Dark and Darker


The curse of pain is to help with spells costing health and something to try to poke in real quick. Otherwise its up to your sword play and hellfire, ya.

Dont forget that phase walking ability, its also really good for resetting mob aggro on people.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Finally had some time to run a real comp a bit with fighter/cleric/bard

It's seriously not okay lol

We even ran in to a wizard/bard/cleric comp I assume trying to counter the mega armor fighter but it didn't matter - longbow on the fighter just destroys the enemy wizard if they are trying to kite


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I wonder if they will try and return to Steam or are happy with their own shitty little launcher and not having to pay Steam a cut


Vyemm Raider
Rogue bros... it's over...



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Nerfing rogues specifically when the problem is actually the way their gear scaling works is pretty braindead.

Bard meta will remain unchanged and I probably won't play anymore until they do something about it. My interest in playing a 3stack with the bros is pretty fucking low when the only way to be competitive is run bard+cleric+front man of choice.

The fact bards exist in their current form is fucking wild to me.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea at least now the bard buff ball will have to actually melee people again rather than just AE clearing dungeons through walls lol?

They also already learned this exact lesson previously with insect swarm on clerics (scaling dot damage to instant death levels) and seemingly completely forgot about it again for bards which does not instill confidence.


Vyemm Raider
Ya these devs are complete fucking retards. It's crazy to think how good this game could be if the dev teams combined IQ was higher than double digits. Blows my mind that these fucking idiots are making millions upon millions of dollars off this trash. It's as if their #1 priority is to make the game as frustrating as humanly possible rather than making it actually fun.


Log Wizard
Rogue double jump probably just needed a cooldown. It was broken as fuck in its original form. Not sure if the movement debuff is too much or fine.

Rogues have one problem and that's starter weapons. It's a conundrum because yes, it sucks when they have to 8 shot a mob, but the SECOND they get a green or better weapon they're double doing dps and they become a real threat. That +rupture and they can destroy people before they know the rogue exists. So maybe their grey weapon needs to like 5-6 shot goblins instead of 8 shot, but they'd have to keep the scaling the same beyond that. If you've ever fought a rogue with a purple rapier or stiletto, even as a fighter, you know you're fucked. Same or better range and 30% more movement speed and they have to hit you twice to do half your health with an almost guaranteed opener.

If you're trying to solo groups as a grey rogue and expecting to win you're just dumb.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Latest patch is preeeeeeetty good. The gear curve is overall in a much better place with the implicit stat scaling now and greater random availability from merchants. The fighter/cleric damage reduction curve probably needs to come down a bit, but definitely a big step in the right direction from previous patches where starter kits had literally 0 chance vs full gear.

Rogue is entirely unplayable tho and anyone that claims otherwise is smoking rock.


Vyemm Raider
I've been having success "playing" Rogue. Of course, when I say "playing," I mean going full rat mode, never taking an engagement (unless my advantage is so superior that there's no way I can lose), and portaling out at the first available opportunity.

With a good ambush, I can kill most classes. A Barbarian or Warlock will still one shot me, so I have to be able to dodge. Fighters and Clerics are utterly pointless fights. If I get cornered by one I'll just exit to lobby because it is so demoralizing to see how little of their HP has been taken away after Rupture and a couple rapier swings (daggers are so weak now that they are completely pointless).


Vyemm Raider
Ya there's actually zero reason to play rogue now it's a joke. It's ok for warlocks and barbs to 1 shot everything with 10x the survival of a rogue tho. What they should do is give rogues several perks baseline that don't increase their killing power. Like give them the sneaky silent crouch walking, hidden potion belt and lockpick baseline and they'd atleast be decent because it would make playing like a rat much better without making them cancerous 1 shotters.


Log Wizard
Oh no the 3 day window where rogues aren't the most OP class in the game hit? Shucks.

Seriously rogues have like 90% OP AS FUCK and 10% wet sack of shit time in this game so far. They just need a balance but it's way better when you can't get 3 shot by a rogue instantly as any class. I was running around in my underwear killing anyone I wanted with starter weapons just last week. That ain't right.

Warlocks will probably get a long line of nerfs. Getting 1 KO'd by a default danny staff with blow of corruption was pretty fucking ridiculous. And now they're better? Yikes.


First dungeon ganker that comes out is a massive cult hit

Right in the faces of everyone who say fantasy rpg pvp is terrible and has no place in anything
  • 1Seriously?
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
First dungeon ganker that comes out is a massive cult hit

Right in the faces of everyone who say fantasy rpg pvp is terrible and has no place in anything

The problem is gonna be keep the normies interested. They don't actually want or like the PvP aspect and just want to grind skeletons or whatever and whine endlessly on reddit about how the rogue with a purple rapier killed them.

It's a very weird dichotomy cause the game needs a player base of fodder to feed on, but keeping them interested/playing is gonna be rough.


Log Wizard
It's weird because there's some player base that LOVES the high end PVE bosses and wants all the orange loots and shit and then there's the base I belong to who just wants to go into a game with shit gear, hopefully kill people, loot some stuff, and come out with better gear. I understand why they have a market, but I hate the idea of people just going in, pulling out 100-200 gold and saving up for some market gear, THEN going into some game full of Default Dannies and killing one or two without any challenge then taking the first portal out to save their precious purplez.

I wish there was a zero to hero mode that was maybe more than one round where you could go in default, loot or kill other people for what they found, then go deeper. The Catacombs are kind of like that but the reality is Red Portals are for people with the right comp, 12 healing items, and/or omega gear. People one shotting Demon Dogs is a world of difference than 7 shotting them and potentially losing 75% of your hp to one hit.
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Vyemm Raider
Whoever thought the changes to the giant centipede were good are so fucking retarded it's amazing. It's like these dumb fuck devs can't help but add stupid shit to the game that nobody likes and nobody wants.

It's like the game is supposed to be skill based combat and most shit is dodgeable but now these fucking morons have added so many abilities that auto target you. Clerics can now blind and do massive damage to you with a spell that is basically completely impossible to dodge. Warlocks spells are also mostly auto target that are also close to impossible to dodge. I just got dotted to death from 100% hp as a barb and there was literally nothing I could do about it. This game is fucking hot garbage.
  • 1Salty
  • 1Worf
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