Cyberpunk 2077


Potato Supreme
Got to the part where Johnny is in.

Is the powerspike here way earlier than previously? I am going fully chromed out Tech/Reflexes Samurai + tech weapons right now. Just using a whatever Katana I found, the arm launcher and some other cyberware. I am effectively unkillable, I am using the Berserk OS So I just super dash in and start slicing. Then pull out a tech shotgun and arm launcher and pretty much anything is toast. Playing on Hard.
At the top of the level cap, everyone is pretty unkillable with a half decent build. My current playthrough is Netrunner / Smart weapons. Whoever survives the quickhack onslaught is met with gun fire from around corners.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
At the top of the level cap, everyone is pretty unkillable with a half decent build. My current playthrough is Netrunner / Smart weapons. Whoever survives the quickhack onslaught is met with gun fire from around corners.
I really like the idea of ricochet shots with a power revolver.

But I can't seem to get it to work for shit and at the moment I don't want to go hard on riochet cyberware. This time around I also get tired of expose quickly and I am like just shut up so I can play please.
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<Gold Donor>
My playthrough is to the point where I can start Phantom Liberty so this would be new. Do I HAVE to start it or can I come back whenever? Also I did a completely new build , which is pretty much um everything. I hit the mods hard which included some that are 100% cheats, I have rocket arms/sandevistan and a top kick cyberdeck. I never liked the voodoo gang in the main game and I just straight up murdered them all last night. Basically I did what the saints did to my panthers yesterday in St. Luis.


Trakanon Raider
My playthrough is to the point where I can start Phantom Liberty so this would be new. Do I HAVE to start it or can I come back whenever? Also I did a completely new build , which is pretty much um everything. I hit the mods hard which included some that are 100% cheats, I have rocket arms/sandevistan and a top kick cyberdeck. I never liked the voodoo gang in the main game and I just straight up murdered them all last night. Basically I did what the saints did to my panthers yesterday in St. Luis.

You can start it whenever but when you do start you can't leave the new area until you finish the first story quest in PL which can take an hour or two.
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<Prior Amod>
I never liked the voodoo gang in the main game and I just straight up murdered them all last night.
my first time playing i farmed them for hours

"are you just killing the blacks for fun?"

"no, only the blacks drop a legendary quickhack i want"
  • 5Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
They made cyberware and the tech tree really really strong this time.

I played Femme V the first time with no chrome almost and max stealth with some netrunning and never more than silenced pistols and stuff. Used strong hacks to take down big stuff to "remain in character." This time I am going fully chromed out gigachad and since you have like a dozen more cyberware slots and tech modifiers you just have truly monstrous stats.

Arm launcher is really fun now though. Nanowire didn't work for shit before.

I kind of like that they tied progression to killing gangmembers but it means everytime you see a few just go gank them because they will likely have progression chips on them, and it adds up quick.


Potato del Grande
Got to the part where Johnny is in.

Is the powerspike here way earlier than previously? I am going fully chromed out Tech/Reflexes Samurai + tech weapons right now. Just using a whatever Katana I found, the arm launcher and some other cyberware. I am effectively unkillable, I am using the Berserk OS So I just super dash in and start slicing. Then pull out a tech shotgun and arm launcher and pretty much anything is toast. Playing on Hard.
Power is tied to level, so sounds like you've been doing a lot of extras?

You literally can't buy/find the best cyberware until you hit a certain level threshold. I'm glad Berserk is working for you, but try Sandevistan (slow time).

The best weapons you can find early, you just need to upgrade them as you level.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
I don't want to slow time as I am not shooting anything to truly make use of it. Its all shotguns and katanas.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You're missing out then. Before they nerfed it, I had a sandevistan build with a katana that had bonus crit rate when time was slowed. I could literally jump into a pack of 20 enemies, use sandevistan, and execute everyone with my sword before it wore off. Every kill used to extend the time of the slow time a decent amount, so you could be in slow time for literally 2 minutes. It was basically like being David in the anime.

They ended up nerfing the time slow percentage and the amount of time you could extend the time slow, but it was still powerful as hell. You can find the builds on Youtube
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Berserk is better than sandevistan now, provided you're ok with it being purely for melee. Also, the screen effect is pretty annoying if you don't use a mod on PC to remove it. Biodyne is the best one too, don't be fooled by Militech being Iconic tier. And the biggest problem of all with using anything besides a cyberdeck is not being able to hack shit. With a berserk or sandevistan equipped you miss out on a vast majority of the eddies in the game. I just can't see using them for like 2/3 of the game until you've bought everything you're ever going to need.

Arm cyberware is still all trash except for Gorilla Arms, and that's mainly for the Body buff and boxing quests. Actual melee weapons are superior to gorilla and vastly superior to mantis and monowire. Rockets aren't even worth mentioning.

Loaded up my savegame on PC this morning and whatever they did with cyberware capacity in the patch that set the hard cap to 450 completely messed my shit up. More than half my slots were unequipped, and my capacity dropped to 270 (and because of the way shard drops work it's unlikely I'll ever get back the missing amount). So I guess I'm starting over from scratch again if I ever want to see the end of PL. I didn't really feel like sticking with this netrunner build anyway, just not a particularly fun way to play the game.


Potato del Grande
I don't want to slow time as I am not shooting anything to truly make use of it. Its all shotguns and katanas.
Dump the shotgun.

You can dash for momentum. You can double jump. Your sword can do a third jump to home in on an enemy. This will put you across the entire map while your enemies are frozen in place.

Then you behead them all. The bodies hit the floor at the same time the second Sandevestan wears off.

It's extremely fun and overpowered. Don't need Berzerk when they can't even move to shoot you.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Why should devs bother to make so many build choices if everyone is going to tell you to just play the same one.
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<Gold Donor>
Havent played this since release, but is there a good viable stealth/silencer/snipe build still? That was my jam.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dump the shotgun.

You can dash for momentum. You can double jump. Your sword can do a third jump to home in on an enemy. This will put you across the entire map while your enemies are frozen in place.

Then you behead them all. The bodies hit the floor at the same time the second Sandevestan wears off.

It's extremely fun and overpowered. Don't need Berzerk when they can't even move to shoot you.
This is less efficient than using Berserk that gives you +20% damage boost or more and infinite stamina in addition to the double jump and dash shit.

mkopec mkopec Stealth stuff works fine. Silenced pistols and headshots and stuff. I think its really in character to just use minimal hacks and distractions to ninja around. The most memorable sidequest for me in the original playthrough was when I ghosted into a building and short circuited the eyes of some corpo gonk to swipe something off his desk. Then jumped out the window in the space of like 10 seconds. Dude never even knew I was there and I didn't have to use any fancy stealth camo shit to do it.

You can push it a lot further with their revamped COOL tree and riochet stuff. Nanowire is probably a lot stronger too.
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Potato del Grande
This is less efficient than using Berserk that gives you +20% damage boost or more and infinite stamina in addition to the double jump and dash shit.
Sandevistan has crit bonuses.

Just trying to help, other people will say how much fun Sandevistan is, they made a Cyberpunk anime about it lol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Sandevistan has crit bonuses.

Just trying to help, other people will say how much fun Sandevistan is, they made a Cyberpunk anime about it lol.
Play how you want. "Playing this way is the right way" is by far the stupidest shit to go on about.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Nanowire is probably a lot stronger too.
It's really not. As a weapon it does weak damage, and all that shit with using it to proc a quickhack is just clunky as hell and not really effective at all. I really wanted to make it work because it was the primary reason I started up yet another Netrunner build when PL launched, but it's just a godawful playstyle. I wouldn't even want to use it on the game journalist difficulties, let alone Very Hard.
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Potato del Grande
I probably built it wrong but Spider Tank on Very Hard with Netrunner was awful. The whole playstyle seems to be waiting for cooldowns and mana regen.