Craig McGregor just replied on Rerolled. THIS IS GREAT


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
FSR Picture Thread is the only thing that's needed to keep producing new members.


Potato del Grande
I bet, might, could have, would have. Stop making excuses for these assholes. They ruined our home, not us.

The point is they DIDN'T say shit until it was way too late and they were freaking out.

Losing posters? They know where we are, it's up to them to decide to continue on or not. Now that we're out from under the control of Draegan and his hands off approach to any fucking improvements and we don't have to hide half the forum behind a wall because we're trying to make money we can grow this site again.

Anyone that comes here is part owner, no more bullshit business antics in the dead of night. Why wouldn't you want to post here?
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Potato del Grande
Man.. I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this stance, but I still don't think mmocraig did anything wrong.

You think there's nothing wrong with buying a website for thousands of dollars without knowing what it is or what the possible outcomes could be?
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I find myself going over there to see whos still over there, and then it kind of creates a negative feedback loop of then people thinking the site's still more active than it really is and then they don't think they should leave. What we need is a triggering event to finalize this. How much would we have to pay craig to just, take the site down for 7 days? or have it redirect to rere for a week?
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Potato del Grande
Or I dunno, have @Tuco at least go over there and say it's fucking over.

Last thing Tuco said about it on rerolled -
I haven't bailed on Rerolled and don't support a move.
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what Suineg set it to
Man.. I'll probably get flamed to hell and back for this stance, but I still don't think mmocraig did anything wrong. A large business doesn't operate on the same timetables we assume they do. He DID post here and tell us nothing would change, but no one believed it. They can't come in and tell everyone they are the new owners before the sale is finalized. Shit.. I bet draegan might have made that part of the deal that they couldn't communicate with anyone until after it was finalized. He also probably gave them the impression that no one would care, so they had no reason to think they needed to say anything.

Hell, I doubt if they had said something in june/july the reaction would have been any different from our end. They probably were waiting to move to their servers, maybe make a few quality of life improvements and reduce database errors to show their good faith before making an announcement. The core contingent behind moving would have still played chicken little and done the same thing, so saying that them staying quiet for a month had anything to do with us moving is bullshit.

Let me also say though, that the new forum is great overall but the end result is simply 'fine'. We still lost some number of posters in the move and every time it happens this community gets closer and closer to dying. Without a new focus for the site, such as a big guild/esports team as the main attraction like in the FOH days, it becomes harder and harder to bring on new posters. Even if a_skeleton_03 reaches out to old regulars, that's still just a drop in the bucket without a main reason for new people to join the site.

tldr: It's all Draegan's fault and I think mmocraig should sue him for false representation if possible, but I don't blame mmocraig nor how they handled the situation. Think they meant well and things could have been fine under them, but this scenario is acceptable as well.

edit: somehow posted early on accident.

I understand what you are trying to say, but you are wrong for a number of reasons.

Both parties understood that the primary driver of traffic was the community. Neither parties opted to inform said community. No one gave the community itself first right of refusal. So while Draegan knowingly committed fraud, let's not pretend this idiot Craig could not have taken the high road and done literally anything to make peace with the community proactively instead of crossing his fingers and hoping some idiots without adblock kept feeding him pennies.
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Trakanon Raider
You think there's nothing wrong with buying a website for thousands of dollars without knowing what it is or what the possible outcomes could be?
They did know what it was. There was no suggestion everyone would leave under a new owner, that's how the site was setup in the first place. We let a random person who almost no one knew host our site and we were fine with it. As long as someone was willing to provide the hosting without charging, we've never cared before. As everyone has said, he did absolutely nothing for years and we stayed, what difference did it make if someone else now owned the domain? Things could only get better, and in fact the hosting was much more solid after the transfer. The fact they owned mmorpg as well is the only reason anyone got scared, if it had just been some anonymous dude I bet we'd still be posting over there. The core group that were nervous they'd start moderating us left and that put everyone else in an impossible position. Either stay and have both communities basically die off due to being splintered so badly, or jump ship as well.

I find myself going over there to see whos still over there, and then it kind of creates a negative feedback loop of then people thinking the site's still more active than it really is and then they don't think they should leave. What we need is a triggering event to finalize this. How much would we have to pay craig to just, take the site down for 7 days? or have it redirect to rere for a week?
I mean, the ferris bueller vid in every single thread got the point across fairly well. They won't purposefully redirect traffic for a figure less then what they want to sell the site for, makes no business sense to do that. Anyone still posting there either has an account here as well, or is just done with the forum. Like I said, we are gonna lose some number of people in this move, happens every time. Nothing you can do about that.

Ideally, we get some kind of focus for the site that creates a draw for new traffic and fresh blood to enter. If we had a top 10 world guild/team in some game using our site as a forum (offer them free hosting?), or something along those lines, we could possibly get back to the golden days.


Millie's Staff Member
Or I dunno, have @Tuco at least go over there and say it's fucking over.

Last thing Tuco said about it on rerolled -
that should tell you all you needed to know, he wanted us to stay there and play along, generate traffic and be good little worker bees. when he told us we got sold out i have no doubt he though he was giving us good news as in. guys dont worry about the shit forums anymore because now we have a new owner who has fluffy solid servers and now you can shitpost without ever having to worry. he didnt calculate just like enzee didnt calculare, that we no longer had our own community, we were simply being allowed to post on somebody else's. a community that lives in fear of what they can say and what the owner will do to them in order to "keep the lights on" i saw that mmorpg forum, it looks like shit compared to what we got here, those posters are either little cucks or they have to post in such a way as not to offend anyone. you cant even post links to another message board.

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc that!
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I think its harder than people realize to recruit into this community because its still a majority eq holdover community. That's important not necessarily because everyone played eq together. But it means its a group of people that were into mmos at a time that internet or anything social media related wasn't quite yet mainstream, or was only just becoming so, and it means its by and large a majority group that was around both before and after smartphones/technology basically changed the way people interact and really, communicate with each other. It also means a fairly specific agegroup, by and large. By and large a group that developed a very specific way of approaching information/social media that was probably shaped in part by that unique background that no generation before or after will have. We have more in common than we realize for this reason, and what we find obvious/idiotic/humorous, is surprisingly not the case in many corners of the internet. If you peruse other forums it's an extremely different feel in either being-

-heavily moderated, on-rails, gaming focused discussion with little entertainment - these tend to be pretty boring and drama free

-4chan style, drooling and screaming in your face gibberish. People who think theyre jaded, or angry, or trolling, but are just trying too hard. Basically just hundreds of tyens trying to outdo each other.

So I definitely get worried everytime we move, because, I don't think there would be an equivalent community for me out there, if this one were to poof. So retention of longtime members is to a large degree a big part of our survival.
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Those are some serious bottom bitch faggots over there. Holeeee shiiieeet
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I'm Amod too!
if it had just been some anonymous dude I bet we'd still be posting over there.

I don't think we would have accepted just any old random dude. We seem to like to keep things in house. The fact that it was MMORPG only made it worse since not only did we not know the guy but we can also trust that he doesn't give two fucks about us aside from the money we generate for him. That forum was on borrowed time as soon as it was taken by an actual business.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>

Look Gav, you're famous! ROFL! First major criticism is your response to the, then likely assumed to be, troll mmoCraig account.

EDIT: Also, I totally agree with Enzee. A way to bring in some new people is going to be a "priority" eventually.

How we go about that I am not too sure. Most of us don't have the time, desire or mettle to compete for top guild of <insert game> anymore these days. Our best bets would be to host smaller groups in various games and nudge them to joining. IE: Register on here and learn when we have events!

God damn I sound like a PTA Mom planning a bake sale.

Probably a topic for another time though.
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Trakanon Raider
I don't think we would have accepted just any old random dude. We seem to like to keep things in house. The fact that it was MMORPG only made it worse since not only did we not know the guy but we can also trust that he doesn't give two fucks about us aside from the money we generate for him. That forum was on borrowed time as soon as it was taken by an actual business.
I mean.. draegan WAS an actual business too. He only took over hosting to make it part of his junkies network and try to cross promote everything. Junkies failed, and then he tried to cut his losses by selling the remainder. We stayed through all that.


I'm Amod too!
We gave him a lot of shit for that too but he was, at that point, still involved in our community somewhat. He also managed to snipe out us right after we were tossed out on our ear by MoreNetz so people were already tired of getting tossed around and willing to settle because he was someone people knew.
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Millie's Staff Member
it was basically any port in a storm. we jumped ship to a fellow member who tunred out to be a crazy person and then draegan was our last straw. it was just like a bad breakup ,the rebound relationship afterward didnt last. hopefully this rebound doesnt do the same.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
We gave him a lot of shit for that too but he was, at that point, still involved in our community somewhat. He also managed to snipe out us right after we were tossed out on our ear by MoreNetz so people were already tired of getting tossed around and willing to settle because he was someone people knew.
it was basically any port in a storm. we jumped ship to a fellow member who tunred out to be a crazy person and then draegan was our last straw. it was just like a bad breakup ,the rebound relationship afterward didnt last. hopefully this rebound doesnt do the same.
I agree wholeheartedly with both of you. I took screenshots of some of the IRC chats the day that Jeff nuked everything, and at the end we were literally like "We can't go back to FOH, so I guess this is the end of the community".
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Who told him to "eat a tranny dick, retard?"

That guy needs props.


Draegan sold the site to - Page 28

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
That single post is quintessential FoH/Rerolled/Whatever. Hall of Fame.
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Silver Squire
I don't think the posts are worth the cost. Let him go after Draegan and Teljair for his money if he wants any of it back.
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