Crazy Neighbors Thread


A Mod Real Quick
$5k of damages sounds pretty severe.

I wonder if you could put a game hunter camera near your car that they couldn't see and catch them.


FoH nuclear response team
I've looked at other camera options but I know someone would find it and be like, FUCK YEA FREE CAMERA!

The place I get my cars painted at does entire panels so it matches better, it becomes rather costly quickly. They got both sides of my car and the hood.


Trakanon Raider
5k of damage from a vandalism isn't that hard to do depending on the rates of the shop doing the work.


Pathetic Reaction Bot
Adding my own bit of neighborish issues based on the topic of apartment/condo living and trying to get police involved with vandalism etc.

Since last fall, my condo complex has been plagued by this group of 5 or 6 teenagers who live up a neighboring street, they'll hop the fence to get in and out. Well, they've started hanging around the garages here, which is hard to give a visualization, but the buildings are 4-plex and under them is the garage area, with a 7 foot wall at the end that goes up to ground level. Anyway, these kids will often be hanging around these garages, hopping up and down the wall, which at first didn't bother me, but what had me suspicious is they would bolt the moment you even walked in their general direction (even when walking my dog, etc).

Well one night, before I saw these kids for the first time, i accidentally left my garage door open (or something tripped the laser to cause it to go back up) - typically i didn't keep my car doors locked because of the garage, but when i went down the next morning to go to work, i noticed the door was open, which was a bit of an "oops" moment, i didn't think much about it, my neighbors for the most part are cool and i trust them after being here long enough. Anyway the second concern was once I got in my car, it was telling me the passenger door was ajar, and this is never the case. I don't have passengers often in this car except maybe a few times a year. But I also don't keep anything of value in it that wouldn't take some effort to remove, and nothing was missing.

However, maybe a few weeks, I checked my other car, which is a bit of a beater, and it's doors were also ajar, and the battery was dead (cabin lights were on from it) Well, luckily i kept a portable jumper kit, however, it was missing. I figured maybe it was in the garage storage closet or back in the house and I forgot i was recharging it or something. Nope. So now when I start seeing these shady kids, the pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

Apparently, these kids have also been seen throwing mudballs at cars and other vandalous shit, issue is, with how they bolt when somone potentially sees them, I'm finding it difficult to be able to call the police. Which ironically, there's a cop who is lazy and has a speed trap set up on a nearby street (not theirs) but he doesnt move from that spot and doubt he has an interest in anything but meeting his ticket quota.

The only positive i've got out of this is taking advantage of the kids willingness to run. I came home from work one day to see them in my building's garage area, so I turned on the brights and floored it while blasting my horn, trying to emulate a moment from Christine or something. I'll tell you something is hilariously satisfying about watching some teenagers, including a chubby one try to scramble up this wall like a bunch of terrified cats. It of course didn't solve anything long term, I just didn't see them for a few weeks after that, then winter came, but now that it's warming up, they've been seen again.

We have a security guard here, but he can't do anything other than call the cops, and these kids tend to hang out near fences they can hop over for a quick escape so it's difficult to figure out exactly where they live.


FoH nuclear response team
Razorwire along the top?

Idk man, sounds like you're kind of in the same boat as me. I keep waiting for some ingenious idea to pop in my head so I can nail these fuckers.


Golden Squire
Firecrackers. I'm sure there's a spot where you can toss them at the kids without being seen easily. And not like they'd be able to do anything about it either since they're trespassing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Razorwire along the top?

Idk man, sounds like you're kind of in the same boat as me. I keep waiting for some ingenious idea to pop in my head so I can nail these fuckers.
Maybe you shouldn't have been such a fucking dumbass. I mean what the fuck did you think was going to happen if you go up to confront people who jump up and down on the floor specifically to piss you off? At this point your options are just suck it up, move out, beat the fuck out of one or both of them without getting arrested, or catch them on camera.

I mean when I was in my early 20s I probably would have jumped up and down in response to someone pounding on the floor too. And if you came up, beat the shit out of my door, and tore down my decorations? I wouldn't have stopped at keying your car and smearing dog shit on it.


A Mod Real Quick
With the kids and the garages you should just hide with a paintball gun and blast them. What are they gonna do, go to the cops?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I've looked at other camera options but I know someone would find it and be like, FUCK YEA FREE CAMERA!

The place I get my cars painted at does entire panels so it matches better, it becomes rather costly quickly. They got both sides of my car and the hood.
Game camera hidden in your car. Though its probably better to move and give that apartment a shitty review on various sites.


what Suineg set it to
With the kids and the garages you should just hide with a paintball gun and blast them. What are they gonna do, go to the cops?
I dunno, airsoft gun might be better. Super quiet, leaves no paint marks. Just stinging pain.


FoH nuclear response team
Maybe you shouldn't have been such a fucking dumbass. I mean what the fuck did you think was going to happen if you go up to confront people who jump up and down on the floor specifically to piss you off? At this point your options are just suck it up, move out, beat the fuck out of one or both of them without getting arrested, or catch them on camera.

I mean when I was in my early 20s I probably would have jumped up and down in response to someone pounding on the floor too. And if you came up, beat the shit out of my door, and tore down my decorations? I wouldn't have stopped at keying your car and smearing dog shit on it.
They're in the wrong here, not me. They are violating their lease, not me. They are also my age which puts them around 35, Get off your fucking high horse.

I put up with that shit for over 6 months and they are obviously entitled pieces of shit with no respect for anyone.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm not on a high horse, I'm being objective.

I fucking snapped, I started beating her door and cussing her for like 3 minutes. I then proceeded to rip her Christmas wreath off and rip it to shreds and in that fury I delivered a few more hay makers to the door.
The moment you did that, you became in the wrong too. Just because they've escalated farther than you're apparently willing to doesn't mean that you didn't fuck up in a huge way.


FoH nuclear response team
Hence the part where i said I went downstairs and waited on the cops because I knew I fucked up. Did you completely skip that part of my story?

I have a problem with inconsiderate entitled pieces of shit who respect nothing but themselves and yes I had to call the cops on them again last night at 1am. I'm also done responding to some asshole on a message board who came at me all hard like he would have handled the situation any differently in my shoes.


<Bronze Donator>
Hence the part where i said I went downstairs and waited on the cops because I knew I fucked up. Did you completely skip that part of my story?

I have a problem with inconsiderate entitled pieces of shit who respect nothing but themselves and yes I had to call the cops on them again last night at 1am. I'm also done responding to some asshole on a message board who came at me all hard like he would have handled the situation any differently in my shoes.
well it is a little curious, maybe funny that here he is chastising you for poor judgement and escalating, yet came at you e-gangsta style over your decision to escalate.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, they have a noise ordinance and the lease contract strictly prohibits noise form 830pm to 7am. The problem with the police is if they can't hear it outside they won't do anything about it. I've had one cop come in and listen and tell them to quiet down but he was the only one.

I'd love to tell them I'm leaving and normally I would but all my money is currently tied up in the business I just started and I'd hate for them to call my bluff.

The USPS said they could come out and do an investigation but unless I had video, pictures or proof likely nothing would get done. I had planned on parking my friends car with a dash cam in the parking spot facing my door, place a fake package out front and see if anyone fucked with it. There is a chance that it's not even them but I've made no other enemies.

Fucking with the car is what makes my blood boil. I have no family, few friends and cars are my life. Every time I see the paint fucked up that bad it makes me mad as shit all over again. The worst part is having to take a 500 deductible and insurance hit. It's so damn bad it's going to cost 5k to fix correctly.

I've also been trying to figure out a way to mount speakers to the ceiling, crank up some annoying ass Ace of Base and leave for the night. I'm sure that would do me no favors with the law either.
This reminds me of a neighbor situation I had in a duplex years ago. I was working 70 plus hr work weeks and the neighbors worked 2nd shift and when they got off they would party their ass off and play Tim McGraws stupid ass song I like it I love it I want some more of it over and over and over to where I couldn't get any sleep. I approached them about it and got blown off just like you did. I then proceeded to put the most loud ass Green Day song on repeat at 6 in the morning and went to work. After a week of that we called a truce. Problem solved.

Hekotat, if you can't move then you need to record them in the act asap. You've admitted to doing something and they haven't.

Tarisk, grease on and below whatever they are climbing and hopping. Disconnect the battery in your extra car then put some laxative deserts together in a package they can see. Make sure to get us some pics of their stupid shit covered bodies when they slip and fall while trying to rush home.


FoH nuclear response team
Hekotat, if you can't move then you need to record them in the act asap. You've admitted to doing something and they haven't.

Tarisk, grease on and below whatever they are climbing and hopping. Disconnect the battery in your extra car then put some laxative deserts together in a package they can see. Make sure to get us some pics of their stupid shit covered bodies when they slip and fall while trying to rush home.
I've tried recording them making the noise but my phone does not pick up the vibrations/stompings or whatever you want to call it, I'm assuming I need a better mic. I can't wait until Aug where I can finally save up enough cash to rent a house. Fuck all this upstairs neighbor shit.

The grease thing is hilarious and a great idea.

Grumble, I also thought it was hilarious and I'm sure I got trolled.


Blackwing Lair Raider
With the kids and the garages you should just hide with a paintball gun and blast them. What are they gonna do, go to the cops?
I mean they could and it would still be assault whether they are trespassing or not.