Attitudes, mostly. It's fucking ridiculous how butthurt people get about a fictional character who very clearly consented according to the norms of her society when she accepted the marriage vows.
And yet real girls get taken advantage of in way worse situations every day and people shrug it off as "eh what're you gonna do about it."
You might think I have a silly false dichotomy here but I think you guys have an absurd level of cognitive dissonance.
Haha. On one hand you acknowledge that Sansa consented and acknowledged what she was getting in to, then on the other hand you go and talk about modern day "taking advantage of wimminz." Judging by your previous Misting, I'm going to assume you refer primarily to alcohol and the situations surrounding alcohol usage as the main source of "taking advantage" today.
Here's the thing. Speaking personally, I relate the two as quite
nearlythe same. Sansa acknowledged what she was getting herself into, and forged ahead. She knew what she would probably need to do. She knew that given the guy is a creep, it might get weird. Women in modern times know what they're getting into. They choose to imbibe alcohol to the point of inebriety, and understand that they are still engaging with the opposite sex in said inebriated state. They understand that stuff might get weird.
I just have very little sympathy for women who put themselves in a situation like that. Women getting shit-faced drunk around the opposite sex is always THEIR choice. What the fuck more do you want? They have their choice, and they make it. If you say what you want is a 100% safe environment for women to get shit-faced drunk
around men, then I'm just going to laugh in your face. Good luck with that one. Sex is
by farthe number one thing men want from women, and the degree of drive behind it is immense. It goes without saying that a large portion of them will take advantage of any opportunity they can get their hands on. A shit-faced woman is quite the opportunity for many men. This truth of this reality will never change. Move forward in full knowledge of the way reality works, rather than trying to re-write reality. You say you want more "awareness" or whatever of the "terrible plight of wimminz" in modern society. Well, guess what: the major cause of this supposed plight is consensually entered into by each and every one of them. Maybe alter your focus toward educating these idiot women better (assuming they perceive the same plight you do, which is questionable)?
Drinking to excess around the opposite sex really only has one purpose in our society. It is undoubtedly to facilitate the sexings. To argue otherwise is ignorant and naive.
And before you Mist all over me, let me be clear that I'm speaking toward your "taking advantage of" scenario, and not about forcible rape. Obviously regardless of the scenario, the latter is deplorable. Knowing that, feel free to rebutt.