Maybe my 2 cents will help cause I didnt really mean to click this thread. You have to find common ground with a girl you like. If you're simping over some girl, then you have to find the things she does and find joy in them yourself. If she likes hiking and posts pictures of that shit, then go find a trail on your own and breathe some fucking fresh air. Do this often. If she's a Gym rat - then go find a gym you like and do your best to get in shape. If she likes water sports, dont let broke hold you back - you dont need a boat. Go do white water rafting and/or kayaking. If she likes fear sports like Skydiving - go do that shit yourself. Get trained for it so you dont need to have a babysitter on your back. etc. etc.
Most of this shit is easy, even for older folks. But if you really get down to the brass tax here - if you dont like none of this shit and she does, why would you ever think she is going to date you? Or, on the other side of this coin - If she doesnt like you even though you find this stuff interesting and fun then by extension you'll eventually meet a girl that does like you that you find attractive. The life events of the original girl that lead her to liking those activities put her where she is and its molded her look and personality to be something that you find attractive - so youll find another girl that has those same features doing that and she may like you.
If you're afraid to talk to a specific girl, or just get anxious as fuck around her - then you need to work that out yourself. There is something about yourself that keeps you from being "you" around that girl and even though its looked down upon, a therapist is your best friend. Mental Issue.
Lastly, if you're getting dates just fine but none of the women you're going on dates with interest you.. You need to go see a doctor about low testosterone. Not joking, its a real thing that men in our age range deal with. Health issue.
Ive went through ALL the above. I didnt get the girl I was after. She married a millionaire and they live in Australia now. But I did get in shape. I did find an activity/hobby I like doing. My life is better because of those two things which indirectly helped me make more money so I can do more stuff. Which indirectly let me find the girl Im with now, for the past 6 years. Longest relationship Ive ever had.
I knew I had low T from the docs and going to the Gym helped me out tremendously with that issue. As far as a therapist goes, I had a lot of issues from my childhood and the military when it came to dating, what dating represents, marriage, children etc. and Im still working through a lot of those things. She helped me recognize my self worth which helped me overcome the anxiety I would get around the girl that I was simping for originally. Now shes working on helping me with commitment, and the issues that are a reflection of my parents issues when it comes to marriage and children.
All in all - get healthy guys. Even if you're an ugly fuck, if you go to the gym often enough - she'll look at your muscles instead.