Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just don't know what to say anymore regarding my addictive behavior. I am sad.
Its good that you feel strongly about it. But judgement is reserved for how well you can climb back up on the wagon-- not necessarily how many times you fall off.
Especially with something like alcohol, especially this early in your effort.
Its like the weight-lifting thing. Let's say Guy A has this huge extreme workout plan out the gate, and Guy A feels like he HAS to do all of it or nothing, that he HAS to stick to this program and destroy himself for an hour, and that is his disposition on working out-- all hardcore militant about it. All-or-nothing.
Guy A will not be working out for very long, I can tell you that. He doesn't believe that something is better than nothing, "something is better than nothing is for casual pussies" is his mantra.
Guy B who simply shows up and lifts a few casual weights and leaves in 10 minutes on some days will be in a better place, because hes still going to be working out. Guy A set himself up for emotional failure, he was all hardcore, everything had to be perfect and according to plan. Guy B will eventually start chipping into Guy A's workout plan some day. Guy A is fat and hasn't seen the inside of the gym in years and wonders where it all went wrong.
Guy B will continue to show up some days and leave after 10 minutes. He's a casual faggot. But none of that mattered in the end. He got the body that Guy A wanted. Half the victory was just showing up. Guy A psyched himself out of even showing up with his overnight all-or-nothing work ethic.
One guy is survivable and sustainable, one isn't.
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