Deadpool & Wolverine


Millie's Staff Member
lol wtf are you talking about. The wiki doesn't say what you think it says.

For the record, Logan takes place in an alternate universe that is not the fox x-men universe. It also takes place in like 2027 or something, which at the time of the movie was a ways in the future but now not so much.

Wolverine as a character was popular enough to get 3 separate spin off movies but its revisionist history to assume they are a proper trilogy, just 2 failed attempts at making a spin off series and then a decent movie where they killed him and finally let him retire the character after playing him for 20 years.

But then he got a divorce and bitch took half so he suited up again for Deadpool and Wolverine
thats encouraging because i really wasnt feeling it with The Wolverine. its worse than the first one. i figured since wolverine and Logan are both directed by the same guy. James Mangold, that it was a continuation of the same story.

alright then. here is my question. how did Logan get Adamantium poisoning and who is Laura's mom?


Millie's Staff Member
But why?

Why not just watch them in order?

I am not autistic
OMG, this is why i am hostile towards you. i posted that i was almost finished with Logan before i realized it was a sequel to The Wolverine. but now according to Sylas Sylas . the two movies have nothing to do with each other so i actually didnt watch anything out of order.
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<Bronze Donator>
did you not watch logan? I thought you said you watched it.

1) 200 years of having a massive quantiy of foreign matter in your body and your body fighting it/having a allergic reaction to it, slowly kills his regeneration abilities
2) She's a fucking clone same as younger, evil wolverine


Mr. Poopybutthole
thats encouraging because i really wasnt feeling it with The Wolverine. its worse than the first one. i figured since wolverine and Logan are both directed by the same guy. James Mangold, that it was a continuation of the same story.

alright then. here is my question. how did Logan get Adamantium poisoning and who is Laura's mom?
Sylas is really good at chiming in authoritatively whether he has any clue what he's talking about or not. All of the X-Men movies are set in the same continuity, including the Wolverine spinoffs.
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Millie's Staff Member
did you not watch logan? I thought you said you watched it.

1) 200 years of having a massive quantiy of foreign matter in your body and your body fighting it/having a allergic reaction to it, slowly kills his regeneration abilities
2) She's a fucking clone same as younger, evil wolverine
i thought younger and evil Wolverine was something different and Laura actually had a mom, but they killed her. was laura cloned from Wolverine DNA? Charles said to Logan directly. "doesnt she remind you of anyone?" and to me that said maybe she favors her mom who Logan may know. now i am confused. i'm just gonna finish The Wolverine and make up my own story.

as for Logan poisoned by his own adamantium. it sure took a long time to happen.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
All of the X-Men movies are set in the same continuity, including the Wolverine spinoffs.

This isn't technically true because Days of Future Past retconned X3. And the Deadpool in Wolverine:Origins is clearly a different Deadpool but the DP movies are in the X-men universe. Basically Fox didn't go all-in on continuity/canon like Marvel


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
OMG, this is why i am hostile towards you. i posted that i was almost finished with Logan before i realized it was a sequel to The Wolverine. but now according to Sylas Sylas . the two movies have nothing to do with each other so i actually didnt watch anything out of order.

OMG, this is why I am hostile towards you. So you paused Logan to watch The Wolverine? Why did you not just finish it?


Millie's Staff Member
OMG, this is why I am hostile towards you. So you paused Logan to watch The Wolverine? Why did you not just finish it?
i did finish it.


<Bronze Donator>
Sylas is really good at chiming in authoritatively whether he has any clue what he's talking about or not. All of the X-Men movies are set in the same continuity, including the Wolverine spinoffs.
gavinfag is bigmads

he is also 100% wrong.


In 2029, no mutants have been born in 25 years, and an aging Logan suffers as his healing ability is failing. Working as a limousine driver in El Paso, Texas, he and mutant tracker Caliban take care of 97-year-old Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, in an abandoned smelting plant in northern Mexico. Xavier suffers from dementia that causes him to have destructive telepathic seizures, one of which injured 600 people and killed several X-Men the year prior.

Logan reluctantly agrees to escort Gabriela López, a former nurse for biotechnology corporation Alkali-Transigen, and a young girl named Laura to Eden, a supposed refuge near the American-Canadian border. After finding Gabriela dead, Logan is confronted by her killer Donald Pierce, who is Transigen's cyborg chief of security. Pierce is looking for Laura, who has stowed away in Logan's limo and has powers similar to his. She, Logan, and Xavier escape from Pierce and his Reavers, but Caliban is captured. Pierce tortures Caliban into tracking Laura. Xavier and Logan watch a video on Gabriela's phone, revealing that Transigen created Laura and other children from mutant DNA to become weapons. The children proved challenging to control and were to be executed, but Gabriela and other nurses helped some escape. Xavier reveals to Logan that Laura was created from Logan's DNA and calls her Logan's daughter.

In Oklahoma City, Logan discovers that Eden appears in Laura's X-Men comic and tells her it is fictional. The Reavers arrive, but Xavier has a seizure that incapacitates everyone except Logan and Laura, who kill the attackers and inject Xavier with his medication. As they flee, Dr. Zander Rice, the head of Transigen, arrives to help Pierce.

Logan, Laura, and Xavier help farmer Will Munson and his family after a traffic incident, accepting an offer of dinner at their home, where Logan drives off enforcers from a corporate farm. Rice unleashes X-24, a mindless clone of Logan in his prime created as Transigen's ultimate weapon. X-24 murders Will's family and Xavier before capturing Laura. Caliban sets off grenades, killing himself and several Reavers but only injuring Pierce. Logan is outmatched by X-24, but Will pins X-24 with his truck before dying from his injuries. Logan and Laura escape with Xavier's body.

After burying Xavier, Logan passes out. Laura takes him to a doctor and persuades him to prove that the site in North Dakota is not Eden. There, they find Rictor and other Transigen children preparing to cross into Canada. Laura finds an adamantium bullet that Logan has kept since he escaped from the Weapon X facility, which he once considered using to commit suicide. Logan decides not to accompany them, to Laura's dismay.

When the Reavers ambush the children, Logan takes an overdose of a serum given to him by Rictor that temporarily enhances his healing abilities and boosts his strength. With Laura's help, he slaughters most of the Reavers before the serum wears off. As Pierce holds Rictor at gunpoint, Rice tells Logan, who killed Rice's father years ago at the Weapon X facility,[a] that no new mutants have been born due to genetically engineered crops created by Transigen and distributed through the world's food supply. Logan, having found a gun, shoots Rice dead and injures Pierce. X-24 fights Logan as the children combine their powers to kill Pierce and the remaining Reavers. Rictor uses his powers to flip a truck onto X-24, but X-24 frees himself and impales Logan on a large tree branch, mortally wounding him. Laura loads Logan's revolver with the adamantium bullet and shoots X-24 in the head, killing him.

Near death, Logan tells Laura not to become the weapon she was made to be, and after she tearfully acknowledges him as her father, Logan dies peacefully in Laura's arms. She and the children bury Logan, and before they depart, Laura tilts the cross on his grave marker to create an X.

Logan takes place in an alternate universe where mutants have somehow been eradicated genetically (reason revealed in the film), they are no longer any mutants born. bigoleevilcorp makes mutants by taking mutant DNA and cloning it, trying to make weapons. Most of them are still children and are too hard to control so they want to kill them. X23 is a clone from Wolverines DNA, just as X24 is (Young Wolverine).

Oh I was slightly mistaken it takes place in 2029 not 2027.

Do you ever get tired of being such a disingenuous faggot gavin or does it just come so natural you can't help yourself?
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<Bronze Donator>
10/10. You punk bitches complaining are some cynical mother fuckers.

Funny, great action and a
Little heart.

Pure comic joy
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<Bronze Donator>
So no, you never get tired of being a disingenuous faggot. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit google search its just as fucking retarded as you are.

Wolverine's origin story/weapon X program is shown 3 fucking times across 10 movies and it's different every time. In the original films its at some lake/dam complex up in Canada. In origins it is at 3 mile island in New Jersey. I don't remember where it takes place in the First class universe when Sansha Stark meets wolverine but its a 3rd fucking origin story that is different than the other 2. There really isn't a consistant Fox Cinematic Universe these movies were all self contained and only borrowed/leaned on previous stories, the idea of a single, connected cinematic universe didn't begin until After Iron Man 1 when the MCU was born.

can do it too:


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<Bronze Donator>
lol what a fucking dipshit, it's ok to admit that you were wrong you know. You won't of course, but it is ok to do so.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
but the DP movies are in the X-men universe.

What has happened in the DP movies to make you think they are in the same universe as the X-Men? Colossus in DP was Russian. The Colossus in X-Men was a younger, native English speaker.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are you under the impression that if you sperg out hard enough that you'll reach some kind of magical threshold where we all lift you on our shoulders and pronounce you our king?


<Gold Donor>
You guys are all fucking retarded. This is clearly all going to reset once Tom Cruise dies and wakes up back in front of Bill Paxton again to be redeemed in the fires of glorious combat.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
What has happened in the DP movies to make you think they are in the same universe as the X-Men? Colossus in DP was Russian. The Colossus in X-Men was a younger, native English speaker.

As I said above - all Fox movies take place in the same universe. Whatever the "sacred timeline"/Disney-verse is numbered, then the Fox movies will have been given by Disney their own universe number. The issue is that they aren't consistent with continuity and canon in terms of casting and years that each movie takes place in. Deadpool is loosely connected which is why Wolverine dying in Logan was the plot device for DP3.

Logan takes place in an alternate universe

no it doesn't lol. That's retarded - this is literally a Bald Brah Bald Brah level take. You apparently watched a cam copy so can you confirm that Deadpool and the dead Wolverine in Logan are in the same universe

According to the below they all take place in the same universe but events of certain movies cause the timelines to split

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