled to do it to me."

"No matter what you say about or to him?" Mr. Murphy asked.

"Not to me," she said.


Tranny Chaser
When he asked her to point to one (tweet) - just one - that had instilled fear in her, she snapped, "That's not how feelings work, Mr. Murphy. They develop over time."
Well this is clearly a well-written and well thought out law to have this case to go trail.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"Now it was a thousand degrees in the Old City Hall courtroom, where the AC had to be turned off for anyone to have a prayer of hearing anyone else, and, as Judge Knazan later remarked, the proceedings were on the sixth day (albeit spread over months) in the fifth hour."

It's also not a real newspaper. It's a fucking blog.


Unelected Mod
Is there a good news article on that twitter harassment trial? Seems really silly but maybe I am missing something.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is twitter stalking now a thing?

So absurd.
Disagree. while, no doubt, most instances of twitter/youtube/social media stalking/bullying/harassment is just stupid bullshit. And "THIS" case, sounds pretty retarded, and the women seems to have zero case.
There are real cases, and it should never be ignored.
Psychos like Rodgers, people that suicide from it, "hacked" phones, stolen ID, and accounts, etc.


Unelected Mod
Interesting, from Fana's link

She has testified that it was the frequency and volume of the tweets that caused her to fear Elliott, though she has also made clear thathe never threatened her or sexually harassed her in any tweet.
On Wednesday, Guthrie testified that she found Elliott's political views "spurious," "invalid" and "a crock."
Alright, well, I tried to be skeptical that the trial was as silly as it sounds, but that sure sounds absurd.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
apparently they had dinner to discuss working together on a project before they turned hostile I guess that changes the interaction?

it involved that anita sarkeesian scammer

"I want his hatred on the Internet to impact his real-life experience," Guthrie wrote on Twitter in July 2012.

Elliott felt Guthrie and others were ganging up on Spurr and unleashed a series of tweets saying so. Guthrie blocked him from communicating with her on Twitter, but she could still read tweets that mentioned her user name.

Shortly after, Elliott created the Twitter hashtag #FascistFeminists in relation to Guthrie and her friends.


They met up, Elliott was supposed to make a poster for Guthrie, she felt "creeped out" by him and decided not to use him for the poster.
They continued to keep in touch through Twitter, apparently without issue.
Guthrie got pissed at the guy who made the "beat the shit out of Anita Sarkeesian" game and sent info about him to prospective employers in his home town.
Elliott disagreed strongly with this action and made it clear in several Tweets.
Guthrie broke off Twitter communication with Elliott, but he continued to post where she posts and referencing her in his Tweets.
She got frustrated and decided to charge him with harassment.

It's a silly case and there's no way the guy is going to be found guilty, but like Caliane said, harassmentcanoccur through Twitter and apparently the court thought this case was worth looking into. Hopefully it will set a precedent and define characteristics of online harassment that need to be present before future cases like this start clogging up the legal system.


I Don?t Regret Cheating On My Boyfriend, Here?s Why

I sometimes ask myself why I don?t feel guilty about cheating on Justin with my classmate, or why I don?t feel guilty for enjoying the sex so much. My answer is always the same: because it was something that I needed to do for me. I am definitely a feminist, but this had nothing to do with expressing my freedom as a woman, or general human being for that matter, or anything along those lines. I am not a bad person without morals. I am not a ?slut?.


Unelected Mod
It's a silly case and there's no way the guy is going to be found guilty, but like Caliane said, harassmentcanoccur through Twitter and apparently the court thought this case was worth looking into. Hopefully it will set a precedent and define characteristics of online harassment that need to be present before future cases like this start clogging up the legal system.
Agreed, though I apparently have less faith in the justice system than you. Harassment can occur online for sure. This, at least from what you said and the few articles I read, doesn't sound like it at all.