For fucks sake, I'm right back where I started. I'm just so goddamn bored. I'm napping a lot, because.. fuck it, either I have nothing else worthwhile to do or I'm avoiding doing it. At work I'm the only person under 50. The only remotely interesting person to talk to for breaking up the monotony is the owner, who is hardly ever here. I'm not even lacking for work right now - I'm just too bored of it to care.
Of course, I still haven't called a therapist yet, because putting shit off is what I do. The only upside is the drugs keep me from getting too upset or panicked when I start obsessing over shit like this.
What brought this rant on is mostly because I was supposed to be at Myrtle Beach all week. But that got fucked up and at this point I might get to leave tonight and get three days - with scattered t-storms forecast every single day. There's always a mix of good beach days and shit days and that's why you go for a week. So not getting to do something is just a giant reminder of how goddamn bored I am of everything. I did the july 4th river parties, I had my birthday, there's nothing else to look forward to.
I understand that life is supposed to be boring at my age. I'm supposed to be shuttling kids from one activity to another where I get stuck having conversations with other bored parents about lawn care and fertilizer and ph balance. Nightly entertainment is supposed to be sitting in a lay-z-boy with a remote and a beer learning about the manufacturing process of large plastic chip clips. Hell, all my friend will talk about is xbox battlefield and I think I'd rather hear people talk about their lawn. But knowing this doesn't make me feel any less frustrated. Those people find ways to reward themselves somehow, but I'm not able to.