I don't live in a big city anymore. It's not a small town but it isn't LA or even Vegas. The county I live in is less than a million. People here are less superficial versus the big cities I lived in. If my wife passed I would likely stay here, I would consider myself a big fish in a small pond. I likely have many of the divorced moms of my kids friends throwing themselves at me. Some of my wife's friend have asked my wife if they could clone me. Keep in mind I am fat, so it isn't based off physical looks it is based off my personality and actions.
Big city or small my advice is still the same, if she is the right one she will be looking for the same thing you are so shoot your shot and find out. I advise getting to the "No" as soon as possible and GTFO as soon as you know it is a "No." Don't waste your time.
Ask yourself over the past decade how many dates have you done on knowing before hand it wasn't going to work out? Then why did you waste your time? Or if you knew it was a "No" 30 minutes into the date why did you stay 2 or 3 more hours? I would not care if a lady was offended that I realized we weren't compatible and decided to end the date early. You don't have to be mean just be honest. If she is offended by honesty then you certainly know she ain't right for you. Place a high value on your time because it is the most valuable commodity you will ever have.
Big city or small my advice is still the same, if she is the right one she will be looking for the same thing you are so shoot your shot and find out. I advise getting to the "No" as soon as possible and GTFO as soon as you know it is a "No." Don't waste your time.
Ask yourself over the past decade how many dates have you done on knowing before hand it wasn't going to work out? Then why did you waste your time? Or if you knew it was a "No" 30 minutes into the date why did you stay 2 or 3 more hours? I would not care if a lady was offended that I realized we weren't compatible and decided to end the date early. You don't have to be mean just be honest. If she is offended by honesty then you certainly know she ain't right for you. Place a high value on your time because it is the most valuable commodity you will ever have.