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This was my working weekend so next weekend I have 3 days off. Meaning I am super excited to bring my hunter to some raiding, every other weekend.
after watching that mythic blackhand i think you need to bring that warlock tho, you see them Wakandans DPS????This was my working weekend so next weekend I have 3 days off. Meaning I am super excited to bring my hunter to some raiding, every other weekend.
Well that's why we're working together. When I get a chance I'll see what I Can see in the logs for everyone. Literally every person can improve in some way, so if we're all collectively working with eachother providing constructive criticism we can only get better. I just hope everyone has thick enough skin that they can accept criticism and know that we're only doing it so everyone can improve. We're doing good! But the hard stuff is to come.Apologies to all on my heroic Gruul derp. For those not there, I accidentally clicked my gear/spec swap macro instead of Blessing of Might before the fight, so I was healing with my Ret gear and wondering why my healing was so low. Reminded me of the time our MT in vanilla tried to tank Ragnaros with a mining pick.
I have permanently fixed this.![]()
Still not ecstatic with my healing overall, on Maidens I did ok but other fights need to improve.
I saw you in Karazhan and said hello, no response. Glad you got your account back.So someone got ahold of my account info and didn't change the password.. sketchy. Didn't strip my accounts at all instead setup a bot to run karazan for vendor trash.
They put a gamecard on my account for a month and it has 25kg dirty money sitting on it. (Bam Game Wow Card was just revoked)
I've got it locked down with mobile authenticator now (had sms protect).
Funny stuff. I even had a pretty nuts ass password, but it seems it got brute forced relatively easily as my SMS protect never fired off.
Oh bro but didn't you hear? We don't have a guild leader! Unless you are a rank that is somehow below meEh I got the account locked on mobile auth now, It was a completely unique PW (From a long time ago). That PW was used for previous games that got compromised though. So that's probably where the hole is. I switched it out for a new unique PW so I should be okay now.
Steam and other games haven't been compromised, email is fine etc, likely not a keylogger. If I get another compromise this month I'll reformat.
Upon further investigation, the account got sent a time card on the 4th and went active on the 5th, so I was able to stop him from transferring off all the gold. I'll see about resubbing to make sure he didn't plinko the guild bank.
I'd recommend bumping me down to member status or recruit status just incase it happens again.
I'm saved to mythic for the week. Did Kargath, Butcher, and Twins.Mad slummin yo.
PS: If your Area 52 guild didn't do Mythic HM we might have a dps spot tonight if you want to die to Butcher some. Once positioning is down he'll fall over dead.
You can feel sorry for the handful of underperformering dps we are saddled with that keep Blackhand just out of reach.
This happened to me on Butcher on Friday which is why I was mentioning that my Grid was messed up. Thanks for the solution. Do you ever have the issue of the tanks not sticking to the first two cells of the grid? When I join the raid and the tanks are promoted, they will be in the first two cells no matter what group they are in. However when the groups are mixed around, the tanks randomly get put into different cells even with having a "tanks first" layout. Might be a bug, or something I can fix with a custom layout. Will experiment tonight. I like my tanks in the first two cells, old habit after years of tank healing.I found a solution to the Grid2 problem when you split people into unused groups (i.e. Butcher). The problem happens because Grid2 does not by default give you the option to layout by group with a higher raid size so if we have 15 people it will only show 3 groups and anyone put into the 4th group will not be shown.
To fix it, go to General Settings, Layouts tab, and then the advanced tab. In the new layout name box, make a name for it (I went with Custom Group 20). In the 'Header 1' fields, do the following (Type = raid, Columns = 1, Units/Column = All, First Group = 1, Last Group = 1, Group by = None, Sort by = Index) in the Action tab choose copy and now change First Group to 2 (Last Group should also be 2). Repeat these steps changing First Group to 3, 4, etc. (4 is all you need for 20 man).
Afterward you can go to the Layouts, General tab and under Raid 15 layout change it to the 'Custom Group 20' layout you just made. I went ahead and made a custom layout for all group sizes 10-40 so that I can swap out layout sizes no matter what the raid size is.