Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Mist how many degrees you have?

I counted at least 4 so far.

Jive Turkey

Statistics is even more bullshit than psychology. You can take that off your "door" i.e. cubicle wall now
Ya, pretty sure they didn't have stats in mind when they made that illustration

Wow what exactly? Do you know anything about neuroplasticity as it relates to developmental psychology? No? Okay then.
Do you know anything whatsoever about fetal development or genetics? No? Okay then. You disdain for biology completely clouds your judgement


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Ya, pretty sure they didn't have stats in mind when they made that illustration
Do you even know what statistics is? I have a BS in Applied Mathematics (Statistics) from the department of Mathematics. It's as fucking math as math gets. I was going to be an actuary until I realized just how much I fucking hate insurance companies when I had to sue one on my mother's behalf.
Do you know anything whatsoever about fetal development or genetics? No? Okay then.
I actually know quite a lot about genetics. But I'm not really sure where you're mashing together fetal hormone levels and genetics. There's so many other factors in fetal hormone levels.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Do you even know what statistics is? I have a BS in Applied Mathematics (Statistics) from the department of Mathematics. It's as fucking math as math gets. I was going to be an actuary until I realized just how much I fucking hate insurance companies when I had to sue one on my mother's behalf.

I actually know quite a lot about genetics. But I'm not really sure where you're mashing together fetal hormone levels and genetics. There's so many other factors in fetal hormone levels.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Mathematicians themselves consider statistics to be bullshit. They are fucking ashamed of it to be included under the math umbrella. Might as well consider Astrology to be a major under the Psychology umbrella too.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
maybe Mist's degree is actually in applied astrology. this would explain the copious amount of bullshit she spews here.

Jive Turkey

Do you even know what statistics is? I have a BS in Applied Mathematics (Statistics) from the department of Mathematics. It's as fucking math as math gets. I was going to be an actuary until I realized just how much I fucking hate insurance companies when I had to sue one on my mother's behalf.
You're a data cruncher. That's not what the illustration is referring to


Musty Nester
What social policy? And you don't get to throw words around like 'clinical psychology' when you don't even know what that means. Clinical psychology is when you go see a therapist or when you get locked up in a mental institution. Absolutely nothing to do with this topic.
That doesn't even make any sense. You're just screaming sounds at this point. It's not even words.

Edit: to be clear, I'm not in the least upset about the 90% of the post which is a credibility attack. You're wrong, but even if you weren't I went there first and fair's fair. It's the 10% of the post that was trying to be substantive. The insult was actually coherent. In fact I'm sort of happy about the credibility attack. It proves that you aren't actually mentally retarded, you're just being really super stupid. While there is no cure for stupid there exist many treatments, and those suffering from the condition can go on to lead full and productive lives.

Jive Turkey

But I'm not really sure where you're mashing together fetal hormone levels and genetics.
I wrote 'fetal development', for starters. And what might fetal hormone levels and genetics have in common? Oh, I don't know, how about "shit that goes on in the mommy's tummy"? You know, in response to you writing off "9 months in the womb" as if nothing important happens in that time


Musty Nester
I think I might have finally figured it out. It's like an insight. A flash. A message burnt across the clouds.

I think she's saying that we should apply a different standard to girl science. Specifically a lower standard. Because they just can't think so gud. But that doesn't make it any lessvalid.

I honestly think that's what she's saying. It fits. Every bit of it fucking fits.



Peter Joseph destroys some obnoxious asshole here. Weird, that guy kind of reminds me of you guys.