Despite the fact that rapes are down, there's still a LOT of them compared to other severe crimes. Our society is still doing a grave disservice to actual rape victims in many ways, and it's for a bunch of reasons.
I love numbers, so this statement piqued my interest. I read this and I was generally curious where rape falls on the "compared to other crimes" scale because this is something we can actually look at. Also I live half my like in spreadsheets anyway so I can use them pretty quickly.
To the Numbers!
First I pulled the
FBI crime statisticsas a baseline. The crimes are listed by severity left to right, violent crimes in hot colors and property crimes in cool.
Well, that is totally unreadable. It probably follows a power law distribution because nearly all things, from wars to earthquakes, that have both a severity and an incidence rate follow one.
Hot diggity, well look at that. Rape is right where we would expect it to be based on everything we know about the world. It is more severe than murder, but less than robbery or assault, and it falls right in between the two crimes.
Ok, but we all know rape is under-reported, and I don't think anyone here would dispute that. So let's add in the
estimated incidence rate from NCVS.
Ok, yea, rape is under-reported. But it still falls where we would expect it to based on a power law distribution. The NCVS's number might not be perfect, but they make sense.
Now you might say, but the CDC says that the NCVS underestimates rapes? Ok, let's roll that in. I grabbed the number from
hereand used the 12 month rate, and converted the percent to per 100k to match. This isn't exactly the same, but it is the closest I could get based on the study.
Wtf? The CDC puts estimated rapes at the same rate as petty larceny? It makes absolutely no sense that women are raped at the same rate their iPhones are pinched. What is with this study?
Oh. It is full of fucking shit. You see, men are raped so little in a 12 month period that they don't even show up on the stats. But they are "made to penetrate" at the same absurdly high rate that women are raped. But that isn't rape. You see, it isn't rape because we didn't put it in the rape column. Because men.