Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I'm just saying that while it's really easy to be a stupid internet feminist when you're white and upper class (the usual band of idiots holding I need feminist signs and posting to their feminist blogs,) it's also pretty easy to be stupid internet anti-feminist when you're white and upper class.

It's almost like there's some certain... white... class... privileges at work here...
Its easy to post about upper class white privilege on the internet from your white-occupied seat in academia.


Avatar of War Slayer


"Misandrist pixie dream girl"

"Uggh" is right.

Still, this made me chuckle:



Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Check her followers, I bet Mist is in there.
I hate crybaby internet feminists as much as you guys. I hate most feminists in general, because they tend to say I engage in too much 'victim blaming' to be a feminist.

Because calling out stupid people for putting themselves in stupid situations is 'victim blaming' instead of common sense.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Lazy lazy lazy.
You're right, it is lazy. I'm not going to try to teach a masters level course in behavioral psychology on an internet titty-posting forum.

Therefore, because I'm lazy, all I'm saying is that behaviorism can already predict the vast majority of human behavior and these biological theories cannot. So understanding human behavior through the lens of behaviorism is just more valid than trying to understand it via a very shoddy understanding of neurobiology.

Again, another computer analogy: you don't try to diagnose a driver problem in Windows by trying to look at what the adder circuits are doing inside the CPU.


Avatar of War Slayer
"Misandrist pixie dream girl"

eh. Obviously a joke. Like... do you guys think the "magical pixie dream girl" isn't a shitty cliche?

This shit however makes me laugh. That seems to be tweeted with a straight face.
"Watched some amazing feminist survival horror last night: Black Rock, directed by @duplaselton & starring same + @lakebell & @katebosworth"
"Do NOT be swayed by this movie's criminal 4.7 IMdB rating, which I can only assume was juked by MRAs mad about the nature of the rape scene"
Never seen or heard of this movie. but... look at all these MRA's.
Black Rock - Rotten Tomatoes


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
all I'm saying is that behaviorism can already predict the vast majority of human behavior
does it? which is more popular behaviorism or cognitive psychology? I'm genuinely curious, they seem to be at odds with each other and i've read some things that claim behaviorism is in decline.

Can Behaviorism Still Apply in the Face of Overwhelming Opposition?

This article demonstrates the reasons behind the movement that has been growing for the past three decades against the theory of behaviorism. These are the contemporary challenges set forth by cognitive science, psycholinguistics, and philosophy. Cognitive and other psychologists reject, not the methods of behaviorism, which many use derivations from in their own studies, but the theory's insistent ignoring of mental processes as something to be studied. In other words, behaviorists are concerned purely with observable behavior, rather than attempting to probe the inner processes of the mind.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Cognitive psychology is not the same thing as cognitive neuroscience. Cognitive psychology is about examining thought processes without looking at the underlying biology. Cognitive psychotherapy works by eliminating maladaptive thinking by employing various methods to manipulate the subject to think differently.

Also, cognitive psychology is NOT at odds with behaviorism. The most popular clinical therapeutic treatment programs (aside from just shoving drugs at people) areCognitive behavioral therapy. Behaviorism is so reliable that cognitive therapists just decided to co-op it to fill the gaps in their theories and methods.