Gee, where do all these rapey guys in college find the time to do all this, all while engaging in their studies. I mean they have to go to frat parties, find dumb lonely freshmen girls, isolate them away from all their friends and families, give them a good raping, all the while maintaining a 2.0 GPA.
Wait, are all male college rapists Communications majors? I bet thats it, right?
I don't think any of this stuff happens that you're saying, the majority of college "rapes" are guy and girl hook up at a party where they're both waayyy too intoxicated to give proper consent, and that ends up getting reported as rape and becomes yet another statistic.
And seriously? There's no incentive for a girl to report rape? Besides having the college sanction her carrying around a mattress for two years as a for credit art project, right?
Yes, the modus operandi of most sexual predators is to get close, isolate, and rape away.
No, I don't think this scenario you're speaking about happens very often in college. Why would the rapist let the girl continue to go to school, in this situation? Why wouldn't they be living together? I think this scenario happens a lot more out of college, where its easier to isolate someone, especially if she's NOT a student, has no career aspirations/jobs/internships/groups of like minded and near age friends to hang out with. That's where the majority of the predator isolation and rape away cases probably occur. That's when the opportunity exists.
How do you isolate someone without....isolating them?
killed sexual predators know all of these things.
And you seem to be an expert, so now you've got me wondering if you have a penis and are actually speaking from personal experience, hence why its so hard for us to get you to admit you're wrong...
Is this you, Mist? Are you trying to put your finger in a new acquitances butt as we speak?