Deadpool & Wolverine


Trakanon Raider
Movie was great

Wife went in expecting to be bored

Was laughing her ass off 3 minutes in
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<Bronze Donator>
As I said above - all Fox movies take place in the same universe. Whatever the "sacred timeline"/Disney-verse is numbered, then the Fox movies will have been given by Disney their own universe number. The issue is that they aren't consistent with continuity and canon in terms of casting and years that each movie takes place in. Deadpool is loosely connected which is why Wolverine dying in Logan was the plot device for DP3.

no it doesn't lol. That's retarded - this is literally a @Bald Brah level take. You apparently watched a cam copy so can you confirm that Deadpool and the dead Wolverine in Logan are in the same universe
no the fuck it doesnt. Logan takes place in 2029, in a universe where no mutants have been born since 2004. Did you forget they made a movie called "New Mutants" which takes place in the X-men universe with a new generation of young mutants born after 2004? I mean it was supposed to a be horror film and it definitely flopped but you are going full autist right now.

Do you think Deadpool and Wolverine takes place in 2030? Logan has been dead and buried in Deadpool and Wolverine and that's the "universe" that deadpool exists in, except its 2024 in Deadpool & wolverine, the fucking title card says so.

Have you seen the movie yet? obviously not, or you would know that Deadpool has always existed in the MCU per this movie. He exists in the 616 ie the "Sacred Timeline" of the MCU, and the only reason they didn't show any MCU shit is due to licensing issues due to fox vs disney, just like in DP 1 they hardly showed any other Xmen due to budget constraints and they played the same gag in DP2 (but showed a cameo shot of the first class Xmen). I mean this whole thing is a gag and it's just meta shit just like everything else deadpool.

The movie starts with Deadpool being part of the earth 616 sacred timeline, applying and getting shot down to join the avengers, as well as striking out of joining the X-men. This gives him a case of the yips and he retires the suit to be a used car salesman for 6 years, when the movie takes place in 2024. that event, getting turned down from joining the avengers, is what branches his timeline off to become Earth 10005 or whatever. That's what is shown on the goddamn title cards.

The reality is this is all just deadpool being zany playing fast and loose with timelines and universes because, duh duh duh, multiverse storylines are fucking stupid, one of the major points of the film. And at the end of the film the universe he saves is 10005, one of the "fox" universes, since none of them are really connected (blade, daredevil, punisher, all those early fox films are not part of 10005). So is he staying in this fox universe? No he's joined the Disney MCU, even though he didn't join the 616 sacred timeline. All of this is just an excuse to bring a few select Fox-era actors over to the MCU when they reboot all the mutant/xmen shit, if they so choose. IDK if Hugh is really gonna keep playing wolverine til he's fucking 90, idk how many more DP movies Ryan is going to do, I could very well see this film being their swansong.

When it comes to the Fox films, none of these movies are more than tangentially connected and there's far too many inconsistencies and plot holes to claim that all these films exist in the same continuity or same universe.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
no the fuck it doesnt. Logan takes place in 2029, in a universe where no mutants have been born since 2004. Did you forget they made a movie called "New Mutants" which takes place in the X-men universe with a new generation of young mutants born after 2004? I mean it was supposed to a be horror film and it definitely flopped but you are going full autist right now.

Do you think Deadpool and Wolverine takes place in 2030? Logan has been dead and buried in Deadpool and Wolverine and that's the "universe" that deadpool exists in, except its 2024 in Deadpool & wolverine, the fucking title card says so.

Have you seen the movie yet? obviously not, or you would know that Deadpool has always existed in the MCU per this movie. He exists in the 616 ie the "Sacred Timeline" of the MCU, and the only reason they didn't show any MCU shit is due to licensing issues due to fox vs disney, just like in DP 1 they hardly showed any other Xmen due to budget constraints and they played the same gag in DP2 (but showed a cameo shot of the first class Xmen). I mean this whole thing is a gag and it's just meta shit just like everything else deadpool.

The movie starts with Deadpool being part of the earth 616 sacred timeline, applying and getting shot down to join the avengers, as well as striking out of joining the X-men. This gives him a case of the yips and he retires the suit to be a used car salesman for 6 years, when the movie takes place in 2024. that event, getting turned down from joining the avengers, is what branches his timeline off to become Earth 10005 or whatever. That's what is shown on the goddamn title cards.

The reality is this is all just deadpool being zany playing fast and loose with timelines and universes because, duh duh duh, multiverse storylines are fucking stupid, one of the major points of the film. And at the end of the film the universe he saves is 10005, one of the "fox" universes, since none of them are really connected (blade, daredevil, punisher, all those early fox films are not part of 10005). So is he staying in this fox universe? No he's joined the Disney MCU, even though he didn't join the 616 sacred timeline. All of this is just an excuse to bring a few select Fox-era actors over to the MCU when they reboot all the mutant/xmen shit, if they so choose. IDK if Hugh is really gonna keep playing wolverine til he's fucking 90, idk how many more DP movies Ryan is going to do, I could very well see this film being their swansong.

When it comes to the Fox films, none of these movies are more than tangentially connected and there's far too many inconsistencies and plot holes to claim that all these films exist in the same continuity or same universe.


"The Merc With the Mouth has referenced the Avengers plenty in the past because he’s a joke-driven character, but Deadpool & Wolverine sees him sincerely trying to become one of them and interviewing with Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) in 2018. Granted, he could theoretically have used Cable’s time-travel device from Deadpool 2 to casually universe-hop, but it actually benefits his story if this isn’t the case since living full time in the Avengers’ shadow makes people consider him less of a hero.

Six years later, his story continues on Earth-10005, where his and the X-Men’s movies have all unfolded, rather than on Earth-616. We don’t ever see him jump between these alternate timelines, and in one of Deadpool’s flashbacks, his then-girlfriend, Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), casually discusses his rejection from the Avengers as though she’s aware of them too. This is a fun way to hand-wave over the idea that Deadpool has always known of the MCU while living in a different reality. But these specifics also have a confounding ripple effect.

Taken at its word, the rest of the story (which unfolds six years later) is set in 2024 but opens with Deadpool desecrating Wolverine’s shallow grave from the end of Logan. Wolverine’s corpse has since decomposed, leaving only his adamantium skeleton, so it has been at least a few weeks, if not a few years, since the end of that film. However, Logan is, according to its dialogue, very explicitly set in a dystopian 2029. What gives?"

is what branches his timeline off to become Earth 10005 or whatever.

This is insane, are you insane? You must be to think that. you've been spending too much time with Bad Take Bald Brah


<Silver Donator>

Very close, as mentioned, to topping the Conan one but not quite. In my scale it has an eternal tie at second place with Sydney Sweeny.

Saw this over lunch today with the wife. 12/10 if you go in wanting a good Deadpool film, it delivers on what everybody has liked in the movies so far in spades. (Meta-references, 90's music, main character with the sense of humor of a 12 year old...) Yes there are inconsistencies in timelines because just like the comics, arguing timeline details is for nerds. I didn't mind the TVA aspects of it as you don't really need to have seen Loki to get it all.

Also as mentioned, I was wrong about Ladypool casting, but it definitely works.... Spoilering for what I thought were the interesting Variant Deadpool casting choices...


Yes, apparently that last one is his kid...
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<Bronze Donator>
dude you literally are quoting an article that backs me up and contradicts your viewpoint, lol wtf are you retarded? can you read?

Thanks for proving me right though!

This is insane, are you insane? You must be to think that. you've been spending too much time with Bad Take Bald Brah
huh? did you not watch the movie? This is what happens, where you not paying attention?

I dont want to spoil it too much but here's screen grabs from the film:




That's deadpool in the MCU, Earth 616, the sacred timeline, applying to join the Avengers at stark tower, joking on how they couldn't afford a RDJ cameo.
The literal very next scene, with the dialogue "you know what they say, when one door closes, your locker at work opens."



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<Bronze Donator>
Yes there are inconsistencies in timelines because just like the comics, arguing timeline details is for nerds. I didn't mind the TVA aspects of it as you don't really need to have seen Loki to get it all.
I agree that arguing about timelines is retarded, and i'm a sucker for getting dragged into this dumb shit but it is pure revisionist history to say that all these X-men films were made to exist in the same universe/continuity, that's fucking retarded. The only true continuity exists between sequels of the same films and even those have a few goofs since there wasn't some lore nerd put in charge of orchestrating an overarching cinematic universe when these films were made.

The main point that kicked this whole derail off is, There is no fucking reason to watch "The Wolverine" to understand what happens in "Logan". All of the wolverine spin-off films contradict each other and exist in different continuities and they are not directly connected in any way.

case in point, In origins, wolverine and sabertooth run away from their dead papa in canada then go into a war montage and fight in a variety of wars for over a century ultimately resulting in sabertooth losing all sense of humanity and morality just mercing women and children in vietnam.

That montage includes footage of the two of them landing in Normandy on June 6th 1944.

The Wolverine has Logan alone, captured as a POW, no sabertooth, and he is in Nagasaki on August 9th 1945 for the atomic bomb dropping. Any of the pacific battles where marines were taken as POWs by Japan and taken back to the Japanese Mainland occurred during the same time that logan was storming the beaches in Normandy.

So how did this movies take place in the same universe/same continuity? Did logan wrap up the European war and just sneak into mainland japan just in time to get captured then nuked?
  • 1Mother of God
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
dude you literally are quoting an article that backs me up and contradicts your viewpoint, lol wtf are you retarded? can you read?

Thanks for proving me right though!

huh? did you not watch the movie? This is what happens, where you not paying attention?

I dont want to spoil it too much but here's screen grabs from the film:
View attachment 538590
View attachment 538591
View attachment 538593
View attachment 538592

That's deadpool in the MCU, Earth 616, the sacred timeline, applying to join the Avengers at stark tower, joking on how they couldn't afford a RDJ cameo.
The literal very next scene, with the dialogue "you know what they say, when one door closes, your locker at work opens."

View attachment 538594
View attachment 538595
View attachment 538597

"Granted, he could theoretically have used Cable’s time-travel device from Deadpool 2 to casually universe-hop, but it actually benefits his story if this isn’t the case since living full time in the Avengers’ shadow makes people consider him less of a hero.

Six years later, his story continues on Earth-10005, where his and the X-Men’s movies have all unfolded"

If Deadpool exists in the MC-earth 616 then that means the x-men/mutants do and all x-men associated things - like the Xavier School etc. We know this isn't true. I haven't seen the movie and won't until a 4k Atmos version is out but seeing as they're using words like "theoretically" to explain him showing up in front of Jon Favreau then presumably it's not explained how he got there?

"Taken at its word, the rest of the story (which unfolds six years later) is set in 2024 but opens with Deadpool desecrating Wolverine’s shallow grave from the end of Logan. Wolverine’s corpse has since decomposed, leaving only his adamantium skeleton, so it has been at least a few weeks, if not a few years, since the end of that film"

So how is he now in the Logan-verse?

So how did this movies take place in the same universe/same continuity? Did logan wrap up the European war and just sneak into mainland japan just in time to get captured then nuked

Omg the last episodes of Band of brother's talks about how they were getting shipped off to Japan next

Is that really your argument for proving they're separate films? That an invincible mutant quit fighting for the USA after Hitler died? Lol?

That's genuinely worse than anything bald brah has written lol

This really isn't difficult to understand - The Fox X-men universe is one version of Earth (10005) but that version has been split into multiple timelines by the events of various movies. The continuity/canon of the Fox Earth 10005 is loosely adhered to rather than strictly followed like the Marvel films.
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<Bronze Donator>
"Six years later, his story continues on Earth-10005, where his and the X-Men’s movies have all unfolded"
wrong again. his movies take place in 2016 and 2018 before that scene. Literally references the events of DP2 in that scene in 2018. DP2 was his "tryout" to join the xmen but he didnt make the cut, then he got denied entry to the Avengers right before infinity war, and so utterly demoralized and defeated, he went off to become a used car salesman.

And are you in here claiming that all the x-men movies took place between 2018 and 2024? fucking lol good one dogfucker.

Omg the last episodes of Band of brother's talks about how they were getting shipped off to Japan next

Is that really your argument for proving they're separate films? That an invincible mutant quit fighting for the USA after Hitler died? Lol?

That's genuinely worse than anything bald brah has written lol
The army units that fought in europe didn't go to the pacific theatre though, they were going to gear up in case of a protracted land war occurred but the red army wiped out the japanese army in manchuria and the atomic bombings ended invasion of mainland Japan. Are you saying that Logan and Sabertooth were soldiers at DDay, fought in the Army until VE day which was May 1945, finished his enlistment, joined the US marines in time to hop on a transport ship to ship off to the pacific theatre? the last land battle of the pacific was the battle of Okinawa but there were no POW captured so it had to be an earlier battle, marshall islands? The phillipines? All those battles were happening during the European war, So he kinda time traveled? or maybe he just became a deserter, left the army after DDay, wandered the Earth like Kane in Kung Fu, ended up in japan somehow just in time to get captured?

Just admit these are all timeline goofs because no one at fox had the tiniest fucking inkling about what a "Cinematic Universe" is and continuity and plot continuation was a fucking afterthought, they didn't put any thought into these films beyond the one they were making at that exact moment. If they could borrow from one or reference something in another or even hint at some past event to make them slightly less disjointed they did so, but none of the writers were held to some sacred timeline standard like the MCU.
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Millie's Staff Member
sorry i brought this up. this has nothing to do with Deadpool, i just wanted to know those two things about wolverine from the Logan movie. i got my answer. i was hoping that those two movies were connected. Origins was such a horrible fucking movie. i guess i noped out of the rest of them. Logan was so good. oh well.


<Silver Donator>
My one unresolved nerdery question involving the ending.....

Did his timeline start regenerating because he had done enough to now be the anchor character of the fox movie timeline? Or did it start regenerating because it had a Wolverine again? Because I took it to mean that Logan happens in the future of the 10005 timeline and once he died it started the unravelling from some point forward of that moving backwards. But if that's true the Logan of "Logan" is alive during the events of DP1, 2, and 3, and at the end of DP3 you now have two Logans in one universe...

(and see, there I go slipping into timeline nerdery...)


<Bronze Donator>
honestly the point of this movie even being in the MCU was to kill the whole idea of time travel and multiverses and everything and other than being a hilarious ultra violent buddy cop film to just be enjoyed and not scrutinized ad nauseum, it's one gift to the MCU was to abort the "multiverse saga" by making fun of how gay the multiverse is, so that the Disney/Feige/the MCU could pivot towards a new focus for Avengers 4/5 now that they were forced to fire the Nog and drop the whole Kang the Conqueror/multiverse storyline.

This movie is basically the flash lol, but with funny characters instead of pedophiles. it's a send off to the fox characters and keeps the door open for some of the fox actors to make the leap to disney if they so choose, but it ends a saga not begins one.

So to answer your question, it was just zany deadpool antics don't think too much about it.
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Millie's Staff Member
honestly the point of this movie even being in the MCU was to kill the whole idea of time travel and multiverses and everything and other than being a hilarious ultra violent buddy cop film to just be enjoyed and not scrutinized ad nauseum, it's one gift to the MCU was to abort the "multiverse saga" by making fun of how gay the multiverse is, so that the Disney/Feige/the MCU could pivot towards a new focus for Avengers 4/5 now that they were forced to fire the Nog and drop the whole Kang the Conqueror/multiverse storyline.

This movie is basically the flash lol, but with funny characters instead of pedophiles. it's a send off to the fox characters and keeps the door open for some of the fox actors to make the leap to disney if they so choose, but it ends a saga not begins one.

So to answer your question, it was just zany deadpool antics don't think too much about it.
well. Dr Strange 2 opened the door to Xmen as well as the end of the Marvels with Beast popping up in the end credits. yes i was one of the few who actually watched that shit.


<Silver Donator>
it was just zany deadpool antics don't think too much about it.

This is truly the key to it. They can still pull in Fox characters if they want, the "multiverse" is still a thing, but Deadpools meta-commentary on it was good and on point. In reality having a "multiverse" in the comics was always just a default "plot device of last resort" for when you couldn't make things work in your primary continuity. It's meant to be something which occasionally pops up as a cute thing to see. But if it's ever the focal point of the story then it's only because you need to do major character/writing/story cleanup with a "nuclear event" like the Crisis on Infinite Earths.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Just admit these are all timeline goofs because no one at fox had the tiniest fucking inkling about what a "Cinematic Universe" is and continuity and plot continuation was a fucking afterthought, they didn't put any thought into these films beyond the one they were making at that exact moment.

That's literally what I've been saying this whole time

Actual laughing this all came about because Chukzombi Chukzombi said he hadn't seen Logan. I literally have tears of laughter lmao
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Mr. Poopybutthole
sorry i brought this up. this has nothing to do with Deadpool, i just wanted to know those two things about wolverine from the Logan movie. i got my answer. i was hoping that those two movies were connected. Origins was such a horrible fucking movie. i guess i noped out of the rest of them. Logan was so good. oh well.
I'm surprised you don't remember the epic level of threadshitting Sylas unleashed on the GoT thread with his encyclopedic level of knowledge of the ASOIAF universe.


<Gold Donor>
I'm ok with this level of retardedness. As long as you're aware that you're the reason that one chair exists in hotel rooms. You know who you are. All of you.
  • 3Worf
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Millie's Staff Member
I'm surprised you don't remember the epic level of threadshitting Sylas unleashed on the GoT thread with his encyclopedic level of knowledge of the ASOIAF universe.
All I remember is Utnayan being a Nostradumbass and spoiling shit with his ”guesses”. Or maybe that was Sylas and it's been 12 years and I don't care enough to remember anymore. It's ok, man. Dumb shit posting is what we do here.


Vyemm Raider
Just got back. Deep movie, no, it is not, loved it though, best Non Spiderman marvel movie since end game.
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