Deadpool & Wolverine

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty good flick.

Only gripes, ending was too cliché, not the last fight, that was funny, but the very end was pretty by the numbers. And the song sucked. I fucking hate Madonna.

The cameos were good. Not epic, but the message was good. He was in the same place as they were for a long time until he broke out. Seeing him lend them a helping hand was nice. Didn't seem like any of them were there to be laughed at, except maybe Electra to get in a Ben Affleck giggle.


9/10 if they would have finished with anything other than that retarded Madonna song.
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Molten Core Raider
Because kids shouldn't be normalized to sex until after puberty? Granted 18 is a bit odd. Most of the country has the age of consent at 16 which seems biologically accurate. Just don't take them across state lines like Epstein did or consensual sex becomes a federal felony.

But they should be normalized to people punching as a way to solve conflicts?
  • 1Edgelord
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Millie's Staff Member
Pretty good flick.

Only gripes, ending was too cliché, not the last fight, that was funny, but the very end was pretty by the numbers. And the song sucked. I fucking hate Madonna.

The cameos were good. Not epic, but the message was good. He was in the same place as they were for a long time until he broke out. Seeing him lend them a helping hand was nice. Didn't seem like any of them were there to be laughed at, except maybe Electra to get in a Ben Affleck giggle.


9/10 if they would have finished with anything other than that retarded Madonna song.
The radio and MTV killed the fuck out of "Like a Prayer" . it started out as a good song. Then they just never stopped playing it. 35 years later and they finally chilled out on it. You can enjoy her music now. I do. Only had to take a 30 year break from it.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
The radio and MTV killed the fuck out of "Like a Prayer" . it started out as a good song. Then they just never stopped playing it. 35 years later and they finally chilled out on it. You can enjoy her music now. I do. Only had to take a 30 year break from it.

No bro. That gay assed shit doesn't belong. I know they are going for the guardians of the galaxy cool old mix tape angle, but madonna will never be cool. Should have stuck to AC/DC like in the earlier sequence.
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Molten Core Raider
Sure why not? Fighting sports and martial arts have always been a thing for non pussies.

Sex too, my man. For pussies and non-pussies too. Seriously. A 13 year old can (watch other people) punch people, but not handle two people fighting in the sheets? That is stupid.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Sex too, my man. For pussies and non-pussies too. Seriously. A 13 year old can (watch other people) punch people, but not handle two people fighting in the sheets? That is stupid.

Yes children training in fighting or play fighting is pretty common. Also has a historical imperative as in olden times children would generally be killed too when an enemy attacked.

Children mating is biologically impossible and taboo for a reason.


Molten Core Raider

Historically, children living with their parents in 1 room hovels, tents, whatever weren't strangers to sex. Neither were children in a population predominantly involved in farming stranger to the concept of mammals mating, whether they are human or otherwise, and witness that essentially from birth literally daily and in frequency that violence or warfare, as common as it was, didn't even match 0.000000001% of.


Log Wizard
I never even liked metallica. But when I heard they being bitch bois, I downloaded everything of theirs I could. Burned it on some CDs and they're still laying around somewhere.

Anywhoo. I came here to find out if this movie is any good. How many pages back do i have to go to see reviews?
It's real good for the others have said the story is kind of weak but still worth a watch
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<Bronze Donator>
I never even liked metallica. But when I heard they being bitch bois, I downloaded everything of theirs I could. Burned it on some CDs and they're still laying around somewhere.

Anywhoo. I came here to find out if this movie is any good. How many pages back do i have to go to see reviews?
Movie is good
Last edited:


Millie's Staff Member
No bro. That gay assed shit doesn't belong. I know they are going for the guardians of the galaxy cool old mix tape angle, but madonna will never be cool. Should have stuck to AC/DC like in the earlier sequence.
She's worth 900 million. Somebody thought she was cool. I'm not even a fan. Just that if you like music, Madonna can be enjoyed on your own. No media bombardment. Taylor Swift right now is like how Madonna was back then. I don't Listen to her music because of it. But when she was just starting out it's all my gf would listen to. So I learned her songs.
  • 1Cringe
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
She's worth 900 million. Somebody thought she was cool. I'm not even a fan. Just that if you like music, Madonna can be enjoyed on your own. No media bombardment. Taylor Swift right now is like how Madonna was back then. I don't Listen to her music because of it. But when she was just starting out it's all my gf would listen to. So I learned her songs.
You really love digging stupid fuckin holes for yourself. Just stop already, holy fuckin shit.
  • 3Worf
  • 1Solidarity
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Millie's Staff Member
You really love digging stupid fuckin holes for yourself. Just stop already, holy fuckin shit.
Lol? Wtf are you talking about? Madonna was a global sensation back in the 80s. People liked her music and personality. Taylor Swift is similar but with internet, her reach goes further. Nobody telling you to like her shit. Like what you like.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Lol? Wtf are you talking about? Madonna was a global sensation back in the 80s. People liked her music and personality. Taylor Swift is similar but with internet, her reach goes further. Nobody telling you to like her shit. Like what you like.

Someone said they didn't like a song.. You are the one turning it into a faggot derail.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Lol? Wtf are you talking about? Madonna was a global sensation back in the 80s. People liked her music and personality. Taylor Swift is similar but with internet, her reach goes further. Nobody telling you to like her shit. Like what you like.
You should really stop. Like 5 posts ago. My god man.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
You guys are weird.

You just don't seem to understand 10-14yo girls drive the pop-music industry. 10-49 year old boys drive the comic book industry. These are not the same people and crossover bullshit like this is definitely off-key. But it was one ten minute sequence out of a 2 hour movie. Definitely still a good time. Even for he-man madonna haters.