Craig McGregor just replied on Rerolled. THIS IS GREAT


Potato del Grande
Ask Craig why he cares about the data. Not our fault he was swindled. Sue that asshole Draegan. He'll have our full support.
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Millie's Staff Member
Yep - we purchased this site a couple months back. However the price was NOT $20,000

It was a giant mistake. The numbers actually were great at 1.5 million page views per month - however the sellers did not really disclose that they were more or less hosting a community on this domain that would just pack up and leave if someone else took ownership.

bahahahahahahahahahaha -breathes in- bahahahahahahahahahha
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Throbbing Member
You guys really need to stop throwing numbers around in case you guess correctly. They could assume a_skeleton_03 broke his NDA.
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FPS noob
you can kind of roll backwards what they paid, average websites make $400-1000 per 1m views, its based on CPMs and banner ad rates so can vary wildly but since they felt they were getting 1.5m views its probably in the range of $500-1200/mo estimated worth. Since they felt they could make it back in a year, they paid somewhere between $7k to 15 thou. I'd guess the upper end of that though.
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Potato del Grande
You guys really need to stop throwing numbers around in case you guess correctly. They could assume a_skeleton_03 broke his NDA.
Nah, we're only guessing. He wanted $7k for it, either he's being a huge penis hole and trying to make a profit, or he got fleeced. $20k is a nice round number of stupid from column B.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Someone didn't raise their business acumen skill, or bother upping their forum chill language.
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> Than U
The admin stuff in that thread is great. They claim they didn't pay 20k for all the sites but rerolled apparently was the massive majority of traffic and was on track to pay for itself in less than a year.
From mmos site above "Of course we knew it was a community forum. What we did not know was that if the ownership changed they would move elsewhere. How could we have known that would happen?

Prior to this happening it was a solid investment and was on track to pay itself off in a year or so (again it was not $20k like the OP stated)."

Wow. No wonder they wanted more than 1k for it. Such a terrible shame they won't recoup that money and going to have eggs thrown at them every chance people get now over it.
In a year or two when they crash and shut down, this will have been a contributing factor.

Dreagan is the most responsible here but they should have told us when it happened as well and resinsured the community nothing was going to change. Handled right most people would have been fine with it, hoping no one would find out and saying nothing was not the right course of action here. I know I personally will shit on them now every chance I get.
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Murder Apologist
Who told him to "eat a tranny dick, retard?"

That guy needs props.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I would wager some people would raise key issues of concern even if they were open and up front about the transfer. But the way it went down ensured 100% it would be a "leak" rather than announcement and full steam right ahead into the iceberg. Both Draegan and MMORPG dropped the ball on that one.
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Throbbing Member
Draegan made out like a bandit here unless Craig goes legal on him.
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Murder Apologist
Craig absolutely has grounds to recover his losses from Draegan.
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Millie's Staff Member
if he signed a contract for a gaming guild community and meanwhile we are not a guild in any particular game then connor macleod may have a case. even when FoH was an active gaming guild, that was a drop in the bucket to the rest of the members posting there. i was in magister using a name here they wouldnt recognize because i would have been deguilded for sharing l33t iraid nfoz. i bet others did the same. this was the place to be for everquest. like 15 years ago. draegan selling this site as what this was in 2001 and even in 2001 was a gross exaggeration of this board's members. i think draegan has some splainin to do. which is good, fuck him and connor macleod
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Potato del Grande
Are you lawdicking me?
gis for lawdicking, you tell me!

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Trakanon Raider
Man.. I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this stance, but I still don't think mmocraig did anything wrong. A large business doesn't operate on the same timetables we assume they do. He DID post here and tell us nothing would change, but no one believed it. They can't come in and tell everyone they are the new owners before the sale is finalized. Shit.. I bet draegan might have made that part of the deal that they couldn't communicate with anyone until after it was finalized. He also probably gave them the impression that no one would care, so they had no reason to think they needed to say anything.

Hell, I doubt if they had said something in june/july the reaction would have been any different from our end. They probably were waiting to move to their servers, maybe make a few quality of life improvements and reduce database errors to show their good faith before making an announcement. The core contingent behind moving would have still played chicken little and done the same thing, so saying that them staying quiet for a month had anything to do with us moving is bullshit.

Let me also say though, that the new forum is great overall but the end result is simply 'fine'. We still lost some number of posters in the move and every time it happens this community gets closer and closer to dying. Without a new focus for the site, such as a big guild/esports team as the main attraction like in the FOH days, it becomes harder and harder to bring on new posters. Even if a_skeleton_03 reaches out to old regulars, that's still just a drop in the bucket without a main reason for new people to join the site.

tldr: It's all Draegan's fault and I think mmocraig should sue him for false representation if possible, but I don't blame mmocraig nor how they handled the situation. Think they meant well and things could have been fine under them, but this scenario is acceptable as well.

edit: somehow posted early on accident.